Dark Soul's: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)

I found the start really hard...with that sword hilt, until I restarted and realised I'd missed picking up the weapon near the first ranged enemy. D'oh
Totally off topic, as a side game I decided to grab Terminator Salvation for a couple of quid posted from the PC deals thread. I played this on the 360 when it first came out and thought it was rubbish. But playing it again for £2 it is not a bad game really. I normally play two games at once you see, so never get bored, play one then play another. First time I did this as only been back at PC gaming for a year and a half was GTA 4 and Batman AA. Mouse controls on Terminator are spot on.

Tomorrow back to Dark Souls
Who am I? :eek:


A faggot. A massive faggot! :mad:

A faggot. A massive faggot! :mad:



I just found out you can summon two NPC's, they pretty much do all the work for you. No idea how I missed Lautrec.

Lautrec is easy to miss though, you have to visit him in Firelink before fighting the Gargoyles and after rescuing him, not many people would really go down and talk to him pre-belfry. :p
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Nevermind then worth asking :p

This 'Sif' Wolf boss dude, is really really ****ing me off, I read some guides and watched on youtube and their all like 'move forward' or roll in or out of his 360 sword spin after blocking the first hit and I've tried and my dude just stands there like stunned after the first hit so how the hell am I supposed to do this?

Yeah he's quite tricky for melee players, managed to beat him last night with Claymore and shield (after quite a few attempts).

Ranged Pyro attacks (fireball) can apparently take him out very easliy. But with sword and shield you just have to be patient, have him locked on at all times and keep your shield up, maintain enough distance to just avoid the sweeping attacks and then roll underneath him when he stops the sweeps and attack him.

A 100% physical defence shield really helps as you need to keep close enough to roll in and attack so you're bound to take a few hits.
Yeah, Sif was the hardest boss so far for me too. I'm pure melee and used the zweihander +6. Took a few goes. You basically have to be on the back foot almost constantly so you don't get hit twice by his double attack, just don't try to rush the fight. Hit mim only after he's attacked and recovering. Have you kindled the nearest bonfire for more estus flasks?
Yeah, Sif was the hardest boss so far for me too. I'm pure melee and used the zweihander +6. Took a few goes. You basically have to be on the back foot almost constantly so you don't get hit twice by his double attack, just don't try to rush the fight. Hit mim only after he's attacked and recovering. Have you kindled the nearest bonfire for more estus flasks?

Yea I have, people have said to try and predict the spin attack but you can't because of his speed, also the fight is so random, I can go in and he will do 2 360 spins throughout the fight (that's probably when I got him to 1/2 hp) then sometimes he will do it constantly I've even had him do it 3 times in a row so of course you go into attack then end up getting hit by them all.

I'm using a Knight Shield reinforced atm, Its stability is like 62/3

Dunno if I mentioned it previous the only time I've came close to killing him is in stone armor, must have tried for about 2 hours straight last night
Any shield above 66 stability with a moderate amount of stamina will absorb his attacks no problem, attack his front left paw to make him limp, once he limps it's over. Easiest way would be to go naked with just a weapon and roll into him as he spins, so long as your weapon leaves you under 25% equip burden and you have full agility you can literally just roll circles around him. Hes definitely easier than the majority of the bosses, trying the Four Kings with a Divine weapon is neigh impossible, so tempting to go scrub mode and pick up elemental. :(
Going to complete sens fortress then try again, got new armor and weapon now and I'll spec more endurance if I get the souls
I've been playing around with a few of the one handed swords and have got rather tempted to build a Blueblood Sword like build, there's a few spells to buff the weapons but the fire, lightining and poison powders make it interesting as well.
Sif was so much easier after I done sen's fortress, the lightening spear, balder shield helped a ton also picked up that stamina ring from the hallow tree.
Killed him in about 2 minutes
Started playing this a week ago and I'm completely hooked. I've got a melee warrior up at about SL32 and a pyro at about 20. The warrior is currently using black knight sword +3, balder shield +5, Crimson legs/chest, Brigand head/gloves and Havels ring keeping him under 25%

I did a couple of suicide runs to get crimson set & elite knight set and other stuff but stuck with the lighter items to keep movement up. Seem to survive better like this than when wearing heavy armour and it's more fun rolling around the place.

Taken out Taurus, Capra & Gargoyles so far so I guess Stray and Gaping Dragon are next. Not sure what to do with stats now, I'm at 20 for Vit, End & Str + 18 dex and I think the rest are at base. I have black knight greatsword as well but it needs loads of strength to work properly.
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