I found the start really hard...with that sword hilt, until I restarted and realised I'd missed picking up the weapon near the first ranged enemy. D'oh
Where did you find his kit? Not come across it yet
A faggot. A massive faggot!
I just found out you can summon two NPC's, they pretty much do all the work for you. No idea how I missed Lautrec.
Nevermind then worth asking
This 'Sif' Wolf boss dude, is really really ****ing me off, I read some guides and watched on youtube and their all like 'move forward' or roll in or out of his 360 sword spin after blocking the first hit and I've tried and my dude just stands there like stunned after the first hit so how the hell am I supposed to do this?
Yeah, Sif was the hardest boss so far for me too. I'm pure melee and used the zweihander +6. Took a few goes. You basically have to be on the back foot almost constantly so you don't get hit twice by his double attack, just don't try to rush the fight. Hit mim only after he's attacked and recovering. Have you kindled the nearest bonfire for more estus flasks?
attack his front left paw to make him limp, once he limps it's over.
Sif starts to limp at low health, it doesn't matter where you attack him.
I've took him to low HP tons of times