Delayed purchase of PC games

Best cure for this is have a circa 2004 PC. last game I bought was Football Manager 09 think it was and other than that it was BF2 in 2005.

Got to get back into playing games, I do fancy Simcity, PS2, DayZ and the new C&C game.
Games priced at £39 are a joke and it will go the way of the music CD albums that once cost £20 now £7.

Is it sad I used to like actually having a box and manual for games…I’ve never downloaded a game but it just does not have the same appeal
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It's very rare that I bother buying on release. The last one was Alan Wake on Steam for £26.99 without the American Nightmare part :( it was on sale not long after and has been on sale 2-3 times. I think the last time was about £7 including American Nightmare:( Saying that, if there's ever a Half-life 3/Episode 3 I'd pre-order, pre-load and pre-book the week off work for*:D I think there's just too many games being released for many titles to be able to command £30 for long.

* slight exaggeration on the booking a week off part
Taking a week off work would make it the most expensive game ever:cool:

This idea flies in the face of chasing the best graphics and probably correlates to hardware also.

Arma 3 might be worth buying at release or soon after, its a platform type game for other mods so its not do or die on the gameplay which a lot of new games are just all show
Same here, I have purchased XCOM:enemy unknown and really want WRC 3, but there are a lot of huge hitters i have not bought and wont until a sale with all the DLC

Games such as:

Mass Effect 3
Battlefield 3

Games i bought at launch this year/end of last and wish i had'nt

Diablo 3 -.-
Preordered Borderlands 2 and LOVE it... I did do the same for Sword of the Star 2 that game was total fail.... I mean total! I have decided to only preorder games where I can see at least 5 minute of real game play before launch :)

I find it depends on the game, sometimes the hype for a game makes you want it at its release day. Lately though a lot of games iv bought on their release date have been kind of not worth the release date price, and i wish i held out until the price dropped.

Multiplayer games are the type of games i am most likely to buy on their release date, and SP games are the ones i will wait to drop in price because you will still get the same experiance just at a lower price.

I am trying not to buy any more games right now, got a few games that i haven't even touched yet, Xcom is looking rather good though. :(
I don't often buy games on release but this may be related to my reduction in game playing. I just don't find myself as interested in games as I once was.

I bought Torchlight 2 for release, though not a full price game to start with and I most recently bought Red Dead Redemption for my PS3, sorry ;), for a tenner.
[TW]Fox;22946112 said:
I must say I do dislike the move to digital distrubution and this has reduced the amount of games I can be bothered to buy. This might seem odd but back when it was being developed it was heralded as being great for the consumer - more convenient and because the price paid no longer had to pay for warehouses, shipping, bricks and mortar shops and staff to sell them, games would be cheaper too.

Whereas all thats happened is that we can't really buy games on the high street anymore and instead we simply pay more than we've ever paid before for no box, no disc, no manual and no ability to flog it on when you've finished.

I think there is a big increase in the volume of older/cheap titles that are available - in years gone by, it could be quite hard to source games that were a few years old, and when you could find them they were often 'overpriced' (I remember paying £20 for Diablo 2 in around 2003 for example). Digital distribution is the perfect platform for older titles because there are minimal overheads compared to having to have old stock sat on shelves for years, and it gives the industry an opportunity to bring in some cash for projects where the investment has already been sunk (development finished including patches etc) without needing to resort to a lot of marketing etc.

I'm fairly confident that the average price I pay per game is significantly lower for digital compared to hard copies, simply because hard copies have a much less volatile price. And that's even taking the 'crap' out of the equation (i.e. not using filler to drag the average price down).
It's strange how PC game prices fluctuate and eventually fall, but console games sell for extortionate prices.

Probably because the stores that sell the games also control the second hand market.

I am surprised no-one has posted something like, "if you don't buy games on release you are killing PC games and forcing devs to starve!"

It's a long, long time since I have bought games on release. I do buy on release every now and then - Serious Sam 3 and Saints Row 3 are the only ones in the last year. Actually even with them it was a few weeks after release, with a 25% off sale.

But even before steam sales, I bought most of my games from the bargain bin.
I try to do this as much as possible. Mainly because you can't sell the games on with steam, so it's a waste to drop £30 on a game that just sits in your account never to be played again.

The exceptions are games like Skyrim and Borderlands 2. So glad I bought these straight away as I have had hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of them.
It's strange how PC game prices fluctuate and eventually fall, but console games sell for extortionate prices.

Probably as its a different model. they don't really make money on the console, it just provides access to the games, which is the cash cow. Consoles are basically subsidized.
Not as much as the nes used to be I think though prices have come down now but as its dix9 I'd hope so. I thought they have the next gen by now
I buy games at release if I like the look of them. I don't find it that hard to judge before release whether I would like a game or not. There was no doubt that Dishonored, Sleeping Dogs, ME3, Torchlight 2 were not going to be worth what I payed for them. Likewise I have no doubts that my only existing preorder will be worth the £20 it cost (Hitman Absolution). I would have pre-ordered BL2, but I was still yet to play the first one, so wasn't sure about it. now I will pick it up when I have no other games to play though.

To my mind, the only game that I probably haven't got the most out of that I bought at release was Dead Island, and that was only because something else came out the same week and I ended up playing that and then forgetting about it. Actually I seem to remember paying £25 for Kingdoms of Amalur....what a terrible game! ...what was I thinking:eek:

There are also plenty of games which are just obviously gonna be worth it....Skyrim was a no-brainer and there is no chance of GTAV being a flop.
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Yep do this now.

Also it means you don't need to update your hardware with the lastest generation gear.

I only just got an xbox, buying games now all sub 10 pound
Well after all their crap over the year about how bad piracy etc is on the PC and how we are all crappy thieving ********.... they release rocksmith and forget to put a CD key in the box...


Ubisoft really are a bunch of morons. Lots of reviews on the jungle site.
Multiplayer games are the type of games i am most likely to buy on their release date, and SP games are the ones i will wait to drop in price because you will still get the same experiance just at a lower price.

I am trying not to buy any more games right now, got a few games that i haven't even touched yet, Xcom is looking rather good though. :(

I always pre-ordered stuff i was interested in especially MP games as buyi.g late would inevitably put me at a disadvantage. Last pre-orders were:

Deus Ex - Happy
Skyrim - Very happy
BF3 - Happy, but never had time to play

Didn't pre-order ME3 and having just bought it, it's very disappointing so good call not pre-ordering. Steam and everyone else's sales are the future for me.
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