days in a year

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crashuk said:
but the contract resets its self after 12 months and starts again counting 52 weeks for the next 12 months, so in 4 years iam losing out on £104.
So you're telling me that you're paid £149.50 each friday in year one, but each year it moves 1.25 days later, just to make sure you don't get paid for the 1.25 extra days in a year?! I really seriously doubt it.
crashuk said:
yes, but the accounts department cant see it.
So you really are telling me that they put money into your account on a Friday in year one, a Saturday in year two, a Sunday in year three and a Tuesday in year 4?
DRZ said:
NEVER in all my time on these forums has a thread left me truly aghast at how stupid some people can be. Not even the plane on a treadmill thread contained this much stupidity.

It's what makes the internet so fun for me :D
crashuk said:
the day i get paid on thrusday now its changed to fridays after 52 weeks.
And you reckon next year it'll be later, and that it's not just a change in office procedures? If it is later, that's madness.

If they paid you every week on the same day then £149.50 is fair. It does amount to a £7,800p.a. salary.
and she used 7800/ 365 * 7 to calculate what i get a week and iam trying to tell her but she says shes right and its the right calculation when its wrong.
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