Dark Soul's: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)

I'd say paying attention much more than 'skill' is what the game demands of you.

You WILL die, and it's learning from your previous deaths that make you succeed, rather than just trying to outskill the enemies.

Not at all, for some people it's a case of grinding but not for everyone. It involves more skill than the majority of games out there.
Jesus christ, this game is far from extreme or 'too difficult'. It's a challenge yes, but so long as you have a working brain and reactions faster than a sloth, you'll do fine. It is a steep curve from most games but it's no Devil May Cry/Street Fighter.
Guilty Gear, Blazblue, Virtua Fighter, Mortal Kombat all are more challenging.

Oh yeah and even Tekken

Virtua Fighter I agree on, but the rest are lol... Mortal Kombat and Tekken are just a mash fest on one anothers block until you land a launcher, and then a rediculously easy juggle combo for most their HP. The fact you think Tekken takes more skill than Street Fighter proves you don't know anything about the genre and you've most likely played the aforementioned games through arcade and think your the best. :cool:

You'd never do a fadc or a 1 frame link on Street Fighter, ever.
Sorry but that only applies if you aren't very good. Dark Souls is not that hard, it's just people tend to play it wrong, they rush in head first and get beaten to a pulp before they learn to pay attention.

There is absolutely no reason to fail on the same thing twice as the game is consistent, as long as you pay attention to the telegraphs every single danger in the game is predictable and avoidable, either by simple moving out of the way or blocking/defending by other means.That is what makes the game so rewarding, failing at something and then not failing because you learnt from your mistake. The best part comes when you realise you are no longer making mistakes because you can predict events based on your experience.

Exactly this, if you find Dark Souls too hard, hang up your controller and take up gardening or something.
Or play something much more instantly rewarding and fun :p

I can't think of anything thats rewarding when it comes to video games except difficulty, and I can only think of 4 difficult games off the top of my head. :D

How is the narrative in relation to the difficulty? Is it like The Witcher 2, where everyone bigs you up as a great fighter, then a naked guy with a stick beats you up, as you hack at him with a massive sword doing virtually no damage?

Complete opposite, you get little to no recognition and you'll know the enemies that will rip you a new one the second you see them, the cretins you find throughout are just fodder to catch out the newbs. :p
Actually feels more like Diablo 3 inferno mode. Just die and die on elites until you find a skill set up that works and grind them down... and die some more. Only there isn't ridiculous repair costs involved, just the possibility of losing your exp.

Lol, its absolutely nothing like that, maybe you've only just started and understably are not at the level to beat it yet? Laws of nature, no? :D

Very few people will pick up and play this perfectly, its a moderate amount of trial and error, with the average level of patience and average level of skill you'll get through this easily enough. If you find yourself getting killed enough to get angry, you either have little patience or little skill, or both. :p
I'll never forget Patches the Hyena, ****er had me in both games. :p

It would certainly be nice to play an RPG where you are not some fabled great warrior. I much prefer games where it doesn't force something like that on you. Skyrim for example gets ridiculous when you are the great Dragonborn, having to run away from a few bandits! Oblivion was better in that respect, as you were just some guy.

I don't mind a game being difficult, so long as cutscenes/NPCs are not saying what a great warrior you are, in complete contrast to the actual game mechanics. I find it quite jarring when that happens

Yeah, its the total opposite of that, you get called a brave hero once or twice by the occasional damsel in distress, otherwise everything tries to kill you and eat your souls. :p
I like a bit of story and challenge. With regards to challenge, the best games in my opinion are that ones which require you to think on your feet and learn new tricks during bosses etc, but when it's perfectly possible to finish them off one go (e.g. you can take a fair few hits to learn from your mistakes). There you are using your own wit and it's satisfying.

I really dislike attacks which cannot be avoided, or having to spend a huge amount of time just to get back to try something again with minimal chance of succeeding. My all time pet peeves are insta-kill events, which you are guaranteed to hit every single time and just learn them all. It doesn't require skill as much as it does pure patience.

I'm playing through dead rising 2 at the moment, right up my alley, but my god some of the bosses are annoying. The only real way of tackling them is mashing a melee weapon or attempting to use a gun, but they all run faster than you and drain your health in seconds, barely giving you enough time to heal. If you have a melee off, you will die. To top it off, you then have to spend a good 5-10 minutes just getting back to the bloody boss to try it again! It's just not good fun and things like that can taint games IMO.

That completely differs from person to person though, the only boss that killed me twice was the Lava Centipede, everything else was one death or no death and figuring them out on the fly as you said. You can't really make a sweeping statement saying that everyone is going to be in situations where you 'have to spend a huge amount of time just to get back to try something again with minimal chance of succeeding' as myself and a few people I knew back on Xbox never suffered from that.

Once you grab the Drake Sword the game is lols, and when you eventually grab a lightning weapon its even more lols.

A Lightning Zweihander + 5 could 1 shot most mobs, and handle most bosses in three or four shots on the first NG.

I remember actually fighting nine Demonic Minotaurs (first boss you'll meet, only theres nine of them :p) and getting bored with how easy it was to divide and conquer.

Dead Rising 2 is very easy just farm until you reach lvlv 50 bring a few books/decent weapons with you & most take 3-4 shots to down. The game designers really want you to reach lvl50 before you can fully enjoy it ;)

Or go grab the Tiger. :D
When you die, do you have to journey through some previous areas, or can you avoid that if you don't wish to collect the souls you lost?

Plenty of shortcuts to open up to greatly cut down the time it takes to get your souls, when you learn the bonfire locations you'll easily plan ahead for each boss for a fast route back should you die.
Oh god I forgot about those bloody Dragons.

Ok so there are technically a few instant kill events but realistically they should only happen once.

Which Dragons were these? The Helkite on the bridge and the blue sleeping Dragon on the cliffside?

The one difficult boss I remember was the Fallen Hero (giant blind swordsman before the super big flying manta ray thing), god that guy infuriated me. The end boss of Demon's Souls was just as lackluster and anti-climatic as Dark Souls. That's opinion though, if you can parry compitently, Gwynn is a complete joke.
For Demon's Souls yes, there is also a Red Dragon in Dark Souls which acts in a very similar manner (it doesn't like people crossing its bridge).

They did give the Helkite a melee option in Dark Souls though that was easy enough. The little guy was unpredictable though, but with some decent flame resistance and stamina even his breath can be blocked efficiently, same can't be said for Demon's Helkite. :p
It is actually possible to melee kill the Dark Souls Helkite, I've managed it once and I don't intend to do it again, you just need a very long weapon and a hell of a lot of patience.

Also yes, Old Hero is actually my favourite boss of the series, the atmosphere, the design of the boss and the way he acts and reacts to you is superb.

That's what I mean, the Dark Helkite could be melee'd, the Demon's Helkite from my experience couldn't, personally I just took it with a bow as it flew over. :p

I think what was most annoying was that in the very first area after 20-30 minutes of exploring you can practically turn left and open up a short cut, or turn right and a big dragon goes 'BLARP NO' and fries you. It's like, ffs dragon!!! :p

There is another moment like that in the next area where you are walking along these 'battlements' and this big dragon goes 'BLARP NO' and toasts you.... soooo annoying!

From the point you said 'BLARP NO' I read the rest of your post in Arnold Swartzenegger's voice! :eek: :p

Nord nonsense!? Why you puffed up, eeegnorant...
You can stop doing the story missons & continue playing the game lvl up as much as possible then repeat until lvlv50 it makes the story more enjoyable as you will not die very much otherwise on weaker lvls some of the later bosses are virtually impossible so you will lvl up & lose time & not be able to complete the story object if this happens just carry on playing & save often then when on lvl50 replay re-using your existing save with your stats. Thats how the game is designed anyway its virtually impossible to complete the story mode unless your at a minimum of lvl35 (or have a decent lvl co-op player) just google the fastest lvl farming methods (certain books & weapons give you lots of PP its still a 4-6 hour grind but makes the overall game more enjoyable as you lvl up you run faster/more health/stronger/can carry more items etc etc).

The beauty of Dead Rising2 is you can play either way & still get so much enjoyment out of the game there are literally several hundred weapon combos & kill methods to use many with humourous side effects & so many different costumes which give different player bonuses whilst they last & you wear them etc etc

Off the Record adds tons to that, aswell. Plus you can be Frank which is awesome... I mean he's covered wars ya' know.
There are bonfires and shortcuts everywhere, don't blame the game and call ti cheap because you suck.


Love how I basically cannot play this game until I get a gamepad, no way am I even going to try on keyboard + mouse, the damn Asylum Demon almost killed me, I felt ashamed.
That sir is why this game is so great, no hand holding at all just like the good old days like on the Spectrum/C64 and Amiga. People from that era will understand how hard games used to be back then, this game almost recreates the feelings I had when games really were hard. Unlike todays games, younger generation who never had those machines will never know how hard games used to be. So for them Dark Souls is a moan feast

I don't get why they are moaning, what do people expect, to die and respawn behind whatever killed you? There is a bonfire basically right next to most boss fights, I don't understand... :confused:
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