Dayz Breaking Point (Arma 3 mod)

Was wandering round with a couple of blokes I met when one was shot and me and one other were shot with tranqulizers. The attacker then proceeded to gut my new friend for meat in front of my eyes and then proceeded to me. Epic!
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Really getting fed up with the lag on breaking point, guy runs towards me, then he's behind me, then he's to the right and to the left. Shooting at the face again and again, no death and I'm killed. Same thing happened before, shooting at a guy with my shotgun as he stands still, then he's zipping around as if he's teleporting all over the place. It's making it impossible to kill people!

Was playing on the EU server

It's not my end as I'm on a Fibre 40meg and ping test - A rating, 10ms ping, 1ms jitter
I'm so torn between this and DayZ SA :(

One day SA might be good, doubt it though. If you want a game to play which has lots and lots of features and vehicles, BP is the way to go. SA you will have to wait at least a year for it to be anywhere near the standard of BP if it ever happens.
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im just waiting for the walking dead themed map to drop on bp then its game over :D

as of just now

deathlyrage, on 21 May 2014 - 10:42 AM, said:

It's about to go into internal testing.

Rest is classified.
im just waiting for the walking dead themed map to drop on bp then its game over :D

as of just now

deathlyrage, on 21 May 2014 - 10:42 AM, said:

It's about to go into internal testing.

Rest is classified.

Ask him where he is hiding the czech pack.Or give us a clue..
One day SA might be good, doubt it though. If you want a game to play which has lots and lots of features and vehicles, BP is the way to go. SA you will have to wait at least a year for it to be anywhere near the standard of BP if it ever happens.

I'm playing them both at the minute, I only started DayZ last week, whereas BP I've been playing for about 3 weeks. There's features of both that I like but I'm swaying towards DayZ at the minute. I like the extra complexity in the 'survival' side of things. I also like how you don't fall through walls and die. I'm sure I'll sway back to BP next week. :)
This mod rocks.

I'm a few days in... Been playing wasteland on A3 for yonks.

Tonight I [Ranger] had the pleasure of meeting the mad L3 Irish Survivalist.

After tranq-knocking me out I asked him if he was a good, or a bad guy. To which he replied "what do you think?" to which I replied "I think you must be crazy!" to which he said you just might be right.

It was hilarious. I knew I was dead, I just did not know how yet... He left me to the zombies! But they would not eat me!

"It is because I am pure of spirit"

"I'm too good a guy to eat, they want to eat someone twisted and evil like you!"

I Then said "look mate I'm going to have to call for help now".... "Help!" I cry on direct chat, "Somebody save me from this mad man!"

This got a giggle at least....but he enjoyed it a little too much and began shooting in the sky, making much more noise than my feeble shouts. I had been tranq-knocked out at least 5 times now.... the zombies just are not interested!

"It's a good job I spent years of my life building up an immunity to that Iocane you keep filling me with"

But it was no use....the shots had called a fresh wave of Zombies...this lot seemed especially interested in eating my shiney, whiter than white, Ranger soul.

Ah, it was fantastic, so enjoyable.....and one day...I will find that crazy irish survivalist...and I will leave him to the zombies!

Am almost level 2 now. Took down a helicopter with two hunters inside...Unloaded almost a whole 150 mag into them from a zafir.

Boom! 700 points.
trank guns can be great fun :D

one guy out of our lot is a rager and some guy just kept following him around tranking him :p he was going wild. he ended up getting him 4 times :D

i was in tears. :p

which map are you playing ?
Uk15 (altis)

I really like Inch's servers, they are reliable fast and well run.

Have been playing wasteland on his, either FR#1 or UK#1, for awhile now :)
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Looking to get some people to play this with? I've been playing on and off, and only just working out what I'm doing on the maps. Definitely not ideal and the only class I feel safe playing is Hunter! Managed to get a kill last night on a guy reasonably geared, netting me a map, compass and AK with larger backpack and a small chest rig.

Looks like I'm actually able to defend myself now!
What's the difference between this and the Dayz mod for Arma?

I got frustrated with Dayz and the associated rubbish and idiots it attracted.. is this the same?
When is the new map coming out ? I have been holding back nailing this because I hate the maps and don't wanna burn out on those before the new map.

Think I'm going have to cave and give it another bash this weekend.
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I think the class system encourages interactions and teaming up but on the flip side, if you see another class is is very much deathmatch/KOS

I can't say I have been really annoyed by idiots in either (well maybe wall glitchers in SA). In SA it is relatively easy to avoid the worst by the areas you tend to visit. Go into berezino or electro and you'll always find fools
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