DayZ - Standalone Thread

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A dated engine, also in the dev video of the standalone I wasn't impressed, it looked to play pretty much the same to me, the new loot feature is good with it being hidden behind objects and stuff though.

I think its supposed to look the same, the first map is cherno and it needs the cherno feel. It is still dayz and people want it to be, they have made preliminary changes and updates the graphics, the main changes will be how smoothly the game plays without glitches, but also the clothing and customization + new loot system and storage implimentation so that you can attain your stuff in any hive server
Peronally i like gearing up and having a stash with stuff that only you can access would in some way remove the aspect of survival for me.
They have also made chages to the way zombies move and interact with you and the enviroment which should be a nice update.

so a lot will have changed
Third person view is bent. Makes combat rubbish and you cant use your terrain to your advantage and hiding in a building is a deathtrap. I hope they never put it in. Annoying when someone pings you over s 10ft wall and directs their mate to you without actually having any high ground
just had it confirmed after my question

"3rd person is in as normal on the test server ATM."


thing is toe some like 3rd person in games as much as some like 1st so why limit people to one or the other ? a choice is always better than no choice.
Should be controlled server side again. Can see arguments for and against 3rd person (as ToejaM stated, so OP in a firefight), but love being able to check 360 when running across an open field or just across the map etc.
Thing is you can look round the same in first person as you can in third by using alt. personally prefer it to be first person but third is most popular. Makes defending a position way too easy for the defender especially if you have the high ground.

Im sure rocket is going for a realism side to it, bar the zombies of course so im suprised he isnt forcing first person. Yes a choice is nice but 3rd personing someone around a wall is bent.
3rd person I suspect is allowed because 1st person with so much scanning makes so many people feel nauseous. 1st person is bad enough for some but even someone like myself who normally has no problem can feel a bit queezy after a few hours on the TrackIR and constantly moving my view around.
3rd person is great for looting as its so awkward to loot ok first! Get stuck in door ways and on tables etc. first is great for shooting. So unless they fix the crappy collisions then 3rd is a must.
From a combat technical point of view, 3rd person is bad and for that reason I'm out.

How do people manage in other games in first person without 3rd person for motion sickness, I cant see how its any different to scanning around in 1st person. Seems like a poor excuse to like 3ding over walls.

Gotta love all the effort that goes into the realism of the original game (arma) and then allowing people to have an outer body experience.

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From a combat technical point of view, 3rd person is bad and for that reason I'm out.

How do people manage in other games in first person without 3rd person for motion sickness, I cant see how its any different to scanning around in 1st person. Seems like a poor excuse to like 3ding over walls.

Gotta love all the effort that goes into the realism of the original game (arma) and then allowing people to have an outer body experience.


Yeah I see your point dude, not really sure if I make any sense with this but I will try to explain from my point of view why I like 3rd person. For me I get a greater sense of what is going on in 3rd then I do in 1st, in real life you see things at the corner of your eyes which I think 3rd person does better then 1st person (in arma). I guess it all depends on who you are and your eyesight but I feel better playing in 3rd if I have the option to do so. Games that are locked to 1st I always wish they had 3rd person views lol. I do understand you can probs change the FOV as well but not looked into it. I guess if I changed the FOV I would stick with 1st person.

Although I gamed on PC back in the day I went to consoles and spent all my time on GRAW which as you know on the 360 is 3rd person only while the PC version was 1st person so that may be why as well.
Thought exactly the same thing, if you want realism you have to get rid of the 3rd person option (someone said in the arma3 thread that it can be removed server side which is at least an option). It makes no sense to have it in this type of game where you can basically look over walls and around corners lol
Thought exactly the same thing, if you want realism you have to get rid of the 3rd person option (someone said in the arma3 thread that it can be removed server side which is at least an option). It makes no sense to have it in this type of game where you can basically look over walls and around corners lol

Yeah agree on that, when I said the above I just mean from behind running the view seems wider to me. Hence why I always play a girl and not a guy ;) Much prefer to see the behind of the girl then the guy lol.
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