Dayz Breaking Point (Arma 3 mod)

Yes they do just take one shot but i had 4 rush me at a time earlier while looting a military base and they where tough to hit got a few hits in on me before I took them out, and did a fair amount of damage.

Now I just creep in and take them out with my suppressed 1911 makes it so much easier, they do re-spawn quite quickly though which may need tweaking as a couple of times I hadn't even got half way through looting the buildings I cleared before they popped again.
I was like that for ages, have G36 DMR's, White Feathers, MX Spec Ops and loads more all hidden away for fear of losing them.

Just take them out and play with them as you would any other weapon, you'll surprise yourself.

Put in over 20 hours to BP this weekend, was expecting to be on H1Z1 but by god, it's terrible, gives me new appreciation for this. :)
Yeah I've been enjoying it more recently, getting a few kills, finding the odd person to group up with.

Think I'm just playing it slower and less recklessly. Really need a stash though, will be my next job.
Yeah I've been enjoying it more recently, getting a few kills, finding the odd person to group up with.

Think I'm just playing it slower and less recklessly. Really need a stash though, will be my next job.

Step 1...get materials for a box, just run around without weapons, hide from everyone until you've built your first box.

Step 2...get materials for a haven lock, use box to stash these as steel is a PITA to find.

Step 3...once you have everything for a haven lock, put it all in your backpack and try to find an unlocked haven. Lock it up and start building boxes and lockers in your haven.

The above steps should take no longer than 3/4 hours max.

What maps do you play?
I play on all of them, I'm currently a Survivalist on Stratis. An outlaw on Bornholm. Think I'm a traitor ranger (not a good class to learn the game with!) on Thirsk.

I've mainly played solo apart from a few rounds with DG months ago.

I'll have a go at getting a box (military crate?) this week. I need to bigger bag though for it first. If you're collecting all the bits for a crate is there anywhere you can leave your food and ammo?
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You can hold 3 pallets, 2 nails and 1 hammer in activity pack with room to spare, that's all you need for first box. Food and drink can fit in harness/clothes.

Go onto thezombieinfection teamspeak and sit in one of the UK channels while you play. I've made friends with about 10 people in 3 weeks from guys who just pop into channel, ask where you play and come join in.

I used to solo all the time, now it's a 50/50 split between solo and group play.
i mainly spawn in sprint to known basic guns like lee enfield then venture on to thirsk or airfield or other heli crashes for high end loot.

then go look for vehicles.

level 3 hunter now :cool:
Finally for my survivor from -3000 to about -700, it's taken some doing.

In other news, my Ranger dropped to -2300 from a few bad kills in Thirsk town.
I like what they've done with the loot system, means you can put up a bit of a fight against others without spending hours creeping around trying not to get spawn killed.

Finally crafted a crate and ithen got burnt or disappeared :( now can't find pallets on new haven for love nor money.

Only recently tried Stratis and that's great fun, easy to find guys to team up with and loot is everywhere!
Yeah it was full of stuff, thought I'd hidden it well, someone must have spotted it.

I've decided to try and play survivalist and have made it to the northern island on NH. Loads of loot up there.
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