Dayz Breaking Point (Arma 3 mod)

So I as on EU21 last night, do I have to log back onto that server or a server with the same map? My guy is actually worth keeping this time and I hope I done get a fresh spawn this time!
So If I leave gear on the floor near our meeting point with my brother will it stay there, I am out of storage and my tent didn't work
Couple I did on Thirsk a while back, map will look a bit rubbish as it is just a ported A2 map.



This was my first ever fixed car on Altis:


Nice Cherno?
Cant wait to get back on this, havent been on it for ages as i had to rma my mobo. Its now back alongside new faster ram and a new monitor. Game is all updated and ready and waiting for monday sunday night when i finish my shifts :). WHat server do you guys mainly use? My ingame/steam name is KingDiomedes, infact its my name on every game i play :)
At the moment me and my brother are on Bystrica. We where looting a town last night nd saw a guy running down a hill, so we took cover in some trees by a van with 4 large boxes full of gear. And sure enough they went straight to it. It turned out that there where 2 of them, I got one down with a sniper shot and my brother moved in flanking the other with an assault rifle...they didn't have much but where outlaws we are nomads so I didn't want to risk trying to see if they where friendly lol
Well at the moment me and my brother are on the byscrita map, we just looted the army base and trying to find more materials to make a tent! after my last one bugged out. I should be back on it tonight...what spec do you play not sure what to call them really haha
byscrita is really just chernarus halved :D

really is carnage in elektro and chern on that map.

first time we played on a us server was in tears :p me and mates met some americians in firestation there must have been ten people looting in a group so we grouped onto them. was running round elektro exterminating everything was a war zone :D

funny thing was after we slaughtered loads we decided to turn and kill all of the americans in our group :p slowly waiting for each to be picking loot then kill them one by one and shouting enemy at school and such and such :p

i mainly only play thirsk myself but altis is good but too big.
yeah well once we are picked off and dead we probs come over to thirsk like you said atm altis is too big and nothing much goes on really.

But then again see what they do with the new bigger map
I've seen videos of this mod with Chernarus, but none of the servers actually run it? Is it only Byscrita?
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