What do you think?
I was serious yea. I thought it was part of their constitution that allows people to own guns etc..?
I think my problem is, i quite often forget how stupid the general population can be (not you, the defendant in the case). But in all honesty going along with a friend to perform an armed robbery without thinking the consequences and possibility of things going wrong. It is quite likely in this case it would be near impossible to find out the true course of events and don't feel a death sentence appropriate.
While I do think there are some people who deserve death, I think that the death penalty doesn't work. If a person commits a crime that he knows will give him the death penalty, he loses nothing by trying to go out guns blazing if he is dead either way, but has a chance to escape or take people with him. I don't know what the best punishment/deterrent is, but I just think the death penalty isn't it.
have you read what they've done, they dont deserve to live imo
Even the one where the forensic evidence was rubbished post execution?
Even the one where the forensic evidence was rubbished post execution?
Can you post an example? Just interested.
even the one where he admitted to raping then killing the woman
even the one where he picked up a blackmale and dragged him to his death for being black
a lot of them would have admitted or were caught doing their crime..
obviously i dont think an indecent person should be killed
Killing anyone is wrong. Having it approved by a judge doesn't make it right, it just makes it legal. There are a lot of things which are wrong with justice systems and one of them is the death penalty.
It's already been posted, executed in 2004, forensic and expert testimony has since been discredited.
It's already been posted, executed in 2004, forensic and expert testimony has since been discredited.
So what do you do about the innocent person killed?
What do you about the innocent tax payer slaving daily to feed and house criminals who sit in jail reading porno mags, eating, drinking and lifting iron whilst someone somewhere (if they are lucky enough to be alive) re-lives a nightmare?