Dead Rising 3 latest vid just got me very interested in the game.

these NEXT-GEN consoles should be able to do 1080p 60fps WITHOUT BREAKING A SWEAT. I'm not expecting 4k 60fps gaming on a £400 console. Hell, 3 x Titans in SLi would struggle with some games. However, I do expect 1080p

Wouldnt be £400 consoles if they were that powerful, that's for sure.
Stolen from GAF:

Players who complete Dead Rising 3 will unlock a special Mega Man X outfit. Those who manage to finish the game in Nightmare mode get to play with the X-Buster, Mega Man X's ferociously useful primary weapon.



Zombie carnage. Looks pretty awesome to me!
emails, forums posts, text messages do not contain any element of emotion or expression. When being sarcastic one should add the /s tag

Nobody knows anyone online, so it's impossible to tell if they were being sarcastic or genuine

Yeah....impossible....try using common sense.
Seems the only complaints are texture streaming problems. Seems to be a common problem with early titles with big scale - I seem to recall Mass Effect suffering terribly on the 360. Never detracted from my enjoyment though! :)
Seems the only complaints are texture streaming problems. Seems to be a common problem with early titles with big scale - I seem to recall Mass Effect suffering terribly on the 360. Never detracted from my enjoyment though! :)

Indeed, the first Gears had lots of this issue too.

And also another preview that states there are no slowdowns. Considering that DF article, I'm still really confused about that.

Do DF have any credibility left? they almost seem like an arm of the Sony press team.
The recording mess up, the 'not noticing' 720p single player on PS4 CoD (even if it is to be patched, they had the same code at the time as everyone else), "DR3 is plagued with extreme FPS drops" etc.
Do DF have any credibility left? they almost seem like an arm of the Sony press team.
The recording mess up, the 'not noticing' 720p single player on PS4 CoD (even if it is to be patched, they had the same code at the time as everyone else), "DR3 is plagued with extreme FPS drops" etc.

I don't want to say that DF are pro-Sony or have some kind of agenda, but it does seem lately like they're losing some credibility. Obviously as a DR fan, I hope they are wrong about the framerate issues, but even if they're not, I'm sure I'll still love the game regardless. I know myself well enough to know how much I'll enjoy smashing the zombies up :D
Huh DF is more known to be pro MS than Sony during this gen - lol

ps3ud0 :cool:
You have to admit that it's strange that every recent hands on preview has praised the game for getting rid of the initial framerate problems, yet DF is the only place that says they still exist. That's just what I can't get my head around.
Not really no, in the first paragraph they mention what build they are using, whether theres any value in the article is up to the reader. Looking at how dull some people are around here its not a surprise everything gets a knee-jerk reaction. Very little point in the DF article if its not a release build they are assessing for quality/perforrmance...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Not really no, in the first paragraph they mention what build they are using,
Do they really?

Confirmed with surprising openness to be running at a straight 720p resolution at 30fps, Dead Rising 3 has much to prove to early Xbox One buyers. While many will be looking for evidence of a generational shift in terms of graphics and performance - ideally both - it's clear that development of this game has perhaps not been been as smooth as Capcom Vancouver would have preferred, appearing as it did with copious pop-in, tearing and serious frame-rate issues at Microsoft's 2013 E3 booth. But, raising its head once again at a London event, we're given an unfiltered hands-on with the title to see whether the extra months of development have given it a much-needed turnaround.

That's the first paragraph. I don't see any confirmation of what build they're using. The fact that they mention in the 3rd paragraph that the game they were playing had debug options, something that would obviously not be in a retail copy, suggests that it might not be the final build.

Again, I'm not trying to defend DR here or accuse DF of anything, but there are enough discrepancies between their article, and the dozens of videos and hands on impressions that I've watched and read, to give me the idea that something isn't right.
Its at the London event, which IIRC had an old build of DR3 - it most definitely didnt have the release version as that event wasnt far after Gamescom...

As I said its not hard to work out but just reading its obvious its not a release build.

Anyway I said labelling DF as pro-Sony is a joke looking at the historical bias. Im not defending their viewpoint, just putting forward its stupid to think they are all of a sudden pro-Sony :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
Its at the London event, which IIRC had an old build of DR3 - it most definitely didnt have the release version as that event wasnt far after Gamescom...

As I said its not hard to work out but just reading its obvious its not a release build.

I would agree, which begs the question - why do a performance test on an unfinished build? Hell, why would Capcom let them run a performance test on an unfinished build?

Anyway I said labelling DF as pro-Sony is a joke looking at the historical bias...

I've only just started reading DF so I couldn't comment on how pro-anyone they've been in the past.
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