DCS: A-10C Warthog (first screens!)

Ok cheers!

Just tried the first HOTAS tutorial. Oh god what does it mean :p I know all the commands and vaguely what they do, but i'm definitely going to wait until I have my stick for this!
Really like the game and using my second monitor makes it so much better.

There is a line going down the screen because I think the screen got bash about a bit :(
But I got given it for free and for what I am using it for it don't interfere with anything.

Still sorting tweaking it to fit better as it was a user uploaded profile and I have only just worked out how to do myself lol.

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What I used to get the gauges, mfds and what ever you would like on another monitor.

1st link is a guide how to setup more screens.
2nd link is for a program that lets you use more monitor or something like that lol.
3rd link is for Helios and that lets place gauges and switches/buttons on your other monitors the way you want it with a editor.

Also a nice video that helped me out a lot with setting up Helios.

If I have said anything wrong then I am sorry as I have only done this myself today and I don't wish to misinform anyone.


Forgot to add this littl bit of good info on how to turn off cockpit mfds.
I use this tweak if I have the mfds on my second screen to save fps from rendering the same it twice.
To get the incockpit MFD's to not render you now need to go to this file:
x:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS A-10C\Scripts\Aircrafts\_Common\Cockpit\ViewportHand ling.lua

Comment out line 31 by adding the -- as highlighted in red below

purposes = {--render_purpose.GENERAL,
render_purpose.SCREENSPACE_INSIDE_COCKPIT} -- set purposes to draw it always
render_target_always = true

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New Official overview Vid of DCS - a good intro to somebody starting out.

The bit that interested me was the brief mention of the Development of a DCS FW-190, as well as the Su-27SM

ay muzza linked me to the dcs world vid the other night. very informative and looks awesome! I've been trying to get to grips with the A-10c (on steam)... there is just so much to remember but having a check list really helps as once you have done things a few times you can roughly guess where that control is going to be.

currently just got a saitek cyborg evo.... thinking of grabbing myself an x-52 pro for the hotas and buttons galore goodness :D

I'm also having a play about with facetracknoir..... currently got it working in steam but it's soooooooo twitchy/retarded at times. tiniest movement and my dude is trying to snap his neck! scratch your nose and he spasses out :p anyone had any experience with it and could give me some guidance. I haven;t got it working in dcs yet as there's a profile you have to import or something, and can't see any trackir option actually into dcs a-10 :\ /confused

for those of you more hardcore out there, the place with the purple shirts has a MFD for sale for cheaper than I found it online (or atleast when i saw it a few weeks ago) could be worth snapping up. I think having a second monitor that had multi touch functionality would be boss for this! rather than having to pan about you just touch the screen to flick switches on and off :D of press a dial with one finger and drag the other up/down to rotate it. :) would be pretty sick!
Seeing as i had 4 SAM's heading for me in the air i think this is a pretty good result! First time i tried the mission my left engine exploded :eek:

Has there been any news at all on the DCS Apache?

Loved Blackshark but got fed up with the almost ancient systems, and have been awaiting the Apache since 2009.

Not interested in fixed wing at all.
No Apache announced, only announced eggbeaters are UH-1, Mi-24, OH-58, Mi-8MTV2 and a AH-1G.

The Huey should be the first of these released, quite soon..

I had this game since the last Steam sale and been wanting to play it ever since as part of my never ending backlog, but how taxing is this game?

Would it be best installed on my SSD or is it fine on a normal drive? I'm thinking because you flying, you would want the map and everything to load pretty fast right?
I had this game since the last Steam sale and been wanting to play it ever since as part of my never ending backlog, but how taxing is this game?

Would it be best installed on my SSD or is it fine on a normal drive? I'm thinking because you flying, you would want the map and everything to load pretty fast right?

No need to put in on an SSD at all, once it's loaded you will never, ever travel fast enough for loading extra world content to slow you down, you see so far ahead anyway.
ok I bought this now on origin and got the code .

Now for reading on here I have installed DCS world and then downloaded the A-10C PACK from the dcs website.

where do I put the code ??? its not asked me for it ? does it unlock something ?
ok I bought this now on origin and got the code .

Now for reading on here I have installed DCS world and then downloaded the A-10C PACK from the dcs website.

where do I put the code ??? its not asked me for it ? does it unlock something ?

Select a quick A-10C mission , hit ok

Then a window will appear copy paste your code in , job done

@hank , best way to learn A-10C is to go throught the interactive training
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