**Dell PowerEdge T20 Mini Tower Server - Owner Thread**

I've ordered an extra 16gb of RAM now, and I want to replace the original 1tb mechanical drive with a SSD before I do anything else.

Not exactly sure how I'm going to set it up or which OS I'm going to be using yet, but I'll probably be running a couple of VM's with something like the following on :-

Not sure what else yet?

Can anyone recommend a SSD and PCI-E SATA card that would work well with the T20? I'm only initially going to have 4 drives, the SSD and 3 old 2tb Samsung drives that have been in my gaming PC, but I'd rather have the option of a couple of extra SATA ports as and when I need them.

What size SSD would you recommend too? I'm looking at around 250gb for now to be sensible with costs, would that be enough to run a few VM's?

You may be able to tell that I'm a complete novice at all this...
StarTech.com 2 Port SATA 6 Gbps PCI Express SATA Controller Card - Dual Port PCIe SATA III Card Adapter

Going to add another SSD for some VM's and a third for SSD optimiser landing Zone for the pool

So my setup is

1 x 256GB sanddisk SSD for windows 10
3 x 4TB WD RED for the pool
1x 120GB Samsung EVO for landing zone for the Pool
1 x 480GB Sandisk for VM's etc...
StarTech.com 2 Port SATA 6 Gbps PCI Express SATA Controller Card - Dual Port PCIe SATA III Card Adapter

Going to add another SSD for some VM's and a third for SSD optimiser landing Zone for the pool

So my setup is

1 x 256GB sanddisk SSD for windows 10
3 x 4TB WD RED for the pool
1x 120GB Samsung EVO for landing zone for the Pool
1 x 480GB Sandisk for VM's etc...

Thank you, I'll get a StarTech ordered.

Stupid question, what's a pool landing zone?

Think I'll just get a 250gb SSD for now, would there be enough room to run a couple of VM's on that? Don't think I'll be running Windows on it, but I need to speak to my server expert before confirming that.

I've got an old 60gb SSD drive somewhere too.
Thank you, I'll get a StarTech ordered.

Stupid question, what's a pool landing zone?

Think I'll just get a 250gb SSD for now, would there be enough room to run a couple of VM's on that? Don't think I'll be running Windows on it, but I need to speak to my server expert before confirming that.

I've got an old 60gb SSD drive somewhere too.

250GB is fine for a few VM's

In my server I have all the drives pooled togther to create one big virtual Drive.

Makes things easier to manage. When copying data to the server...The files get copied to the SSD first to speed up transfers and these files are then automatically migrated to the pool.
Not all ssd's are equal, for multiple vm's look for one with high iops. I got the Sandisk x400 based on price, performance and availability.

I use the ssd just for the VM's, any VM storage is on spinning disks as these are close to the limit of gigabit.

I popped in an LSI 9211 8i flashed to IT mode, basically just gives me 8 additional sata 6Gbps ports but takes the x16 slot.

Unlikely I'll need all 8 but the card was a cheap Dell perc 310 and I'm likey to have the odd spare smaller ssd as I upgrade PCs so I can drop them in the server for extra storage with a little double sided tape.

When you setup the T20 be aware only sata 1 and 2 on the lower part of the board are 6Gbps, sata 3 and 4 are 3Gbps so make sure you connect the ssd to the right port for max performance.

To use the top the 2.5" slots you'll need longer sata cables and sata power splitter ideally with plugs that have the cables coming straight out of the back of the plug. If the cables are horizontal because the plug is in the middle of the cable you have to bend the wires at a tight angle to get the plug into the drive.

250GB is fine for a few VM's

In my server I have all the drives pooled togther to create one big virtual Drive.

Makes things easier to manage. When copying data to the server...The files get copied to the SSD first to speed up transfers and these files are then automatically migrated to the pool.

What are you.using to pool, I'm looking a cheap options such as win 10 shared storage ( or whatever it's called)

Was planning on freenas as a VM but pass through not working well on xen at the moment.

Thanks for the replies, I've just bought a second hand Samsung 850 Evo on another forum, got loads of SATA cables of varying lengths, and since you mentioned LSI, I'm sure I've got something similar hidden away in a box that I bought on a whim from eBay a few years ago, I'll look into the splitters too.
What are you.using to pool, I'm looking a cheap options such as win 10 shared storage ( or whatever it's called)

Was planning on freenas as a VM but pass through not working well on xen at the moment.


Stablebit Drivepool

I'm also using Stablebit Scanner

Rock solid and amazing support

Have it running on my Server and Backup server

Windows Storage spaces I tried...But it was flaky.
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Anyone know if this memory would be compatible please - Kingston KVR16LE11/8I

The Kingston KVR16LE11/8 without the i is listed as working on the Hardware Luxx site and I can't find any differences on Google. Cheers.

Yep that's the stuff I have. It's low profile btw but works like a treat.
Well, it's arrived, just waiting for a dual port nic (ordered a HP NC360T for a tenner from Ebay) before I set it up!

Going to remove the pre-installed 1tb HDD and replace it with the Samsung 250gb SSD that arrived this morning, put 3 2tb Samsung HDD's from my gaming PC in, up the RAM to 20gb, then hopefully install ESXi to a USB stick and see where we end up...
What are you guys doing to cool your HDDs? As standard, my drives were running in the high 40s, or even into the 50s. As a temporary measure I've disabled temperate fan control in the bios, so the case fan runs at 100% now, which lowers the temps to the low 30s, but is quite loud.

Could do with some slow fans directly blowing over the HDDs, but not really sure where/how to mount them. Anyone got ideas?
broona;30479758 said:
Well, it's arrived, just waiting for a dual port nic (ordered a HP NC360T for a tenner from Ebay) before I set it up!

Going to remove the pre-installed 1tb HDD and replace it with the Samsung 250gb SSD that arrived this morning, put 3 2tb Samsung HDD's from my gaming PC in, up the RAM to 20gb, then hopefully install ESXi to a USB stick and see where we end up...

Oddly, I was in the reverse situation :D

Had the NC360T turn up but was still waiting on the extra RAM.

4 sticks of the 8GB RAM arrived yesterday so went to the trouble of fitting it and the dual port NIC, which replaced an existing single port Intel NIC, last night. Working great!
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Not sure of the regular price but it is available for £120 with free delivery with a code, limited stock though apparently.
easyrider;30473704 said:
StarTech.com 2 Port SATA 6 Gbps PCI Express SATA Controller Card - Dual Port PCIe SATA III Card Adapter

Going to add another SSD for some VM's and a third for SSD optimiser landing Zone for the pool

So my setup is

1 x 256GB sanddisk SSD for windows 10
3 x 4TB WD RED for the pool
1x 120GB Samsung EVO for landing zone for the Pool
1 x 480GB Sandisk for VM's etc...

Just a quick question regarding the controller card. If you connect two disks would they both run at 6Gbps?
No, PCI-E x1 caps the actual throughput with a single drive, never mind 2.

The interface is only a single PCIe 2.0 lane. The 6Gbps SATA spec allows for up to 750MB/s of bandwidth, but the PCIe 2.0 x1 interface limits read/write speed to 500MB/s. Pair it with a PCIe 1.0 x1 interface and you’re down to 250MB/s (and much less in reality due to bus overhead).


The T20 only has 2 x 6Gbps ports (1+2) put your most important disks here. The onboard 2 x 3Gbps can be used for other SSD, you'll get most of the benefit in access time, but lose a little in throughput for large file copies. As most access is random, not a complete deal breaker. Use the add in card for the WD Reds, two of those are well withing the PCI-E x1 capacity.

Otherwise pick up a LSI or equivalent flashed to IT. It has a x8 PCI-E interface so can consistently provide higher transfer rates.
Hi guys, I have just ordered a T20 I now need to order a dual port network card, do I need a full height one or low profile ?
Also looking at RAM would this be suitable Corsair Vengeance Pro 8 GB RAM Memory CMY8GX3M2A2400C11R ?

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
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