Dayz Breaking Point (Arma 3 mod)

God it takes ages to download cant download via torrent so got do it using the other method think it said http cant remember only downloading at 170kb/s :( going take hours
God it takes ages to download cant download via torrent so got do it using the other method think it said http cant remember only downloading at 170kb/s :( going take hours

If you see the papa server try that few of us on here had good dl speeds with it...
I downloaded the whole thing overnight and it just crashed loading the map every time so I'm trying again and it's slooooow. Would try papa but half way through and don't want to lose what I've got so far.
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If you see the papa server try that few of us on here had good dl speeds with it...

cheers for that closed the launcher loaded it back up couldnt find a single server....tried again found papa and boom 800kb/s :D on the weapons.pbo now...hopefully not to long left :rolleyes:
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I downloaded the whole thing overnight and it just crashed loading the map every time so I'm trying again and it's slooooow. Would try papa but half way through and don't want to lose what I've got so far.

ive just closed it then started up again you will only loose out on the file you are downlaoding not the whole download if thats what your worrying about
Well I got it running found a shotgun and 3 lots of 8 slugs. Some dude chased me with an axe, shot all the rounds at him without killing him, then zombies chased us away. Axed a load of them but there was what seems like an endless supply so logged out. Mad!
Are there any key binding changes you recommend?
Also forgot how many controls there are after not playing on arma 2 for a very long time this is going take some getting used to
Keep it at this runs better that Arma 2 does its great fun once you get the hang of things

Thanks for the encouragement but I can't figure out where the bad guys are before they've blown me all to bits... Enemy at 7 o clock... fine but where the eff is 12? the task marker? North? the direction the squad leader happened to be in? Spent two hours simply getting killed in the village in the first opperation arrowhead mission, I didn't even improve from one attempt to the next as they dont appear in the same place every time...

:( I'll give it another go, but I dont know about trying for Arma 3 on my hardware when I'm improving so slowly..
What server are people playing on? It's boring on your own.

I agree i accidently chose to spawn in the east i think it was where you end up in a sort of desert with a few houses seen like 2 zombies thats it but managed to get myself a few guns all be it crap guns but a guns a gun atm.

One question can you change the key binding to interact like opening doors and that i cant find it under any of the key binding. Would rather use f or something as then i can keep my hand on my mouse and the other over wasd without really moving my hand
If anyone fancies it we're all playing Overpoch on arma 2 in anticipation A3 Epoch release.

You don't have to join the clan or anything, but are welcome to just jump on our TS and do some killing runs and supply gathering :D
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