Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Bench session tonight

New job today, so I was shattered come this evening, workout suffered. Ended up doing a little less weight than last week as I had no strength at all.

Will continue this week in the evenings then see if there something closer to work or something.
Week write-up
Monday 2nd June: Chest
-62.5kg x 8, 5 - Nope
-60kg x 6 - nope
-50kg x 8 - lol
Flat DB Bench:
-20's x 10, 10, 9
Inc. DB Bench:
-18's x 10 - just
-No 16's in sight....
-14's x 12, 12
V-Push down:15 reps
-14kg, 18kg, 18kg, 14kg

As I said, first week in the new job, just no strength, trained in the evening for the first time in ages. Not good.

Tuesday 3rd June: Legs
-80kg x 5
-82.5kg x 5, 5, 5, 5.
Front Squat:
-60kg x 5
-65kg x 5, 5, 5, 5.
Snatch RDL:
-60kg x 8
-70kg x 8 - lol grip
-75kg x 8 - hook grip, still nope

Not bad all in all, squats felt okay.

Thursday 5th June: Shoulders
-42.5kg x 7
-40kg x 7, 5 - Nothing there =/
-25kg x 8, 8, 8.
O.H.Squat:Inc. snatch pulls to overhead
-Bar x 3, 4 - that second set, fuarrrrr
-25kg x 3
-30kg x 1, 1 (just pull), then 1 more with a squat.
Standing SOTS:
-Bar x 5, 5, 5 - So much easier, may continue with this though

Apart from PP, everything was okay. Just had no drive for PP.

Friday 6th June: Back
-132.5kg x 5, 5, 5
-110kg x 5
-5, 5, 4+3negs
-60kg x 12
-62.5kg x 10, 10
Cable Row:
-54.3kg x 12
-59kg x 12, 12
-S/S with-
Lat pull down:
-45kg x 12, 12 - just
-41.3kg x 12

Deadlifts, felt tasty.

All in all, not bad this week, definite weaknesses training in the evening although I'm getting used to it I think...There is a gym I may check out on Monday closer to work so I'll probably see how that is on Monday night - As I'm currently driving past my house to go to the gym....
Always tough getting into a new time regime, know those feels.

I went from early morning training at 6:30am to going at about 5:30pm.

Whats the new potential gym like?
Always tough getting into a new time regime, know those feels.

I went from early morning training at 6:30am to going at about 5:30pm.

Whats the new potential gym like?

Not amazing.

One squat rack. One bench. Then a inc and decline bench. DBs are knackered and dont have the weight on some of them.

To top it off. Im not allowed to take in my gym bag in to the weights room....which is ill just end up carrying in four or five things which is obviously better. The only good thing is this week is free.

It saves about ten/fifteen mins off my journey if I use that gym as opposwd to the old one, however its a bit more expensive, so wondering whwther to bother or not.

Likewise though mate gone from 6:30am to 5pm training
At least you have a separate squat rack & bench, gym I used to go to used to have a single rack thing which is used for both bench and squats, as you can guess it was pretty difficult to get squats in ever.

Does the higher cost mean its a quieter gym and possibly better clientele?
Doovis, I remember at the 2013 New Year meet, you did 130 or 140 for 8...why are you still doing 132.5kg for 5?

I'm not having a dig here at all I promise, just genuinely curious? It seems like you're always going down the weight to correct something when you're capable of so much more
Doovis, I remember at the 2013 New Year meet, you did 130 or 140 for 8...why are you still doing 132.5kg for 5?

I'm not having a dig here at all I promise, just genuinely curious? It seems like you're always going down the weight to correct something when you're capable of so much more

I hit a wall at Xmas buddy, no idea what, suddenly couldn't shift 150.

So the plan was to rework my deads but keeping them fast so they arent slow grindy sets. In essence its not set as to whether or not I increase the weight at the moment, I might change rest times or up the weight if last weeks heaviest set feels easy.

Hard to explain to be honest.
Monday 9th June: Chest
-62.5kg x 6, 6, 5 - will need to adjust this next week
Flat DB Bench:
-20's x 10
-22.5's x 10
-20's x 10
Inc. DB Bench:
-20's x 10
-17.5's x 10, 10
Rope pull down:
-25kg x 10 - lol, too light
-30kg x 15 - light
-35kg x 15, 15
Straight bar push down:
-35kg x 15, 15, 15

As stated, need to adjust my bench weight for next week, might start of 65kg next week and see how it goes. The DB's at the new place make me giggle, there are two types, rubber cased and some random plate ones which are fixed, only issue is the plate ones don't always have the weights written on them which is amusing.

The pully machine is odd, light as anything.

Tuesday 10th June: Legs
-82.5kg x 3
-85kg x 3
-87.3kg x 3, 3
-90kg x 3
Front squats:
-65kg x 5
-67.5kg x 5, 5, 5, 5
Snatch RDL:
-60kg x 8
-70kg x 8
-75kg x 8, 8
Snatch stuff
-Finished with a few snatch pulls in to O.H.Squats, just because

Squats felt nice today, apparently I just can't do reps well without fatiguing (read: 5 reps :D)

Fronts squats went okay, heavy though, hands didn't like it much. Snatch RDL's went better this week, grip still messing up though on the 70/75kg sets, just seems like my small finger/pinky can't cope and it all goes to pot :p


Will update with the whole workout later.


Thursday 12th June: Shoulders and snatch stuff
  • PP: 42.5kg x 6 - meh, 40kg x 5 - lawd, 35kg x 8
  • OHP: 25kg x 8, 8, bar x 10
  • O.H.Squat: Bar x 5, 2+3, 25kg x 3, 30kg x 3
  • Snatch work: bar x some, some, 25kg x some, some
  • SOTS standing (wide BTN OHP): bar x 5, 5

No strength today for PP, no idea why.
Last edited:
***updated Thursday workout***
Thursday 12th June: Shoulders and snatch stuff
  • PP: 42.5kg x 6 - meh, 40kg x 5 - lawd, 35kg x 8
  • OHP: 25kg x 8, 8, bar x 10
  • O.H.Squat: Bar x 5, 2+3, 25kg x 3, 30kg x 3
  • Snatch work: bar x some, some, 25kg x some, some
  • SOTS standing (wide BTN OHP): bar x 5, 5

No strength today for PP, no idea why.

Friday 13 (:X) June: Back
  • 135kg x 3, 3, 3, 115kg x 5
  • Chins: 5, 5, 4 1/2 + 3 negs
  • BORs: 62.5kg x 12, 60kg x 12, 12
  • Seated cable row (narrow): 52,5kg x 12 - to easy, 60kg x 12, 12
  • Lat pull down: 45kg x 12 - easy, 50kg x 12, 12, 40kg x 20
  • DB Row: 27.5kg x 14, 14, 14

Dead lifts felt nice Friday, no pains so that's a bonus. Chins went okay apart from there being no specific chin up bar, it's just some handles bodged on to the top of the cable stacks :p

BORs took it out of me, so lost strength quickly. Seated cable row, there was on the small V handle, so will see if I can find something else. Lat pull down was alrite, then stuck DB rows on as I had time.

Monday 16th June: Chest
  • 62.5kg x 6, 6, 6.
  • Flat DB Bench: 22's x 10, 10, 10
  • Inc. DB Bench: 20's x 9, 18's x 10, 10
  • Rope pull down: 23kg x 15, 18kg x 15, 14kg x 15
  • V-Push down: 3 x 15 x 14kg

Back at Pure tonight. Strength still a bit wobbly, managed all three sets this week whereas I failed the third last week, final rep was a bit of a grinder. Everything is normal really.

Still unsure of what I'm doing, I'm looking at others gyms but they all need a commute to get there after work, as it stands going back to Pure takes 40 minutes so I may end up joining the gym closer to work purely so I can get home a bit earlier and don't have to travel for 40 minutes (whilst driving past my house) to go to the gym, despite it costing more at this other place...

My only 'concern' is that I'm only paying £14 now for the gym, if I leave and re-join I'll have to pay a joining fee again and end up paying more monthly...It's a hard life.
freeze your pure membership for a month or 2. Get a feel for the new place, and if you dont like it and decide to come back then youve saved yourself some money. If you deceide to cancel pure then its only cost you an extra £10 for 2 months of deciding time, rather £10 then £25 joining fee and an extra £5 per month :)
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