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Dem elbows

Yea, they're getting annoying. Have some good session and get back track strength wise and then they come back and have to lower weight while they heal again :rolleyes: Maybe I should stick to exercises that don't rely on bending my arms.. Deadlifts all week then? :D
Given your prodigious shoulder strength, have you checked your shoulder mobility?

Would better internal shoulder rotation help with taking the stress off your elbows in this context?

Not being a low bar boss I'm not completely sure as to the biomechanics of the elbows during low bar, but I'd guess internal shoulder rotation might actually be helpful...
Given your prodigious shoulder strength, have you checked your shoulder mobility?

Would better internal shoulder rotation help with taking the stress off your elbows in this context?

Not being a low bar boss I'm not completely sure as to the biomechanics of the elbows during low bar, but I'd guess internal shoulder rotation might actually be helpful...

I probably need to do some shoulder mobility as I know on Low Bar, I cannot get my arms pinned back far enough (used to be able to before), so my wrists are bent (if you look at the vid I sent you on FB). That is probably putting some unneeded stress on my elbows too. Probably explains why High Bar doesn't really hurt my elbows, I just have tight ankles :D

Also due to my manlet status, I have to tip toe to get the bar off the rack, which made the bar roll down because I caught the catcher as I unracked and set my elbows off in the first place :mad: It was just downhill from there.
Also due to my manlet status, I have to tip toe to get the bar off the rack, which made the bar roll down because I caught the catcher as I unracked and set my elbows off in the first place :mad: It was just downhill from there.

Serves you right for having such an unfair stature:strength ratio. :mad:

:D ;)
Serves you right for having such an unfair stature:strength ratio. :mad:

:D ;)

On the rack I was using last night, I had to put 3 tile mats in the rack, just to be able to lift the bar off without tip toeing!

but yea, I need to get some shoulder mobility under the way, better get a list together! Thou shall call me Delvis! :D
Its a good job u put those bars in the power rack so you could drop the weight on them after u failed the squat. I would have come round the corner wondering why your doing a long paused squat and crying.. Haha
I probably need to do some shoulder mobility as I know on Low Bar, I cannot get my arms pinned back far enough (used to be able to before), so my wrists are bent (if you look at the vid I sent you on FB). That is probably putting some unneeded stress on my elbows too.
I'm sure I've said this, that's exactly what's going on.
I'm sure I've said this, that's exactly what's going on.

Yep, thats where I know it from. It seems to come and go, ill have some good weeks and then it will come back. I'm still keeping up the mobility too. Probably throw some dislocations back in now, as long as it doesnt try to dislocate my shoulder again :D
I probably need to do some shoulder mobility as I know on Low Bar, I cannot get my arms pinned back far enough (used to be able to before), so my wrists are bent (if you look at the vid I sent you on FB). That is probably putting some unneeded stress on my elbows too. Probably explains why High Bar doesn't really hurt my elbows, I just have tight ankles :D

If I may interject here, you are pretty much perfectly describing my old low bar squat - my mobility was non-existent and my wrists were often cocked. I used to get all kinds of fun issues with the elbows but also nerve impingement in the shoulder from forcing a badly positioned shoulder into a position it didn't want to be in. If I were to do it all again, I would abandon low bar squats for a few months, hammer the hell out of my mobility & get mad strong in the upper back.
If I may interject here, you are pretty much perfectly describing my old low bar squat - my mobility was non-existent and my wrists were often cocked. I used to get all kinds of fun issues with the elbows but also nerve impingement in the shoulder from forcing a badly positioned shoulder into a position it didn't want to be in. If I were to do it all again, I would abandon low bar squats for a few months, hammer the hell out of my mobility & get mad strong in the upper back, realise I had been barking up the wrong tree all this powerlifting time, and then high bar squat properly as athletes were meant to. And then start doing cleans and snatches.

Fixed. ;) :D
Well yeah I wouldn't advocate low bar squatting at all unless you are planning to compete in powerlifting :)

This is becoming more and more apparent and it upsets me because I'm still better at low bar. Also can't do high bar at the moment because of the gay ankle :(
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