As you may be aware we are merging theSkyNet Alliance system with the BOINC Team system. As a leader in our community we are endeavouring to keep you informed.
Your Alliance, “OcUK - Overclockers UK” has been marked as a duplicate (see
old and
new). Early next week (2nd of December) we plan to merge the systems which will include your alliance. When the alliances are merged, all users and credit will be merged and the leader of the POGS alliance will remain as the leader. Please note that backdated credit will only apply to theSkyNet, not BOINC, as we have no way of manually assigning credit in BOINC.
One issue that we foresee is any user who is currently in your alliance who is NOT a member of POGS will need to manually re-join your alliance and join POGS, I will be emailing each user who is in this situation.
If you have any questions or if you do not wish for the above alliances to be merged, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Alex Beckley
Web Developer for theSkyNet