Deformed baby born in Nepal

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I think its really sad that conditions like this actually occur. Im not one of these people that likes to call BS either, as i have read the thread and there seems to be enough scientific evidence out there that this condition and others similar to it actually exist.

Im wondering though, it doesnt seem to have come up so far, but is this a genetic dissorder, and has there been much research into stopping it / what causes it?

vaultingSlinky said:
If you take a look at the wikipedia entry, it says that women who have conceived a baby with the disorder only have a 3% chance to have a repeat occurance (1% with high folic acid intake)

Scientists arent sure what causes it, but it occurs because 26-28 days into pregnancy, neural tubes dont close up resulting in no forebrain.

I dont really know how it is, thats just what i remember from the wiki entry i read earlier

It doesnt seem to be a hereditry gentic condition, they just arent sure!
Taken from somewhere on Google and translated into English (the bits in brackets), because it explains it in a lot less words than I would :)

The forebrain: "Collectively, the forebrain functions to control cognitive (thinking), sensory (feeling) and motor (movement) function, and regulate temperature, reproductive functions, eating, sleeping and the display of emotions."

The foetus also fails to develop a skull, and the head is often fused to the neck. This is what causes the characteristic apperance.

From what I can see, the normal pattern of development (things develop in a set order at a set time) is halted at a premature stage, and starts to go haywire. This is most likely due to a gene which has incorrectly been turned on/off due to either a genetic defect, or a chemical which has altered the structure of the gene. However, until geneticists identify this exact gene and its role in development of a foetus (they will eventually), they can't be sure.
I don't think we should judge their society by ours, for all we know that could be seen as a blessing or some such.

That makes no sense, if the dinosaurs were all part of the same family why are they all different species/types of dinosaur?

More on-topic, can you imagine you or your wife giving birth to that baby! :O This thread has put me off kids alone, having that would be terrifying.
Has anybody ever read the book Mutants by Armand Marie Leroi? There were a couple of pictures of anencephalic babies in there I believe, as well as a plethora of other hideous deformations for your viewing pleasure. It seems real enough to me - apart from anything else, I don't see why someone would bother creating the hoax given that there are already many pictures of babies with a similar condition available on the web.
It seems it's the reverse of Spina Bifida. Instead of the bottom of the neural tube being left open it's the top, hence no brain or skull.

I feel sorry for the parents. To all those concerned about the child you can rest assured he or she knew nothing about it as there is literally nothing there to feel pain or discomfort.

Parading it around in a bowl is a little "insensitive" i'll grant you.
When I said photochopped, I have seen the top picture, that exact one, not a similar one, that exact picture before a very long time ago. Images like that tend to stay with you real or fake. Im not disputing the condition exists, merely that this "article" exists merely to sell papers/subscriptions/hits etc nothing more.
i thought it was an april fools, but it could be real i guess.
still its fairly funny.
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