*** Dell UltraSharp U2410 24" Widescreen LCD Monitor @ £447.99 inc VAT ***

Does this works order number / cross with a black marker apply to the 2209WA? My box has a Dell sticker on it showing it was shipped to Esnet (OCUK). It has a Customer PO number, part number and date shipped... am I covered?
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Does this works order number / cross with a black marker apply to the 2209WA? My box has a Dell sticker on it showing it was shipped to Esnet (OCUK). It has a Customer PO number, part number and date shipped... am I covered?

Yes you are covered you lucky *******
How much better is this than the previous model? 2048WFP.
I can get that for £75 cheaper, and obviously without the risk of tint. What do you reckon (it's to play games & watch movies).
You mean the 2408? Without the risk of tint? Methinks you over-estimate current LCD technology..

Perhaps less prone, but certainly not without risk. Keep in mind a lot of people simply won't see tint unless you point it out to them, and I think many of those will not regard it as an issue in all but the severest cases. On the blue tint screen I had I'm pretty sure a lot of people wouldn't spot it to begin with, much less not be able to live with it. If you're the sort of person who finds the colour shifting present on TN panels, when you move your head slightly, incredibly annoying, then you're more likely to be the sort of person who will not be able to put up with inconsistent tint on whites. Even I could live with it for usages like TV or gaming, because you simply don't see it then. It only present itself as an issue because documents/web pages often tend to have plain white backgrounds and, if you're very sensitive to small fluctuations in colour, it tends to annoy you.

As for whether it's worth it, only you can answer. It's a better quality picture IMO, and the lower input lag might matter for game mode.
Got my new one today, no dead pixels at all :) Seems not as bright as the last one................tell me i'm imagining it and it'll go away!
You're not. The backlight on some U2410's is brighter than others. The difference tends to be small usually though..
How do I test for pink/green tint?
Just look at webpages with white or light grey backgrounds. Can you spot a difference and does it annoy you? If the answer is "no" you don't have the tint issue :)

Also, is there anyway I can tell if the brightness is below par?
Again, that's subjective. Only one of the U2410's I had was darker to any noticeable degree. On new screens the initial brightness will dim down a bit after enough hours of usage anyway :)

This one also came with no label, meaning I have no warranty
Honestly, it's time for you to consider getting a refund if that keeps happening. You are not being sold a monitor with 3 year warranty as advertised..

so i guess my camera is distorting things.
Yep, cameras are prone to uniformity issues just like screens are, plus the angle of the camera and angle of the screen can distort how bright things are.
Could you all please check your boxes for a cross with a black marker, thanks
Didn't have one..
Am I the only one in this situation?
Well, about the only one who KNOWS you're in this situation, which is your advantage. Like I said, unless want to attempt to get some guarantee you'll get one with a label, I'd advise going the refund route..
Didn't have one..

Well, about the only one who KNOWS you're in this situation, which is your advantage. Like I said, unless want to attempt to get some guarantee you'll get one with a label, I'd advise going the refund route..

hmmmm. I've got a good one now though. what about the citizens advice and trading standards route?
Am I the only one in this situation?

No, you're not the only one. :( I got my one on Tuesday and I can't see a Dell sticker anywhere on the box either.

Is it really not possible for Dell to work out the warranty information without this sticker? What about the serial number on the monitor itself? I sent a message to customer service about it and they said they'd sort out any problems if I did have to claim with Dell, but I'm not sure...
ThomasW, have a look at this email Dell have sent me. Can you do me a masive favour if you get a spare moment tomorrow. Could you give OCUK a ring or send them an email explainging that your warranty is invalid. I'm fighting a losing, one man battle and all OCUK tell me is that Dell will replace them, and all Dell say is they won't.

I would appreciate your support on this one. Just imagine if yours dies after 2 years and Dell say you have no warranty. Imagine then that you contact OCUK and they tell you it's tough luck.

Does anyone know where I stand legally on this one? I wouldn't normally care but 450 squid is a lot of money for me. For some reason OCUK don't want to help find an order number even though they can trace the monitor.


Dear Mr. Gamester,

I did receive both your emails and did go through the forum. I have in fact had a word with the legal team here to understand what can be done in this regard to solve your problem as soon as possible. Unfortunately since this monitor was not purchased directly from Dell and because of the fact that you or Overclockers are not able to produce a Dell order number for this purchase, I regret to inform you that Dell is under no obligation to have this replaced for you.

I can understand your frustration but can’t figure out how you think Dell is at fault and not Overclockers, because they have not given you any warranty information and is asking you to go by what has been displayed in their website. In a month’s time if they take down that information from the site, what is the proof for warranty you will have.

As a customer of Overclockers, I would strongly recommend you to get in touch with them and have this dealt with.

If you can provide a Dell order number for this, we will be glad to check into it and help you in any way possible.

Dell values you as a customer, and would love to keep us our valuable customer, please be advised that once we have a valid order number from you we will look into it and do the needful.

If you would like to talk to my manager, please do let me know I can have him give you a call back.
Yeah. That situation is exactly what I'm worried about. :( Sure, I'll give them a ring tomorrow. I have also been e-mailing them through web-notes saying pretty much what you said about the warranty being invalid but they're so slow at replying that I've only JUST established that "yes I have looked everywhere on the box for the sticker"...
Anyone got any backlight bleed? I've got some top left and some top right. Enough to notice whn watching a 16:9 movie :(
Anyone got any backlight bleed? I've got some top left and some top right. Enough to notice whn watching a 16:9 movie :(
You're sure it's not the glow you see on the corners of IPS panels? You can tell the difference because, if you change angle a bit, the IPS glow will start to disappear. The backlight on all the U2410's I got was the best I've ever seen outside of LED backlit screens.
Nah, it's not in the corners, it's top middle left and it's definitely backlight bleed. It's enough to spoil movie watching. I actually hate this monitor and what it's done to me.

My backlight bleed is exactly like the bleed in the tftcentral review and it's distracting when watching a movie.

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Got another bad panel :( sigh, the top center to middle of the screen is green tinted. MKay, can you help me boost the image to show the tinting? thanks


Ok, managed to get someone at Dell to replace it. Maybe just luck of the draw. However, last time i managed that I got a phone call 2 hours later telling me Dell could not be sure the monitor was not stolen!

We will have to wait and see.

Also, the technical manager at OCUK contacted me this morning and said that if Dell will not replace then OCUK have a duty to honour the warranty they advertised. This would be fine, but it takes a week without a monitor to get through their RMA process.
Also, the technical manager at OCUK contacted me this morning and said that if Dell will not replace then OCUK have a duty to honour the warranty they advertised. This would be fine, but it takes a week without a monitor to get through their RMA process.

I got contacted by him too, saying the same thing. Personally I think that as long as I've got it in writing/email from the manager saying they WILL replace it if Dell refuses then that might be good enough for me. I don't mind the week delay as I do have other monitors I could use in the meantime, and I don't really want to change my current one. (I'm not a videophile but I haven't noticed any defects, I know I've probably just missed them though :p)

Hope your Dell replacement goes through though, it sounds like a lot less hassle doing replacements through them. :D
Ok, managed to get someone at Dell to replace it. Maybe just luck of the draw. However, last time i managed that I got a phone call 2 hours later telling me Dell could not be sure the monitor was not stolen!

We will have to wait and see.

Also, the technical manager at OCUK contacted me this morning and said that if Dell will not replace then OCUK have a duty to honour the warranty they advertised. This would be fine, but it takes a week without a monitor to get through their RMA process.
The good news is you shouldn't need that now you've got Dell to replace it. Your replacement should have a work number. From the best I can tell they aren't "supposed" to replace it without a work number, but I think what they do sometimes is look up the companies name and just go with whatever the last order number was.
I will be getting a new monitor next week and have always been impressed by Dell so is this monitor worth getting?
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