Dayz Breaking Point (Arma 3 mod)

absolute joke of a mod ... install gave me a virus that cost me 200 quid to fix. then iit never loads... when it does I get hacked straight away by ppl running around as robots

to top it off I emailed the modders about it... they toldvme to f off and emailed je a picture of them tag teaming my mum

hahahaha we have a winner
I have issue with Arma3... I set my prone button to F and it says there are no conflicts, but when I go prone it changes my rate of fire from burst to single or auto etc.

How do I edit that to something else because according to options, it does not exist?

set a custom key
absolute joke of a mod ... install gave me a virus that cost me 200 quid to fix. then iit never loads... when it does I get hacked straight away by ppl running around as robots

to top it off I emailed the modders about it... they toldvme to f off and emailed je a picture of them tag teaming my mum

LOl. well my 2 meg connection is taking forever to download this, anyone know how big this mod is?
cant help it if you have a rubbish connection :(

2nd most played mod on arma 3 is breaking point :cool: its growing fast :)

another server here on thirsk that's busy later on its summer thirsk

you press enter it should then load. standard with arma mods.

Yeah that's not making any difference unfortunately. Can't see much on the forums about it either. Done all the common sense stuff so will post/put a ticket in tomorrow.
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