Dayz Breaking Point (Arma 3 mod)

Byscrita basically is chern just cut down

they cant do chernarus due to legal reasons.

thirsk is my fav i just come off us31 ram packed. :D just battled 200 zombies with my axe right in middle killed them all then some guy shot me :p
Cherno is already ported to A3 though along with a bunch of other A2 maps. Seeing as the BP code is totally redone from the ground up I don't know why they can't use it tbh.
Had fun last night, met up with a person called Tayler who needed directions to Thursk, of which I agreed. Found a sniper rifle, went into the firestation and my character fell through the stairs and halfway between a wall. Couldn't move, went to crawl and instant death. I was well ****

On the next run I could see snipers taking people out on the dam, thus I went swimming and found a bandit crouched behind a car. Took my axe to his face and heard his screams ;)

Another guy appeared and gave me the nod for killing a bandit and "COOL" was his next line.

I left after that :)
Ranger killed a Nomad I was with last night in the ac tower,I killed the Ranger who at the time had no cap and got -1000 points wtf?

Guess it's the inner bandit inside of me punishing me for even thinking about playing Ranger class.Guess it's Hunter class from now on.
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what server were you on i had a big sniper last night taking bandits out at army base behind thirsk :p was great fun. i play on us31 winter thirsk.

have cars and a boat at moment crashed a heli :D
as i put its not allowed.

Actually, under the open and share alike licence that BIS has used to open up all the old maps and kit, they can use it as long as they have the source of their release available for others under the same licence!

The reason I see is that they do not want to do the work and then have to share it, which is fair enough!
well admin dev put he wasn't allowed. so i went on that info.

tbh id rather play thirsk/Namaslk pity cant have taviana though :(

in us31 at moment as i type this :)
Why is that lately when I join a server, I don't see any zombies until another player is present? It's as if I don't spawn them, but when they are present they come after me.

The game runs much smoother than Dayz SA, but I have to lower settings to standard, otherwise it's a but choppy.

Also, I think they've made it too complex. For example...Why can't they just have a tent
Complete with all the parts?
Why is that lately when I join a server, I don't see any zombies until another player is present? It's as if I don't spawn them, but when they are present they come after me.

The game runs much smoother than Dayz SA, but I have to lower settings to standard, otherwise it's a but choppy.

Also, I think they've made it too complex. For example...Why can't they just have a tent
Complete with all the parts?

Because that's too easy:p
all alst night with my lot we were trying to battle a big group they had helli two armored trucks cars lorrys.

we killed some of them and just found their stash :D :)

armored vodnik , and truck we rolling in my mate crashed heli in sea :p u guess they arnt same as arma 2 controls
you just download mod and launcher and it does it all for you you just join the server.

thirsk, altis, bystrica are main ones at moment. Namalsk and another is next week i think :cool:

i mainly play winter thirsk us31 :)
I've just bought ARMA3 and currently downloading BP, I think it's time I got involved in this zombie survival gig! Any tips for a total newbie?
Might have a go with this later .. Also a total noob. Well, I haven't played that much DayZ anyway. Getting slightly more familiar with Arma 3 now thanks to battle royale, which I highly recommend if you haven't looked at it. Still forgetting my binds half the time anyway.
depends on map. my lot play on us31 on winter thirsk don't worry about latency its fine ;) .

no admin duping as they arnt controlled by admins so no abuse :cool:

if you play thirsk which is a smallish close combat map places for good loot are thirsk look for a red and white big ariel and there is a big airbase directly behind it.

most people spawn near each other generally just run straight forward from spawn until you see some kind of marker. there are updates all the time. rarely is becoming a awesome game.

there are vehicles all round map not hard to find if you put time in to learn maps but no weigh points now. all the weapons are in from snipers to military weapons aswell.

so some really awesome fights happen :cool:

will team up with some of you if you want to .

zombies are great aswell in big places like thirsk you can get hordes of like 200 zombies coming at you along with many players shooting this can be truly terrifying :D

i had a rare armored vodnik last night :p
I might give this ago tonight with my brother I never really had long sessions on this because I keep dying! would be good to play with some nice guys
well i just recorded a run round thirsk and over to airbase got run over making it :D

but ill upload it later :p

heli is at airbase on us31 and spotted a few cars need fixing and know where a speed boat is.

this is what you look for thirsk . if you lost see this head towards it. maybe snipers on so watch out though.

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