Decent smelling body spray ?

Now gimme that spray, that rollon, that streak-free stuff
Let me tell you what we gon' two, plus two, I'm gon' be sniffin' you
Then we're gonna go three and three you gon' be sniffing me
Then we're gonna go four and four, we gon' get physical, but first

Forget about your BO and meet me at the hotel room
You can bring your right guard and meet me at the hotel room
We at the hotel, motel, physical stink

:edit: I'll be honest I massively ran out of steam there at the end, the quality of my imagination took a dive, and it shows. This does not meet the high standards I set myself and I'd like to take the opportunity to apologise for that.
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I was thinking handbags at dawn rather than thrashing it out In a Travelodge

Cool Water is a 90s classic and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.

I don't know what the 2nd and 3rd ones are but 'SPICY POWER FRESH' and 'anti-white marks' (TESCO) are filling in the gaps of my knowledge.

Then CK coming in at the right hand side of the picture looking like you rescued it from a house fire?

Quite the journey.

e: hold on one goddamn moment. We buy EDT minimum, no excuses; not even if you're gifted AFTER SHAVE should you accept or retain it.
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Received mine today, ordered the 48 hour antiperspirant before I knew the 72 hour one existed and couldn't cancel. I will probably order the 72 hour one next time...

Received mine today, ordered the 48 hour antiperspirant before I knew the 72 hour one existed and couldn't cancel. I will probably order the 72 hour one next time...


Lol... So you've got a big stash of radox and now 7 bottles of dove shower gell... I think you might be OK for a while!!
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