Yeah its stupid in a game where your death is almost permanent. You can change the FOV to 90 in the config mate.
I agree looking around in 3rd person is much better but only for the fact that you see more and if you're on a server that has it enabled you're a mug not to use it. Its a lot more immersive if you only play first person though, theres a world more concealment. I just hate that you can stand in say.. the big bus shelter thing and look over the wall and wait for a victim and they would have no idea you're there ready to drop them.. I mean none at all, no matter of spatial awareness would save them because they cant see through that wall that you can see over. At least if it was first person, to see you.. he'd have to expose himself.
Arma was never meant for casual play and DayZ was made on this premise, I just feel that the casual players are going to ruin yet another game.. if they havent already, 3rd person is way too popular for my liking.. I never played Arma2 before this as I'd not heard of it and I wish I'd known about it before, I can see the way it was played before would have been my type of thing.
I really don't like 3rd person in games. Its why you'll never find me on a softcore server in bf3.
I agree looking around in 3rd person is much better but only for the fact that you see more and if you're on a server that has it enabled you're a mug not to use it. Its a lot more immersive if you only play first person though, theres a world more concealment. I just hate that you can stand in say.. the big bus shelter thing and look over the wall and wait for a victim and they would have no idea you're there ready to drop them.. I mean none at all, no matter of spatial awareness would save them because they cant see through that wall that you can see over. At least if it was first person, to see you.. he'd have to expose himself.
Arma was never meant for casual play and DayZ was made on this premise, I just feel that the casual players are going to ruin yet another game.. if they havent already, 3rd person is way too popular for my liking.. I never played Arma2 before this as I'd not heard of it and I wish I'd known about it before, I can see the way it was played before would have been my type of thing.
I really don't like 3rd person in games. Its why you'll never find me on a softcore server in bf3.