Dead Rising 3 latest vid just got me very interested in the game.

Okay, I've just watched this vid, and I can see little to no slowdown. Are my eyes deceiving me here?

Assuming there is little or no slowdown, that doesn't tally with the DF article at all.

A lot of people who went to the Game lock ins said there was no slow down to be seen even when ploughing through zombies. All the vids I've seen haven't had any until the df one today when suddenly there was loads. Pretty bad if they are using an old build to publish frame rate stats, especially this close to launch when you'd expect the game to be finished.
A lot of people who went to the Game lock ins said there was no slow down to be seen even when ploughing through zombies. All the vids I've seen haven't had any until the df one today when suddenly there was loads. Pretty bad if they are using an old build to publish frame rate stats, especially this close to launch when you'd expect the game to be finished.
Yup, and those people who played at the lock ins (including one guy who posted in here earlier today) played in the exact kind of environment that caused the slow downs in the DF article (outdoors with loads of Zombies).

I'm not going to sit here and say that DF have done anything intentionally, but what they said in that article doesn't tally up with a lot of the more recent hands on impressions I've read and watched. Have they used an old build by mistake? Have Capcom done something to the final build which has re-introduced the problems? Something seems odd to me.
If (and it's a big if) it turns out DF is using an old build, it's really not making itself look good after the whole BF4 capturing issues from a couple of weeks ago.
that video looks fine to me but i think from what I've read its only certain parts and certain missions where the game drops a bit like cod on ps4 and in the last paragraph on the article its states the following :
It's also unfortunate that the game runs at far from the promised locked 30fps - rather a chugging 20fps during the zombie action while out in the big city. Compared to the shaky E3 build seen just months ago this is still a respectable step forward

so im guessing this is a recent build
Out of curiosity anyone played/seen this running during the day? All I've ever noticed is night stuff...

ps3ud0 :cool:
that video looks fine to me but i think from what I've read its only certain parts and certain missions where the game drops a bit like cod on ps4 and in the last paragraph on the article its states the following :
It's also unfortunate that the game runs at far from the promised locked 30fps - rather a chugging 20fps during the zombie action while out in the big city. Compared to the shaky E3 build seen just months ago this is still a respectable step forward

That last paragraph goes against the videos I've seen though. So either the FPS drops in those videos and I'm just not seeing it (possible), or something is amiss with the DF build.

Like I said, I'm not suggesting the DF results aren't accurate, it just seems at odds with a lot of the recent hands on previews I've watched and read.
FPS drops or not, 30fps on a next gen console is nothing short of a joke and an embarrassment.

A launch title is an ambassador to the console, to what we have to look forward too.
Correct. Launch titles always reflect future games.

No they REALLY don't

Launch titles are probably the worst. That said, this is the YEAR 2013! These consoles have to last us till 2023

Considering 4k is just around the corner, and 1080p has been around since the dark ages, these NEXT-GEN consoles should be able to do 1080p 60fps WITHOUT BREAKING A SWEAT. I'm not expecting 4k 60fps gaming on a £400 console. Hell, 3 x Titans in SLi would struggle with some games. However, I do expect 1080p

Launch titles, developer coding issues aside, 1080p should be a walk in the park

considering we have instances of games running at 720p and 10fps makes me wonder just how far this 'next gen' will get

Usually, as years gone by, console launches match PCs. The 360 did when it first came out. This time, the new consoles seem to me to match PCs of five years ago
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