Death of movie theatres (cinemas)

Your threshold for watchable films must be much lower than mine. There's no way I could go every week and convince myself that those hours couldn't have been spent doing something more entertaining or engaging.

I have always loved movies so if you need a threshold to watch movies then I dont think our interests are comparable.

I work a demanding job with occupational pressures. So especially after a long week I do look forward to a break and going to the cinema once a week with friends as a release for a few hours isn't too much to ask.
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I have always loved movies so if you need a threshold to watch movies then I dont think our interests are comparable.

They are comparable because films are also one of my great interests, but not all films. It's just hard for me to imagine that I could watch 52 new releases a year and rate every one of them as enjoyable, purely on the basis of the film itself.

Now that you've mentioned going with friends every week, it's a bit different because it reads more like it's partly or even mainly about the social aspect and maintaining relationships through it.

I suspect it would be a bit different without that and just judging the films. So while the overall experience shouldn't be discounted, it can cloud people's judgement of how good the actual thing is.
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It’s not just the cinema that’s the issue. It’s the whole Industry. Insane budget films, overpaid actors, the writers strike, lack of talent, Covid and inflation.

Social media has shown most actors are just ******** so it’s gotten harder for an actor to sell a film purely on their name and sometime has the reverse outcome. You tell people to “don’t watch your movie” most will generally take that advise.

Studios need movie theatres they have bailled them out more than once.

Comedy is dead. What was the last great comedy film? Look at the comedy films we got in the 90’s and 00’s.
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Would playing a game be more productive?

I haven't mentioned that the activity has to be productive. It all depends on what film I'd make myself watch every week. I don't play games much anymore, but I think I'd rather try a game I haven't played for 2 hours than the average film these days, as even the "blockbusters" are hit and miss. At least with a game I can refund it if it's through Steam.
Why do I still go to the cinema 8-10 times a year?

Price: 10 euros or less for 2 hours of entertainment is fine for me. In the 90's when I first started going it was 4 quid. I've seen worse things affected by inflation tbh!
Noise: Youths causing mischief in cinemas is a UK thing, it did bother me a bit when living in London, but not enough to stop me going. In Spain, never seen (heard) it happen.
Home setup: Impossible to replicate the sheer size of a cinema screen in my flat (I have a 65inch OLED and a soundbar).
Social element: Have a meal or drink before/after the cinema. It's not practical to watch in a group living in a small flat, no matter how good a setup I have!

BUT, the speed at which things are available to stream or pirate these days is starting to annoy me! It makes my cinema trip less value, through no fault of my own! Civil War is a recent one where I would have waited and streamed if I knew it would come out so soon to stream, rather than paying at the cinema. Fall Guy is another, although not really my sort of film.

The biggest change to a lot of it is at home most people have invested in a really good large screen TV, and many of them in a decent sound system, so you arn't really missing out on the big screen sound aspect staying at home. Still go for made for cinema stuff, the Mission impossible Film and Top Gun 2 etc.
I don't like going to the cinema, the looking for parking, other people there might be noisy idiots, and god the prices lol.

Oh yea and the films are about what...70-80% crap?..I aint paying anything for those.
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Noise: Youths causing mischief in cinemas is a UK thing, it did bother me a bit when living in London, but not enough to stop me going. In Spain, never seen (heard) it happen.

It's not really "youths" as a group as much as it is a small number of the general population who are so narcissistic that only what "they" want to do is important and if "they" want to use phones, talk loudly, mess about, generally be ill mannered scum, then they feel thats their right to do it!!!!!!!!

I try to avoid cinemas when I think there will be people there so I tend to go for the last showing on Sunday nights etc and even then about 10% of my trips will have someone breaking one or more of the very basic "cinema etiquette" rules, spoiling the film for myself and anyone else unlucky enough to be stuck in the cinema with these type of people.

When I'm "King of the World" I'll be reintroducing Judge Dredd style instant death sentences on anyone eating, drinking, using phones, talking, leaving for a wee etc etc after the film starts - Just an instant bolt gun to the back of the head!
I do like the cinema.
We get 6 odeon tickets a year. And that's usually enough. There are very few films worth seeing. And these are always Imax for us.

Tickets are cheap here though. Non Imax is 5 pounds. And parking is free. So. It's actually really cheap.

No way I'd pay 10+ pounds though like most have to
This subject pops up every so often on here - and its no surprise that the socially awkward members of a socially awkward website would avoid social situations - but ultimately the streaming experiment failed and cinema isn't going anywhere. :D
This subject pops up every so often on here - and its no surprise that the socially awkward members of a socially awkward website would avoid social situations - but ultimately the streaming experiment failed and cinema isn't going anywhere. :D

That's quite an assumption.

The reason many people don't go is not because they don't want to socialise. It's not like you can sit and talk for 2-3 hours during a film anyway, so it would be other activities planned around it where the socialising would come in.

Streaming definitely hasn't failed either, it has peaked and got a massive boost from covid. Neither is going anywhere soon, but the cinema chains are struggling and will struggle if things don't improve. One of the main ones around here closed last year after being around for decades.
This subject pops up every so often on here - and its no surprise that the socially awkward members of a socially awkward website would avoid social situations - but ultimately the streaming experiment failed and cinema isn't going anywhere. :D
Calling the cinema a social situation is a bit of a leap. It's one of the least social things you can do.
It’s not just the cinema that’s the issue. It’s the whole Industry. Insane budget films, overpaid actors, the writers strike, lack of talent, Covid and inflation.

Social media has shown most actors are just ******** so it’s gotten harder for an actor to sell a film purely on their name and sometime has the reverse outcome. You tell people to “don’t watch your movie” most will generally take that advise.

Studios need movie theatres they have bailled them out more than once.

Comedy is dead. What was the last great comedy film? Look at the comedy films we got in the 90’s and 00’s.

Comedy is dead as someone will be upset and have serious mental health issues from it........ (American pie was the last great comedy film or maybe the southpark movie)

I hate going to the cinema now mainly because no one no longer understand how to put a phone on silent and stick it in your ******** pocket and not look at till you get out of your seat at the end. The staff are useless and wont do anything about it. Mainly becuase it some emo weakling with spots who loves movies and working in a arthouse ticks the box.
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This subject pops up every so often on here - and its no surprise that the socially awkward members of a socially awkward website would avoid social situations - but ultimately the streaming experiment failed and cinema isn't going anywhere. :D
You are part of this"socially akward website". Anyway cinema is not a social activity, until i got a better tv i was going 2-3x a month as i had an odeon unlimited card. Often on my own.
That's quite an assumption.

The reason many people don't go is not because they don't want to socialise. It's not like you can sit and talk for 2-3 hours during a film anyway, so it would be other activities planned around it where the socialising would come in.

Streaming definitely hasn't failed either, it has peaked and got a massive boost from covid. Neither is going anywhere soon, but the cinema chains are struggling and will struggle if things don't improve. One of the main ones around here closed last year after being around for decades.

Streaming is declining and will ultimately consolidate into less platforms - but what has been proven is that first run major films premiering on all you can eat platforms isn't financially viable.
Calling the cinema a social situation is a bit of a leap. It's one of the least social things you can do.

...and yet how many posts are about people wanting to avoid being in the presence of others and preferring to watch films on their own at home..
...and yet how many posts are about people wanting to avoid being in the presence of others and preferring to watch films on their own at home..
Haven't seen many say they want to watch on their own, just watch at home. Doesn't mean it's less social. In fact it can be more social.

Just accept you said a silly thing and are being rightfully called out on it.
You are part of this"socially akward website". Anyway cinema is not a social activity, until i got a better tv i was going 2-3x a month as i had an odeon unlimited card. Often on my own.

yes but I'm not one of the socially awkward members that avoids being in social situations and would prefer all the cinemas to go bust to normalise sitting at home to watch first run films..

I've got both unlimited and mylimitless subs plus a decent TV and sound system but would never take watching a first run film at home over the cinema..
Haven't seen many say they want to watch on their own, just watch at home. Doesn't mean it's less social. In fact it can be more social.

Just accept you said a silly thing and are being rightfully called out on it.

Yes I'm sure they all have half the street round their house to watch films rather than hunched over their laptop by themselves, Im sure you are right.. :D
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