Dark Souls remaster! It's happening

Why are these so called 'remastered' games even a thing? This looks utterly gash but the fanboy's will no doubt have semi's for it.
I have not seen one remaster done to a level that's purchase worthy but yet they come out at full price for what some like nothing but a poor paint job.

Seems like yet another way for publishers to make easy money on top of DLC, loot crates, skins and micro transactions and yet people lap it up for some reason.
It's so that current-gen console users can play it.

The PC 'remaster' is pretty incidental (and pointless, since there aren't the backwards- compatibility issues). Probably just done to stop pc gamers moaning that they don't have it.
Why are these so called 'remastered' games even a thing? This looks utterly gash but the fanboy's will no doubt have semi's for it.
I have not seen one remaster done to a level that's purchase worthy but yet they come out at full price for what some like nothing but a poor paint job.

Seems like yet another way for publishers to make easy money on top of DLC, loot crates, skins and micro transactions and yet people lap it up for some reason.

Resident Evil 1 remake and Resident Evil 0 remasters did a great job of bringing the 2002 gamecube games onto the PC. Without the remasters i'd have probably never have played them again as I can't see myself buying a gamecube, so for me Remasters are a godsend. I eventually hope to have all my favourite classic console games on Steam, starting with the old MGS games.

Games that are already on steam and work fine with mods, like Skyrim and now this I am less enthusiastic about.
Remaster is a term that has lost all meaning really. I think this one has to be the lowest end of effort put in unfortunatly but if other companies do it why shouldn't they. I do agree it makes sense for console only players if they missed it at the time. The 360 and ps3 versions are super janky

I wish they put a full force behind it and did more of a remake like the resident evil remake for gamecube, as mentioned above.
Yup, literally a £17.49 patch. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with the remaster in terms of the console release, I might even pick up the Switch version, but the PC versions is a joke. If you really want to charge existing owners charge something more reasonable like £4.99, not £17.49. Even 2K and Bethesda gave away the remastered versions on PC for free.

The only reason I see to pick it up is for the improved multiplayer experience, but I'm not that into PVP anyway.
Hackers and cheaters already on the servers. Also £35 for a small graphics overhaul? Come on now Soft..

Unless there's an FPS Cap increase or anything else?
Pretty clever though as it's top of the Steam charts.

Minimal resource used but still maximum gain.

Playing us for fools really :/
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