DCS: A-10C Warthog (first screens!)

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Haven't looked at this in detail but is there a huge learning curve with this or do the interactive training missions help out a lot?

From what I've seen of the Interactive training missions, they will hold your hand well enough but you will still need to be patient and refer to the manual from time to time.

BTW:- Here is the nearly complete DCS:- Warthog Beta Flight Manual for you to peruse

I'm very tempted to get a stick and pedals for this can anyone recommend a good set to get?

HOTAS Warthog (If you have a spare £350) :)

Back down to earth now.....

The Saitek X-52 is a decent Mid range HOTAS.

I have a set of these Saitek Rudder Pedals and can recommend them.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Wow that is a seriously detailed manual - would take forever to read through all that! It does look amazing but if it isn't 'pick up and play' then I'd probably never get into it as no time to start learning new stuff.

There are various options to simplify, right down to an arcade gaming mode.

What's the procedure for the online activation. If you intend to use the 64bit version but install the 32bit one for TIR compatibility now do you have to mess around later to install and activate the 64bit version? I suppose I can't put a copy on my laptop and on my gaming PC?

Edit: Just found this on the FAQ so that answers my question :)

In a 64bit OS the 64bit install is the default but you do get an option to install the 32bit binaries to during installation. You can install on 2 computers but you use 2 activations.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
mmm how good is the FM ? just been looking at screenies on other forums, and in general looks very much like Lock-on graphics wise :( ?

The Flight Model is as good as Black Shark, it's kind of a DCS trademark. Those shots are with the HDR turned off. Personally I prefer the HDR, others mightn't. Remember though that it is a BETA and very much subject to change/tweaks.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
No list yet as key commands are still in flux, however some one has extracted the current list out of the config files.


REM -- Cheats --

X LShift LCtrl = Explosion
H LAlt = Levitation
Pause LShift LWin = Active Pause

REM -- Multiplayer --

\ = Score window
Tab = Multiplayer chat - mode All
M RCtrl = Multiplayer chat - mode All
Tab RCtrl = Multiplayer chat - mode Allies
M RAlt = Multiplayer chat - mode Allies
Tab RCtrl RShift = Get new plane - respawn

REM -- Gameplay --

` = Toggle Console
Esc = End mission
Pause = Pause
Z LCtrl = Time accelerate
Z LAlt = Time decelerate
Z LShift = Time normal
Y LCtrl = Info bar view toggle
SysRQ = Screenshot
Tab LShift = Playback track cancel
Y LShift = Info bar view toggle
Pause RShift = One frame mode
Pause RCtrl = Frame rate counter - Service info
Y LAlt = Coordinates units change
C LAlt = Clickable mouse cockpit mode On/Off
Enter RCtrl = Show controls indicator

REM -- Sensors ---

R RShift = Change RWR/SPO Mode
, RAlt = RWR/SPO Sound Signals Volume Down
. RAlt = RWR/SPO Sound Signals Volume Up

REM -- Communications--

E LWin = Dispatch wingmen - complete mission and RTB
R LWin = Dispatch wingmans - complete mission and rejoin
T LWin = Toggle formation
Y LWin = Join up formation
Q LWin = Attack my target
W LWin = Cover me
U LWin = Ask AWACS home airbase
I LWin = Ask AWACS available tanker
G LWin = Attack Ground Targets
D LWin = Attack Air Defenses
\ = Communication menu
\ LShift = Switch dialog

REM -- Views ---

Num4 = View Left slow
Num6 = View Right slow
Num8 = View Up slow
Num2 = View Down slow
Num9 = View Up Right slow
Num3 = View Down Right slow
Num1 = View Down Left slow
Num7 = View Up Left slow
Num5 = View Center
Num* = Zoom in slow
Num/ = Zoom out slow
NumEnter = Zoom normal
Num* RCtrl = Zoom external in
Num/ RCtrl = Zoom external out
NumEnter RCtrl = Zoom external normal
Num* LAlt = F11 camera moving forward
Num/ LAlt= F11 camera moving backward
F1= F1 Cockpit view
F1 LCtrl = F1 Natural head movement view
F1 LAlt = F1 HUD only view switch
F2 = F2 Aircraft view
F2 LCtrl = F2 View own aircraft
F2 RAlt = F2 Toggle camera position
F2 LAlt = F2 Toggle local camera control
F3 = F3 Fly-By view
F3 LCtrl = F3 Fly-By jump view
F4 = F4 Arcade View
F4 LShift = F4 Look back view
F4 LCtrl = F4 Chase view
F5 = F5 nearest AC view
F5 LCtrl = F5 Ground hostile view
F6 = F6 Released weapon view
F6 LCtrl = F6 Weapon to target view
F7 = F7 Ground unit view
F8 = F8 Target view
F8 RAlt = F8 Player targets/All targets filter
F9 = F9 Ship view
F9 LAlt = F9 Landing signal officer view
F10 AWACS = F10 Theater map view
F10 LCtrl = F10 Jump to theater map view over current point
F11 = F11 Airport free camera
F11 LCtrl = F11 Jump to free camera
F12 = F12 Static object view
F12 LCtrl = F12 Civil traffic view
F12 LShift = F12 Trains/cars toggle
F1 LWin = F1 Head shift movement on / off
] LShift = Fast keyboard turn speed
] LCtrl = Slow keyboard turn speed
] LAlt = Normal keyboard turn speed
[ LShift = Fast mouse turn speed
[ LCtrl = Slow mouse turn speed
[ LAlt = Normal mouse turn speed

REM -- Cockpit views ---

Num0 = Cockpit panel view in
Num0 RCtrl = Cockpit panel view toggle
Num0 RAlt = Save Cockpit Angles REM -- Save current cockpit camera angles for fast numpad jumps
Num8 RShift = View up
Num2 RShift = View down
Num4 RShift = View left
Num6 RShift = View right
Num9 RShift = View up right
Num3 RShift = View down right
Num1 RShift = View down left
Num7 RShift = View up left
Num8 RCtrl = Camera view up
Num2 RCtrl = Camera view down
Num4 RCtrl = Camera view left
Num6 RCtrl = Camera view right
Num7 RCtrl = Camera view up-left
Num1 RCtrl = Camera view down-left
Num9 RCtrl = Camera view up-right
Num3 RCtrl = Camera view down-right
Num8 RAlt = Camera view up slow
Num2 RAlt = Camera view down slow
Num4 RAlt = Camera view left slow
Num6 RAlt = Camera view right slow
Num7 RAlt = Camera view up-left slow
Num1 RAlt = Camera view down-left slow
Num9 RAlt = Camera view up-right slow
Num3 RAlt = Camera view down-right slow
Num5 RShift = Center camera view
Num5 RCtrl = Return camera
Num5 RAlt = Return camera base
Num0 LWin = Snap View 0
Num1 LWin = Snap View 1
Num2 LWin = Snap View 2
Num3 LWin = Snap View 3
Num4 LWin = Snap View 4
Num5 LWin = Snap View 5
Num6 LWin = Snap View 6
Num7 LWin = Snap View 7
Num8 LWin = Snap View 8
Num9 LWin = Snap View 9
N RWin = Left Mirror On
M RWin = Right Mirror On
Num* RShift = Zoom in
Num/ RShift = Zoom out

REM -- Cockpit Camera Motion --

Num8 RCtrl RShift = Cockpit Camera Move Up
Num2 RCtrl RShift = Cockpit Camera Move Down
Num4 RCtrl RShift = Cockpit Camera Move Left
Num6 RCtrl RShift = Cockpit Camera Move Right
Num* RCtrl RShift = Cockpit Camera Move Forward
Num/ RCtrl RShift = Cockpit Camera Move Back
Num5 RCtrl RShift = Cockpit Camera Move Center

REM -- Extended view --

J LShift = Camera jiggle toggle
K LAlt = Keep terrain camera altitude
Home RCtrl RShift = View friends mode
End RCtrl RShift = View enemies mode
Delete RCtrl = View all mode
Num+ RCtrl = Toggle tracking fire weapon
PageDown LCtrl = Objects switching direction forward
PageUp LCtrl = Objects switching direction reverse
Delete LAlt = Object exclude
Insert LAlt = Objects all excluded - include

REM -- Padlock views --

Num. RShift = All missiles padlock
Num. RAlt = Threat missile padlock
Num. = Lock view (cycle padlock)
NumLock = Unlock view (stop padlock)
Num. RCtrl = Lock terrain view

REM -- Labels --

F10 LShift = All Labels
F2 LShift = Aircraft Labels
F6 LShift = Missile Labels
F9 LShift = Vehicle & Ship Labels


Space RAlt = Weapon release
Space = Gun trigger
P = Gun trigger(first stage)
End = HOTAS DMS Down
Delete = HOTAS DMS Left
PageDown = HOTAS DMS Right
Down LCtrl = HOTAS TMS Down
Left LCtrl = HOTAS TMS Left
Right LCtrl = HOTAS TMS Right

7 = HOTAS CMS forward
8 = HOTAS CMS aft
9 = HOTAS CMS left
0 = HOTAS CMS right
- = HOTAS CMS Z axis

; = HOTAS Slew up
. = HOTAS Slew down
, = HOTAS Slew left
/ = HOTAS Slew right

U = HOTAS Coolie switch up
J = HOTAS Coolie switch down
H = HOTAS Coolie switch left
K = HOTAS Coolie switch right

Left RAlt = HOTAS Boat switch aft
Down RAlt = HOTAS Boat switch center
Right RAlt = HOTAS Boat switch forward

C = HOTAS China hat aft
V = HOTAS China hat forward

Q = HOTAS Left throttle button
M = HOTAS Master Mode Control Button
Insert = HOTAS Nosewheel steering button

B LCtrl = HOTAS Speed brake switch aft
B LShift = HOTAS Speed brake switch forward

P LCtrl = HOTAS Pinky switch aft
P LAlt = HOTAS Pinky switch forward
P LShift = HOTAS Pinky switch center

Num+ LShift = HOTAS MIC switch up
Num- LAlt = HOTAS MIC switch down
Num- LShift = HOTAS MIC switch aft
Num+ LAlt = HOTAS MIC switch forward

; RCtrl = Trim: Nose Down
. RCtrl = Trim: Nose Up
, RCtrl = Trim: Left Wing Down
/ RCtrl = Trim: Right Wing Down
E LAlt = Emergency Disconnect Lever

REM --Stability Augmentation System --

Z RCtrl = Yaw Trim Left
X RCtrl = Yaw Trim Right

REM -- Flight Control --

Up = Pitch down
Down = Pitch up
Left = Roll left
Right = Roll right
Z = Rudder left
X = Rudder right
T LCtrl = Reset Trimmers
Num+ = Throttle Common Up
Num- = Throttle Common Down
Num+ RAlt = Throttle Left Up
Num- RAlt = Throttle Left Down
Num+ RShift = Throttle Right Up
Num- RShift = Throttle Right Down
PageUp RAlt = Throttle Left Up Step
PageDown RAlt = Throttle Left Down Step
PageUp RShift = Throttle Right Up Step
PageDown RShift = Throttle Right Down Step

REM -- Systems ---

G = Toggle Landing Gear Up/Down
G LCtrl = Toggle Landing Gear Up
G LShift = Toggle Landing Gear Down
G LAlt = Toggle Arrestor Hook
G RAlt = Emeregency gear

F = Toggle Flaps Up/Down
F = Flaps Down
F LShift = Flaps Up
W = Wheel Brake On/Off
W LShift = Wheel Brake Left On/Off
W LAlt = Wheel Brake Right On/Off
W RWin = Emergency Wheel Brake

R LCtrl = Reload Cockpit REM Debug

Home RWin = Engines Start
Home RAlt = Left Engine Start
Home RCtrl = Right Engine Start

End RWin = Engines Stop
End RAlt = Left Engine Stop
End RCtrl = Right Engine Stop
R = Begin Refuel
R LCtrl = Toggle Refueling Boom
R LAlt = Jettison Fuel Tanks
C LCtrl = Canopy Open/Close
E LCtrl = Eject
L = Cockpit Illumination
L RAlt = Toggle Gear Light Near/Far/Off
L RCtrl = Toggle Navigation lights
T LShift = Toggle Smoke
N RShift = Reset Current Audible Warning
W LCtrl = Jettison Weapons
C RWin = Start/Stop/Reset Flight Clock
= RShift = Altimeter Pressure Increase Su-25T
- RShift = Altimeter Pressure Decrease Su-25T
H RCtrl = HUD Color

REM -- Autopilot --

1 = LAAP Engage/Disengage
2 = LAAP Path Hold
3 = LAAP Altitude/Heading Hold
4 = LAAP Altitude/Bank Hold

REM -- Engine Control Panel --

L LShift = Lamps test

REM -- NightVision --

H RShift = Toggle goggles

REM -- FAC --

B LWin = Binocular view toggle
L LAlt = Binocular laser illumination toggle
Z LWin = Binocular view IR mode
20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
If there is a friendly JTAC in the mission, you can ask for targets. Some missions will have them, some won't. If you want to put on in your own mission, you must give a ground unit on your side the JTAC task in the mission editor.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Flying this with the HOTAS WARTHOG is just a dream come true :D

Now if you'll excuse me I have an old wooden tv stand which is getting sawn in half to provide a resting place for the throttle and stick.

How much does a kidney go for these days? I've got one spare and I'm sure the money it'll raise could be put toward a down-payment for a WARTHOG HOTAS

I'm ever so slightly envious, if you couldn't tell.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Open Beta 2 is out.

"DCS: A-10C Warthog" Beta 02 Patch Available

The first update for the Beta version of "DCS: A-10C Warthog is now available for download. This update adds several new functions and fixes numerous development bugs. Beta 02 update highlights include:
- New campaign and missions
- "Easy" and "Realistic" radio communications options
- Better functioning AGM-65 Maverick missile
- Adjusted Targeting Pod infrared camera video
- Updated flight manual
- Adjusted unguided bomb and laser guided bomb accuracy
- More stable PAC gun aiming
- Added Player and JTAC radio message voice over
- Added more functionality to electrical system
- Adjusted sensor slew rates according to field of view
- and many, many more.


It is recommended that you install the patch over a clean install of the original Open Beta release version. File size is 1.85GB.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Beta 4 is out. See here.... http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=63964

Although there are a few issues I'm not happy about in beta 4, it is now available for download. Please note that it is still a beta and NOT a release candidate.

Beta 4: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/index.php?scr=products&end_pos=135&lang=en

Two versions of the patch will be available:

- Beta 3 to Beta 4 Patch. If you have a Beta 3 already installed, you can apply this patch to it.

- Beta 4 full install. This is a full version of the beta and should NOT be installed over a previous version. (RECOMMENDED)

As in previous betas, download the setup and ALL bin files to a folder. Then run the setup file and follow instructions.

Some other notes:

1- Performance improvement for beta 4 was that all units now have Levels Of Detail (LOD). In later betas we'll optimize other areas, particularly effects and EDM models that are having a big, negative impact. However, some things will always hurt frame rate like TGP / Mav video (have to render the game a 2nd or 3rd time!) or viewing high poly objects (like A-10C, F-15, etc.) up close. No way around that.

2- We know that there are cluster bomb issues and they are still being worked on. We've had to redo much of this code to support new features like HOF and this has resulted in a buggy weapon... for now.

3- When you run the game for the first time, you will likely have a long (4-15 min) white screen while the shaders are compiling. The game has not crashed.

4- We hope to have a change log soon.

5- We hope to have a quick beta 5 available before the end of the year.

6- If you have a font problem in the GUI, disable AA in your graphics card properties.

7- Some of our testers have reported installer issues. If you encounter this, we apologize and ask that you wait for beta 5.

8- To confirm beta version, please check file dates in your A-10C dir. The GUI indication is not correct.

If you encounter a problem, please for the love of god first consult the FAQ at: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=58551

Happy Holidays,

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
When will it be released? "When it's done" (TM) :)

But seriously it is hard to tell for definite, but I can see everything coming together in the latest testers builds. Stuff like the redone GUI for Single player still needs polish, but all the major features seem to be in now, bar Nevada, which will come later.

The Devs have a habit of delaying their products if they feel it is not polished enough, so it is impossible to say when the final release will be. IMO Beta 4 is in much better shape than some products are on release.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
As .one. has said CPU is king for DCS. But also note Win 7 will offer up a 20% boost due to its better handling of multi core affinity.

Performance is improving with each Beta, with the big push being for FPS in the future betas. It might be wise to wait for the Final release to judge performance, if you are planning to upgrade.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Any news on the release date yet?

Also, is it true that directX 11 is not going to be used?


No news yet, but it can't be that far off now. As for a new DX11 graphic engine, no unfortunately it won't be included. It is in development, but won't make it for Warthog.

Note, due to the way DCS is designed, Warthog will receive the new engine when it is available. Just the same way Black Shark will get everything in Warthog (bar the A-10), in the next DCS:- Black Shark patch.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Update on Nevada...

Matt Wagner said:
To clarify: the Nevada map will NOT be in the release version of A-10C but we do plan to release it later as a pay-for add-on map. This map will be free to those did the A-10C pre-purchase though. For those that wait for the final, release version, the Nevada map will be a separate purchase.


20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
An interview with one of the producers ....


games.on.net: Any firm release dates in mind? Christmas 2010 has been and gone ;)

Jim Mackonochie: The download version will be released in late February. The boxed version will be available, dependant on territory, within 2 to 3 months later.

games.on.net: Anything else you'd like to add?

Jim Mackonochie: Coding has already started on the next aircraft in the DCS series. All I can say is that it will be a USA fixed wing aircraft!

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