Dark Soul's: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)

Do people recommend to buy weapons/armor/shields etc with souls to begin with or?

Not especially, as there are a lot of excellent items in the world that you'll come across. Also, if you're just starting out, you're still likely trying to figure out what kind of character you want to be. Do you want to be a tank, wearing heavy armour and weilding a huge sword? Or do you prefer being a faster more mobile character using faster weapons? When you figure that out, you can start to decide on the equipment you'll be using.
It's unquestionably easiest to be a tank.

Get the Zweihander from the graveyard with the skeletons, and upgrade the crap out of it down the lightning path. That's probably the easiest route for a great weapon.
It's unquestionably easiest to be a tank.

I question it ;) I detest being too slow to avoid attacks, especially against some of the bosses. It's good for a new player though, but certainly not something I'd recommend long term.

The Zwei is a good weapon though, if you're going down the strength route it's a viable choice.
I question it ;) I detest being too slow to avoid attacks, especially against some of the bosses. It's good for a new player though, but certainly not something I'd recommend long term.

The Zwei is a good weapon though, if you're going down the strength route it's a viable choice.

There is more than enough room to be very successful in between the two tbh.... You can quite easily get good enough armour that you can still move around with... I played pretty much the whole game in Elite Knight/black hemmed gear first time I played it! About 40% equip load, and plenty of poise.... I could evade most attacks, but still take a pounding! (iirc, it was elite knight armour, havel's leggings, black hemmed hood and gloves... It looked pretty cool too!)

One of the main things love about the game is how seemlessly you can mix and match gear and find your own playtime!

Question I was just thinking of- how do you think matching equipment bonuses might affect the balance of the game, and would you like to see them implemented in future Souls games?... I usually make an effort to have a matching set in RPGs, but this is probably the first game I played where I didn't, and really preferred it!
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Question I was just thinking of- how do you think matching equipment bonuses might affect the balance of the game, and would you like to see them implemented in future Souls games?... I usually make an effort to have a matching set in RPGs, but this is probably the first game I played where I didn't, and really preferred it!

You mean in terms of getting extra bonuses for wearing a complete set of Elite Knight Armour for example? I wouldn't be against seeing it implemented, as long as it was balanced right and not so huge that it effectively forces people to wear matching sets. Like you, I like mixing and matching armour depending on my situation. I tend to swap armour around depending on where I am in the game, wearing high poison resistant gear in Blighttown, while wearing high magic resist gear when running through Sen's Fortress (those bloody Serpent Mages!). If the bonuses were small but relevant (ie, higher poison resist if you're wearing a complete Pyromancers set), then I'd be more likely to change outfits completely if it helped.

Saying that though, I tend to mix and match armour so that my equip burden lies exactly at 24.9% so I can still quick roll, while still giving me as much protection as possible in case I screw up and take a hit.
Talking about Dark Souls is starting to give me the urge to go through it again. As it's been in the sale twice there are bound to be a lot of new players, some of whom wanting help. I might make an overpowered low level character and use him solely for helping people co-op through the game. I've always enjoyed helping people over the PvP in the game, so it should be good fun. It'll also be funny if someone tries to invade me while I'm still low level, yet I've got a fully upgraded Pyro glove and all the spells. That won't end well for whoever tries that :D
How I miss this game... In my opinion New Londo remains one of the most beautful areas to explore in a game. But alas, I couldn't play through it again. Just going to sit it out until number 2 arrives. Random I know but, does anyone else find it dissapointing that they called it 'Dark Souls 2'? I felt the same thing about 'The Dark Knight Rises'. Maybe it's just me...
How I miss this game... In my opinion New Londo remains one of the most beautful areas to explore in a game. But alas, I couldn't play through it again. Just going to sit it out until number 2 arrives. Random I know but, does anyone else find it dissapointing that they called it 'Dark Souls 2'? I felt the same thing about 'The Dark Knight Rises'. Maybe it's just me...
Why couldn't you play through it again?
New Londo Ruins is my favourite area too.
I hate New Londo Ruins, but thankfully I'm never there long. Kill Ingward from a distance, get his key, drain the water, then mow through and kill 4 Kings. I do like farming there though, the Dark Wraiths are pretty good at dropping Titanite Chunks, and occassionally whole Slabs as well. Plenty of souls per run as well.

Edit: Or do you mean Anor Londo? That definitely is a beautiful area to explore.
Why couldn't you play through it again?

Just too frustrating :P

Don't get me wrong, I adore the challenge and the fact theres very little (if any at all) handholding throughout. But playing as anyhting other then a very light character just didn't click with me. That's not the games problem ofcourse, it's mine.
I also didn't like the fact that I generally had to go outside of the game to learn about the lore or what was going on throughout the story. I know a lot of the items within the game provide a lot of detail, but honestly I found it all a little too cryptic too understand and follow the majority of the time. But again, that's my problem, not the games. Though I wouldn't argue against it they wanted to change any of that in 2 ;p

Edit: I also felt a little let down by Gwin, as I'm sure many other players where. I wanted a real disgustingly frustrating and difficult fight that I'd still be trying to beat to this day but instead it only took me 4 well timed parrys to kill him on my third run...
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Just too frustrating :P

Don't get me wrong, I adore the challenge and the fact theres very little (if any at all) handholding throughout. But playing as anyhting other then a very light character just didn't click with me. That's not the games problem ofcourse, it's mine.
I also didn't like the fact that I generally had to go outside of the game to learn about the lore or what was going on throughout the story. I know a lot of the items within the game provide a lot of detail, but honestly I found it all a little too cryptic too understand and follow the majority of the time. But again, that's my problem, not the games. Though I wouldn't argue against it they wanted to change any of that in 2 ;p
Yeah, I will admit that following the story is exceptionally frustrating unless you're willing to put the time in to find out the information yourself. I started doing it myself, but to be honest it's easier just reading the Wikis or watching the lore videos on YouTube. EpicNameBro does some excellent lore videos, well worth a watch/listen if you enjoy that side of the game. He's also exceptionally good at the game, so his videos are worth watching anyway.
I hate New Londo Ruins, but thankfully I'm never there long. Kill Ingward from a distance, get his key, drain the water, then mow through and kill 4 Kings. I do like farming there though, the Dark Wraiths are pretty good at dropping Titanite Chunks, and occassionally whole Slabs as well. Plenty of souls per run as well.

Edit: Or do you mean Anor Londo? That definitely is a beautiful area to explore.

Nah, New Londo. I think it came at the right time in the game for me(or just caught me at the right time) , the area made a nice change.... Really beautiful area, and a once you get used to the ghosts, quite fun to explore. New Londo and Darkroot Garden are my two favourites. (Tomb of the giants and Blighttown are my least favourites). Bare in mind that I have only played through the area once(got to O+S on ng+)

I am playing Demon's Souls at, after finally getting a ps3,otherwise I would probably play through it again!
Yeah, I will admit that following the story is exceptionally frustrating unless you're willing to put the time in to find out the information yourself. I started doing it myself, but to be honest it's easier just reading the Wikis or watching the lore videos on YouTube. EpicNameBro does some excellent lore videos, well worth a watch/listen if you enjoy that side of the game. He's also exceptionally good at the game, so his videos are worth watching anyway.

Ok cool, I'll have to check him out later on as i'd love to get up to speed before 2. Don't get me wrong, that sense of bewilderment and entering into the unkown is all part of the games charm and I know a lot of die hard fans would feel a little betrayed if From Software decided to be a little more informative when it comes to narrative. But I dont think it'd do any harm...
Nah, New Londo. I think it came at the right time in the game for me(or just caught me at the right time) , the area made a nice change.... Really beautiful area, and a once you get used to the ghosts, quite fun to explore. New Londo and Darkroot Garden are my two favourites. (Tomb of the giants and Blighttown are my least favourites). Bare in mind that I have only played through the area once(got to O+S on ng+)

I agree with you on Tomb of the Giants, though thankfully I know it so well now I can be through it in 15 minutes (unless I'm specifically trying to pick up items and the Ember that is in there). I do like Blighttown though, it's a great place to farm to titanite and nothing down there gives me any real trouble.

Ok cool, I'll have to check him out later on as i'd love to get up to speed before 2. Don't get me wrong, that sense of bewilderment and entering into the unkown is all part of the games charm and I know a lot of die hard fans would feel a little betrayed if From Software decided to be a little more informative when it comes to narrative. But I dont think it'd do any harm...

I'd like to see some kind of in game wiki, perhaps something that gets added to the more you advance in the game. That way the information is there for the people who want to find it, but it can be easily ignored by those who just want to enjoy the action. It doesn't even have to be really in-depth either, if it just pulled all the item descriptions into one place, you could read it easily and piece everything together yourself.
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