DCS: A-10C Warthog (first screens!)

So close to the Huey coming out now :D:D

The last few weeks has been spent brushing up on flying the Ka-50, mostly landing on rooftops and also being caught out by VRS ending in an unplanned, fatal landing.

Whoops :o
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So close to the Huey coming out now :D:D

The last few weeks has been spent brushing up on flying the Ka-50..............

Fly the KA-50 with the autopilot and stabilisation system off to get 1% of a perception of how the Huey will fly :)

Would also recommend ChickenHawk by Robert Mason as a read before you get the DCS:- Huey - fantastic account of a Huey pilots experience in Vietnam, and will also let you know what to expect when you do get to fly it.

Fly the KA-50 with the autopilot and stabilisation system off to get 1% of a perception of how the Huey will fly :)

Good idea! I understand how stable a platform the Ka-50 really is so I'm looking forward to trying out an old school, conventional heli. Don't trust the flight model of FSX helis, only recently got my G25 pedals working as the rudder in XPlane and that seems to do a good job - but probably not to the standard of Belsimtek products.

Got Chickenhawk already, amazing book :cool:
Had this for a year now (A10C) but only just now decided to get some time into it. My arma3 clan mate was a big A10 player about a year ago so he tutored me all day. Hes also a pilot and flight instructor in real life and does a fantastic job of teaching.

He just got himself a new 3570k at 4.5Ghz. 4Gb 670 etc etc so was right up for getting back into this. Some of you may have played his missions. He went by the name of Smokey or Mia66 (i think)

Anyway, WHAT A GAME! if you can call it that. I'm no able to do full startup, take off, navigation to waypoints. Find and land at airports and play with some features. We're not done yet with navigation and have not even began to look into any weapon systems but im really LOVING this! At the moment im using an old beat up crappy stick too. No pedals or trackIR or anything. (all things I want for arma anyway) so its going to get pricey damnit.

Phenomenal piece of kit!
Not got a webcam! Really want trackIR so i dont look retarded when im full breaks throttle up during startup trying to hit those two AP switches.
I'm starting to realize just how many keys I need on a joystick. That or I'll need a new kind of keyboard that has a good 20 modifiers all with big keys that are in a row and clearly labeled.
I'm starting to realize just how many keys I need on a joystick. That or I'll need a new kind of keyboard that has a good 20 modifiers all with big keys that are in a row and clearly labeled.

I know it was a massive expense but buying the warthog joystick made the game so much easier for me.
I also have a friend who has freetrack. He used a wii remote a few years ago but now has switched to a ps3 eye camera.They can be picked up second hand really cheaply.Making freetrack only around 30 quid if you have some soldering ability.
Yeah PS3 eyetoy is probably going to be what I get next. The idea of trackIR is amazing but sometimes it just doesnt sit well with the user. My friend who flies sim and DCS all day and plays arma finds it makes him ill. So i'll be giving a cheaper option a shot first.

As for a stick. the HOTAS set looks amazing but its an extreme amount of money for a stick that to me, seems too focused. Amazing, I want one, but the cost and the fact its specifically made for DCS and so, less suited elsewhere puts me off. Id probably go with an X65 at tops. Though i've not put any research into that side of things yet.
In addition to that the other modules are on sale too.

DCS Spring Sale!

The entire range of DCS products will be on sale between 21 and 27 March.
DCS: A-10C Warthog – $19.99 USD
DCS: P-51D Mustang – $9.99 USD
DCS: Combined Arms – $20.99 USD
DCS: Black Shark 2 (Full) – $19.99 USD
DCS: Black Shark 2 (Update) – $9.99 USD

Download http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/modules/

Release of DCS: Combined Arms

DCS: Combined Arms gives you control of air and ground forces during the battle. Use the Command Map to move and task air and ground forces, set artillery fire missions, and control the ground battle. Assume the role of a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) in multiplayer and designate targets for player-controlled close air support aircraft, or directly control armor vehicles or air defense weapons to engage the enemy.

Play DCS: Combined Arms as a real time strategy game, a first person armor warfare game, or direct the ground battle from the cockpit of a DCS aircraft like the A-10C Warthog, Ka-50 Black Shark, or P-51D Mustang.

DCS: Combined Arms supports both single player and multiplayer game play. When in multiplayer, different players can take on different roles such as artillery commanders, tank commanders, pilots, JTACS, etc. DCS: Combined Arms allows you full control of the battle. All roles can be changed dynamically during the battle.

Download http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/modules/dcs_combined_arms_english/

Features of DCS: Combined Arms:
• Move and task air and ground forces and direct their fire during a mission.
• Be the Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) and direct close air support in multiplayer.
• Jump into the seat of many armor and air defence units to engage enemy air and ground forces.
• Play in both single player and multiplayer games.
• Both small and large scale battle missions included.
• Part of DCS World
Further updates and improvements will be made to DCS: Combined Arms.

Release of DCS Version 1.2.3

The new 1.2.3 update to DCS World and DCS Modules is now available as an auto-update, or downloaded directly from www.digitalcombatsimulator.com. This update includes a number of new, free DCS World features including a new DCS World Su-27 model, new triggers, and new scripting tools. It also includes major new features to the Combined Arms and Flaming Cliffs 3 modules. In addition to adding new features, this update includes many bug fixes and adjustments like missile performance, network game stability, force feedback joysticks, and a lot more.

You can read about all the changes here http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=101961

DCS 1.2.4 Development

With version 1.2.3 now available, work is underway on version 1.2.4. The primary focus of this next version will be:
1 - Further improvements to network play and stability
2 - Coincide with the release of DCS: UH-1 Huey
3 - Improvements to air-to-air missile performance
4 - Changes and adjustments to beyond visual range combat systems
5 - Further GUI improvements

Moving to 64-bit Operating Systems Only

As we move forward improving the DCS World environment, we are more and more often running into roadblocks that prevent us from doing so due to supporting 32 bit operating systems. This includes larger and more populated worlds with greater terrain mesh details and textures. By moving to 64 bit support only, we will be able solve this and allow larger missions with more units, and it will allow us to improve visual effects.
This change will be coming in the next few months.

The Future of DCS

Currently the team is focused on completing Flaming Cliffs 3 and continued updates and improvements to DCS World. Once Flaming Cliffs 3 is complete, more of our focus will shift to upcoming DCS titles like the F-15C, F/A-18C and Fw-190D9. Looking further out, Eagle Dynamics and our partners plan a large number of new modules that include the Su-27SM, F-86F, MiG-15Bis, MiG-21Bis, Hawk, Mi-8, Mi-24, OH-58 and AH-1G, to just name a few.

The team is also hard at work on many updates and changes to our world rendering system, which will allow us to make new and much more detailed worlds than we have now, including the Nevada map. We hope to have these changes in place before the end of the year.

With the combination of a large and varied stable of aircraft, along with upcoming new maps, we will continue moving forward toward our goal of DCS World allowing combat missions over a wide array of time periods and locations. While our products initially started with a focus on modern day jets, this is now expanding to include World War 2, Korea, Vietnam and modern day content.


The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics Team
Nate do you play combined arms at all? I play a load of Steel Beasts and was wondering if you had any idea how they play compared to each other.
Nate do you play combined arms at all? I play a load of Steel Beasts and was wondering if you had any idea how they play compared to each other.

CA is not an armour sim, it is a mix of RTS and simple 1st person vehicle control. You act in either of 3 roles; Commanding the whole coalition force from the Map view. Commanding a group of vehicles from the 1st person perspective, and the JTAC role in Multiplayer, guiding your mates in A-10s to targets.

Some feature are Single player only for the moment, for example controlling AI air units and directing the m to attack ground forces from the Map view. This is planned to be fully MP in the next update or two.

Similarly the JTAC role only really works in Multiplayer, guiding Human players.

Not sure what to get

Either CA or P-51

Any advice Nate ?

Hard to say to be honest, I really love the P-51, but CA brings so much more to the game. Flip a coin I doubt you'll be disappointed either way. Some of the Timed Air Racing is fun in the P-51.

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