***Dayz: Stand Alone Thread***

We need a campaign to get our money back, they can't lead us on with false dreams and take our money just because they used the word "Alpha"

We have been swindled!
basically TLDR of this thread.

We all got swindled out of 20 quid.

These douchebags can **** off, crappy developers and terrible game.

It's going nowhere.

True dat.

We need a campaign to get our money back, they can't lead us on with false dreams and take our money just because they used the word "Alpha"

We have been swindled!

Yeah good luck with that, cos 'alpha'.
I keep seeing those vids on the tube and thinking "ooh this looks like it could actually be fixed and not just have hundreds of new hats" then I load it up.......

Never kickstarting or buying alpha's or early access again, I don't think I've actually spent money on any Steam game since?

Years on and I still feel cheated.
You guys who were into dayz should get on CCG arma3 mod of chern. Its sweet! I have a base and a gear so msg me if you wanna join

Whats CCG?

Is the base building like Epoch? Only reason I played DayZ mod so much was cos of Epoch base building element.
We need a campaign to get our money back, they can't lead us on with false dreams and take our money just because they used the word "Alpha"

We have been swindled!

we should start a kickstarter campaign to raise funds to get our money back :p

Has this thread like the game died? Well it never truly lived

the thread and game should just be nuked and forgotten about and your man rocket taken and shot - preferably with a ball of his own dung

edit: so should all the fanboys from the start of this thread who kept bleating on about how good this was going to be especially when they had no proof but claimed they had the low-down :mad:
In just disappointed the 'insider knowledge' dried up so quick/never even materialised...

I'm sure I can get my fix from any other dross early access thread though
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