DayZ - Standalone Thread

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DayZ is taking a bit of a break at the moment as most servers are pretty light on traffic. Unfortuantely first person only seemed to bomb quite hard on Markers popular wasteland server let alone a less popular dayz server with less slots! so I dont see it working on the mod, might have a chance on standalone and id be fully up for it.. Will post it im the admin section fir dayz standalone and see whats said.
You can't be right or wrong on the 1st/3rd person thing it's just a personal choice, 3rd person is way too easy though but I do prefer it, I've always preferred it in all games that offer it including racing games.
which is what i put but the usual trolls of MGT (MONEY GRABBING TROLLS ) haha so fitting :p try to make out it isnt.

shouldnt be too long now for standalone cant wait !
I never said it wouldent be an option DG, you could play in 3rd person as much as you like but when in combat the 1st person player is at a distinct disadvantage to the 3rd person player, how do we fix this ....

you make all COMBAT (not all the game) 1st person by scripting a change in circumstance via the combat mode. you would return to 3rd person after combat DG.

How this would be implimented is the discussion and would take fine balance and extensive testing but since the standalone is already doing that, they could impliment a few changes now and let it be an ADDITIONAL server option so that its not a simple turn off 3rd person and lose all your player base.

I'm not against 3rd person, i like 3rd person while running around, i don't like 3rd person in combat and it's unrealistic and unfair to the 1st person players, unfairness araises change for the better DG.

I'm not against you DG, i don't want to argue with you, i'd like further options and interesting gameplay that everyone can enjoy, therefore i make suggestions on what could be done to increase the playability and enjoyment.

i don't just blanket out any opinions, you would make a poor developer DG, and i'm not trying to be nasty, you just gotta think about everyone and not just yourself. Having the option to change from 1st to 3rd person is great, but to make a more interesting game experiance and fair game experiance, you must develop and impliment new ideas that may or may not work. That's pretty much how all games are made and what makes them different.
there was no bickering, we were discussing the 1st / 3rd person aspect which is in the standalone... don't tar everyone with the same brush.
not only that this is a forum where opinions are discussed on certain topics, yes there are some trolls but don't tell people to get on topic when there trying to give opinions on what they think would improve the game that's in the topic.
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niel and his little trolls as i pointed out.

he plays warz which he hacks at by the way

then pops in dayz thread to tell people to get on topic epic lolz

haha that video not going down well on the forums admins stopping people talking about the fact frankie was caught hacking and any talk of it is being hushed up loool. awaits for loyal frankie fan to say he wasnt.
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There is far too much trolling and bickering going on in the PC Games forum at the moment.
Cut it out, or I'll cut you out from the forum for good ;)
anyway, the ideas put forward so far have been sound and does anyone know of the email address to send ideas to the dev team? i'm going to forward the idea around 1st person combat
go on forums post idea if good it will get noticed. you could try rockets or matt lightfoots but probably wont answer if 1 you are not recognized or known or dont participate on the official forums.

you could add one of the forum mods as friend send idea to them and then ask to pass on.
In the end everyone has their own tastes, so it's not like anyone is wrong.

I am looking forward to this quite a bit, although after playing Arma3 i just can't play Arma2 as it now feels lacking.
there was no bickering, we were discussing the 1st / 3rd person aspect which is in the standalone... don't tar everyone with the same brush.
not only that this is a forum where opinions are discussed on certain topics, yes there are some trolls but don't tell people to get on topic when there trying to give opinions on what they think would improve the game that's in the topic.

Wasn't directed at you KaiserDJG :) I think we should have the same as the current DayZ mod and have hardcore servers with 1st person only and normal servers with 3rd person.
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