***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

whats to stop me editing one of the pbos that contains all the guns and food etc and making them stretched so you can see them sticking out of buildings
This PBO file business is exactly the kind of thing that concerns me (no surprises there)...

As noted by others here it frankly makes Dean + Co. look like a bunch of complete amateurs, these are just fundamental huge things which there is absolutely no excuse to be overlooked. But it's alpha!!! I'm not convinced that excuses it for me - especially not if as people are saying it's something that was already known about and apparently fixed in the mod...

I have to admit I don't know much about Rocket though... What exactly is his proven track record of developing polished and successful titles on the scale that this has been presented (and effectively already pre-sold)? As far as I'm aware he made a creative and fun mod which has done alright, but given that the mod was plagued by pretty serious technical problems through it's entire lifetime, and now this Alpha is only a marginal improvement in some areas and a step-backwards in others... Hmm
He must’ve noticed these issues well before alpha, some of em are top priority. Me thinks cashing in for christmas comes to mind or the time spent climbing *grin*

I find it funny all those work in progress zombie videos we saw and yet they are worse than the mod
Well I for one didnt know about the pbo thing, cant say i feel much incentive to play until its sorted. Luckily I have a shed load of games i havent yet touched.
This PBO file business is exactly the kind of thing that concerns me (no surprises there)...

As noted by others here it frankly makes Dean + Co. look like a bunch of complete amateurs, these are just fundamental huge things which there is absolutely no excuse to be overlooked. But it's alpha!!! I'm not convinced that excuses it for me - especially not if as people are saying it's something that was already known about and apparently fixed in the mod...

I have to admit I don't know much about Rocket though... What exactly is his proven track record of developing polished and successful titles on the scale that this has been presented (and effectively already pre-sold)? As far as I'm aware he made a creative and fun mod which has done alright, but given that the mod was plagued by pretty serious technical problems through it's entire lifetime, and now this Alpha is only a marginal improvement in some areas and a step-backwards in others... Hmm

I don't think you understand what an alpha build of a game is. It's for testing, not playing.

Anyone who has bought DayZ on steam has pre-ordered it, and a pre-order bonus is access to work in progress builds of the game.

This is explicitly stated throughout the whole purchasing process and every time you load up the game.

It's not an excuse but simply a fact.
I don't think you understand what an alpha build of a game is. It's for testing, not playing.

Anyone who has bought DayZ on steam has pre-ordered it, and a pre-order bonus is access to work in progress builds of the game.

This is explicitly stated throughout the whole purchasing process and every time you load up the game.

It's not an excuse but simply a fact.

I get what an Alpha is just fine... Of course there are going to be lots of bugs to be found and fixed... But what sort of credible developer would choose not to at least get all the known bugs from the mod fixed in the Alpha build before releasing it? Perhaps they just really enjoy sifting through hundreds of bug reports for issues they've known about for ages?

Also... "for testing not playing"? How many people that have bought it do you think are loading it up and then carefully testing out different combinations of items in their inventory to see if they can break it? Or doing any kind of active deliberate testing? Or even bothering to submit a properly formatted bug report?
I’ve submitted two tickets so far with not much dev involvement

Glad to hear it :)

Perhaps it's just a bit too close to New-Year so the devs are just spinning back up... or perhaps 800,000+ people, even assuming only a very small percentage submit proper reports is arguably a way too large base of people to do alpha testing... (Even more so when you've knowingly left existing bugs in before launching it)...

Rocket could have got a group of 10 of his buddies to have a 10-minute play on the proposed Alpha and it most likely would have thrown up 90% or more of the big issues people are talking about... But I'm sure having thousands of players screaming it left right and center on the Steam forums and via tickets is a lot easier to manage, and surely won't lead to a lot of genuine unknown and more subtle bugs that get reported to just get lost in the noise :rolleyes:
Glad to hear it :)

Perhaps it's just a bit too close to New-Year so the devs are just spinning back up... or perhaps 800,000+ people, even assuming only a very small percentage submit proper reports is arguably a way too large base of people to do alpha testing... (Even more so when you've knowingly left existing bugs in before launching it)...

Rocket could have got a group of 10 of his buddies to have a 10-minute play on the proposed Alpha and it most likely would have thrown up 90% or more of the big issues people are talking about... But I'm sure having thousands of players screaming it left right and center on the Steam forums and via tickets is a lot easier to manage, and surely won't lead to a lot of genuine unknown and more subtle bugs that get reported to just get lost in the noise :rolleyes:

Granted, that is true. What wouldn't have been possible is to test the hive to breaking point, which I am sure the player base can now do. Being that the hive is the singular most important heartbeat of the game, it needs to be bang on 100%.

I just wish they would put multiple hives around the world, then have them reporting back to a master hive. I am sure it would take the strain a lot more efficiently than what is in place just now.

If they have now sold 800000 copies, then they have no excuse not to have a large development group for at least the nest year to 18 months, with more experienced developers joining Rocket etc. The only problem I can see is that Rocket will fight tooth and nail to keep to his vision, which might not be able to be completed within the VR engine. Maybe it would have been better to licence some middleware and work out a way to port Chern etc.
I think I'll leave this for a couple of months and stick with rust for now which whilst quite basic runs brilliant , looks pretty good and the survival system isn't such a chore searching a million buildings for a handful of food/water

You made me check out Rust. Watched a few videos and read the wiki for a bit, looks way better than DayZ :eek: Insta buy.
Granted, that is true. What wouldn't have been possible is to test the hive to breaking point, which I am sure the player base can now do. Being that the hive is the singular most important heartbeat of the game, it needs to be bang on 100%.

I just wish they would put multiple hives around the world, then have them reporting back to a master hive. I am sure it would take the strain a lot more efficiently than what is in place just now.

If they have now sold 800000 copies, then they have no excuse not to have a large development group for at least the nest year to 18 months, with more experienced developers joining Rocket etc. The only problem I can see is that Rocket will fight tooth and nail to keep to his vision, which might not be able to be completed within the VR engine. Maybe it would have been better to licence some middleware and work out a way to port Chern etc.

I'm fully aware this is going to sound more than a slight bit pretentious, but if I were developing DayZ I think what I would have done would be to first select an engine most appropriate to what I was trying to create (since I've heard numerous times that the Arma engine isn't really too great and has some big limitations), and then I'd make something resembling the mod - but in functionality only...

Think a fairly bland looking presentation style, no fancy art-assets, ambitious new features and stuff to begin with just some basic textures - enough to understand what's going on and stop it looking totally bland.

Then focus primarily on getting the core systems of the gameplay absolutely 100% perfect (or at least as good as you can get it)... To me that's all netcode related stuff, player controls and weapon handling, inventory, spawning and spawning of items, the function of the items and the AI of the zombies... A version which nailed every one of those things very well would be a truly enjoyable Alpha version to play... Release this to a fairly small number of testers to start getting a bit of feedback and make sure it feels right

Next you can start adding individual new features a few at a time, coupled with slightly widening the Alpha to ensure that new testers are brought in at each stage... Vehicles, base building etc... Make sure each of these functions smoothly before moving on...

Once you get that right you can then finally bring in some decent texture artists and 3d modellers, animators and map designers etc. to do the work of making it all look nice... And then maybe you announce a much larger Beta possibly through Steam and start getting some less technical and more gameplay based feedback

I've lost track of where this is going but to me this all just smells of an amateur operation that figures they may as well slap a price on it because everyone loves the franchise but really they are in way over their heads... Sure they could outsource but Rocket doesn't strike me as the kind of character who would be willing to admit he can't do it without proper help
I'm fully aware this is going to sound more than a slight bit pretentious, but if I were developing DayZ I think what I would have done would be to first select an engine most appropriate to what I was trying to create (since I've heard numerous times that the Arma engine isn't really too great and has some big limitations),

It is an Arma engine, just a shame they never used A3 as that engine looks and plays amazing.
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Say day z dev team spent 1000 man hours testing the game over the last few months. Over 700000 people bought stand alone on day one meaning that within the first day of release it had over 700000 man hours of testing.
It a alpha and anyone that is whinging is retarded....
Say day z dev team spent 1000 man hours testing the game over the last few months. Over 700000 people bought stand alone on day one meaning that within the first day of release it had over 700000 man hours of testing.
It a alpha and anyone that is whinging is retarded....

No one is moaning about the normal bugs m8, but the PBO one is stupid seeing as it is two years old.
Glad to hear it :)

Perhaps it's just a bit too close to New-Year so the devs are just spinning back up... or perhaps 800,000+ people, even assuming only a very small percentage submit proper reports is arguably a way too large base of people to do alpha testing... (Even more so when you've knowingly left existing bugs in before launching it)...

Rocket could have got a group of 10 of his buddies to have a 10-minute play on the proposed Alpha and it most likely would have thrown up 90% or more of the big issues people are talking about... But I'm sure having thousands of players screaming it left right and center on the Steam forums and via tickets is a lot easier to manage, and surely won't lead to a lot of genuine unknown and more subtle bugs that get reported to just get lost in the noise :rolleyes:

this is why a lot of rage happens.

there are testing servers. patches are tested before going live. issues are found but obviously some do slip through. mass testing always shows up more issues than a handful does.

that is why you have alpha public testing .

that's what people need to remember. you are testing. playing is a privilege.

so in short there will be many issues its alpha. carry on if you find a bug report it as a tester should ;)
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