DCS: A-10C Warthog (first screens!)

can you set this to some sort of "arcade" mode. I am not ready for a full blown sim and need something to help me.

I have bought wings of prey and that has an arcade mode to help me.
Looks great, is it best waiting for this release rather then getting Black shark now? Am i right in saying the A-10C release will include everything DCS: Blackshark has?
Eddie182 said:
3 new screens released by Matt Wagner from Eagle Dynamics.


Simply awesome, I've never wanted a sim as much as I want this one.

You beat me to the Punch, it does look like it is finally shedding it's Lock On heritage. Looking Good.

can you set this to some sort of "arcade" mode. I am not ready for a full blown sim and need something to help me.

I have bought wings of prey and that has an arcade mode to help me.

Yeah It'll have an arcade mode, similar to the DCS:- Black shark arcade mode I'd imagine.

Dano said:
Does look damn nice, assume they'll still be using Starforce?

Yep same Copy protection as DCS:-Black Shark and the forthcoming Lock On:- Flaming Cliffs 2. Read up on it again, the type of Protection used (ProActive) has won over a few Die Hard Anti-Starforce people. But it is up to you in the end.

Ice Rich said:
Looks great, is it best waiting for this release rather then getting Black shark now? Am i right in saying the A-10C release will include everything DCS: Blackshark has?

DCS:- Warthog will have everything except the Ka-50 itself. In fact DCS-Black Shark will get the improvements in the DCS:-Warthog sim engine as a patch, for free.

The basic Idea is that you buy aircraft as you wish, the game engine is improved for free.


Edit:- May as well post up the images..........

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Matt Wagner has stealthily released a few more shots showing the cockpit panels over on the ED Forums.


Just think, ALL those buttons and switches are click-able! I really can't wait.
Yep same Copy protection as DCS:-Black Shark and the forthcoming Lock On:- Flaming Cliffs 2. Read up on it again, the type of Protection used (ProActive) has won over a few Die Hard Anti-Starforce people. But it is up to you in the end.

Starforce could do actual good for my computer and I'd still not knowingly give them money, plenty of other games and sims around to keep me occupied without having to fund that bunch of cowboys.
Do you get to fight these? :p


Not only does it pack multiple 30mm cannons, but also this:

fas.org said:
The SA-19 GRISOM (9M111) is a radar command guided, two-stage surface to air missile mounted on the 2S6 Integrated Air Defense System. The 2S6 vehicle is fitted with two banks of four missiles in blocks of two, which can be elevated vertically independent of each other. The SA-19 can engage aerial targets moving at a maximum speed of 500 meters/second at altitudes ranging from 15 to 3,500 meters, and at slant ranges from 2400 to 8000 meters. The missile's high-explosive fragmentation warhead is actuated by a proximity fuse if the missile passes within 5 meters of the target.
I just want an Su-25 DCS module!

The A-10C will keep me amused for many months, I cant wait to try out the AI FAC while flying the Ka-50 aswell + whatever other goodies get included.
Harder to hide in the terrain with the A-10 and its a bigger target. Should make things interesting :p

Tunguska's are easy, they can only engage up to 10,000 ft/2 nautical miles with guns, and only 35,000 ft 6 nautical miles with the SA-19 launchers. Add ECM into the equation and the missles range drops to around 4 miles at most. A Maverick or LGB will sort them out in no time.

It's the SA-6 Gainful and SA-10 Grumble sites you need to worry about. Believe me.
out of interest what joystick do you guys recommend for blackshark, this sim, arma 2 and wings of prey?

I have a sietek cyborg but it is turd, the throttle deoesn't hover at certain levels, its either off or on.

I don't wanna spend hundreds but do what something better than my £20 one, something where the actual throttle works properly.
Personally, for an air combat sim like DCS I'd recommend the Saitek X-52. Excellent HOTAS setup with plenty of buttons, control axis' & sliders, plus a separate throttle from stick mounted ones that for some reason, I used to find awkward.
Personally, for an air combat sim like DCS I'd recommend the Saitek X-52. Excellent HOTAS setup with plenty of buttons, control axis' & sliders, plus a separate throttle from stick mounted ones that for some reason, I used to find awkward.

I agree, ive got the X52 Pro and i would suggest it to anyone remotley interested in flight sims of any kind, the amount of button configs once you get used to the profile software, means the keyboard is hardly used.
Tunguska's are easy, they can only engage up to 10,000 ft/2 nautical miles with guns, and only 35,000 ft 6 nautical miles with the SA-19 launchers. Add ECM into the equation and the missles range drops to around 4 miles at most. A Maverick or LGB will sort them out in no time.

Yup, but they're a close-in defence, and I like my strafing runs :p

It's the SA-6 Gainful and SA-10 Grumble sites you need to worry about. Believe me.

Indeed, SA-6s alone shot down 64 aircraft during the '73 Arab-Israeli war.
Yup, but they're a close-in defence, and I like my strafing runs :p

Nowt wrong with that, you just take out any defences with Mav/LGB/JDAM from high level before you go in with dumb bombs/rockets/30mm.

Or even better get your wingman to do it for you while you line up for a run, of course this only works when you fly with other humans and not AI.
Have a bit too much to drink last night? :p


Yes sorry was a bit.

A10 Thunderbolt has always been an interesting aeroplane tho i cant get to grip with "proper" flight sims, way way too much going on and realism is too unforgiving.

Not played a flight sims since my amiga days - I remember looking at the back of one A10 flight sim and ooglign the PC graphics, thinking it was amiga 500!

I was so owned.
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