Dayz Breaking Point (Arma 3 mod)

Not sure about the spawns, i'll probably avoid cherno tbh, played out on it.

All vehicles now spawn in fully repaired, just need to get fuel for them. No more running around an hour for a tyre :D
This mod is coming on really nicely, have fire damage now, a lot of fun setting somebody on fire. :)

If anyone wants to join in with me and a few others, we're on newhaven most nights, both Newhaven EU servers are getting full almost every evening and it's so much fun.
Its dead jim :p

That's what shocks me, it's got more players now than it ever had. Servers are all at 75-100% full every night yet no one here bothers with it.

Gave Exile a try last week, it's not survivaly in the slightest, way too easy to get top level gear, as a result, it got really boring, really quickly.

I think people are just fed up they can't host their own servers and spawn loot in for themselves. :p

New patch of the SA just came out. Lets face it the SA will be better in time. Good effort mind.

Look at the money SA had pumped into it and it's still a broken POS, I have it, I know. BP is run and maintained for free by a handful of guys. It's not even a realistic comparison.

Imagine if the guys that made BP had been involved with SA, it'd be done by now. Well maybe not, they'd probably be partying and getting high on the money but you get my drift.
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Finally set up a haven :D nice to see the servers are filling quite well. And to re flair a old argument from almost a month ago when you compare standalone to breaking point it's important to look at the huge resource pool SA has compared to breaking point be it money, time, staff, experience. Standalone should be leagues ahead of breaking point in every aspect. Simply isn't the case though sadly i would love to see it blossom into what it should have been however i seriously doubt we will ever see them make any improvements now given how much it has died in popularity. Only rocket and Bohemia to blame for that both of whom turned it into a cash cow.

I think that's one of the reasons breaking point excels is because it's made by people who play the game and enjoy it. The BP devs prove time and time again they are not in it for the money they are reaping the rewards of enjoying playing a game they love and sharing it with others. I wonder how many SA devs play the game now.
What server are you playing?

EU9 was home to my clan (15 people atm) until last weeks update when they took it offline :( You're welcome to come join us if you like.

Like you said though, the state of this mod for the people involved is excellent, it'll just keep getting better and better. It's nice when you're on a map and then you realise there is a dev/admin alongside you.
Really liking the new Breaking Point update, the performance updates and weather systems certainly makes a difference. Plus you can light people and Zombies on fire with new particle effects. Seeing dense FOG as I walked into cherno was good too! And I killed some bald headed bloke hiding in a tree
Plus you can light people and Zombies on fire with new particle effects.

Did you play straight after the fire update? There was a bug for over a week when you lit an animal/person/zombie on fire after about 5 seconds it exploded like an IED :D

New weather is both a blessing and a curse. I don't snipe very often, it's a lazy cheap way of playing and ultimately boring to sit around waiting for someone to come along.

However on NH the other night, heli crash, FAL DMR with 5 x 30 round red band clips, range finder and a S&B scope. Server is on 75/75 players so I decide to go to the hill overlooking CMC about 1200m out. Nope...FOG :(

Fog remained for 3 more server cycles! ARGH!

Our clan has moved over to Esseker now, since the designers did the latest update it's excellent, the best survival map created imo.
I'd not played this much since the OP nearly 2 years ago. Mainly been playing A2 Epoch/Overpoch and then latterly a3:Exile. Coming back and this has come a long way and as above, Esseker is great on it
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