Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Thursday 1st May: Shoulders, O.H.Squat, Snatch work
  • PP:
    -50kg x 3, 2
    -47.5kg x 4, 4
    -45kg x 3?
    -40kg x 5
  • OHP: 30kg x 8, 7, 6+1pp
  • O.H.Squat: bar x 5, 4. 25kg x 3, 2.
  • Snatch work: lots x lots

Repped current 1RM again for PP, not bad.
Need to work on these still, left shoulder seems to fail weirdly despite it being the healthier one? Also not getting through and under the bar properly so I end up leaning back.

O.H.Squat today didn't feel amazing, probably just fatigue.

Snatch, meh, not bad, needed a bit more time really.

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Friday 2nd May: Back
110 x 3
130 x 3
135 x 3, 3
110 x 5
110 x 5

5, 5, 4+1neg

62.5kg x 12, 12, 12

Cable rows:
45kg x 12 (wrong weight! :mad:)
54.3kg x 12, 12

-S/S with-

Lat pull down:
45kg x 12, 12 12 - Last set, lol.

Deadlifts: felt nice again today, hopefully finding my groove with these again. And on the plus side my back feels a whole lot better than last week also...Possibly due to doing a couch stretch after the workout, so will continue this.

Chins: yeah, not bad, still weak.

BORS: hnnnnnng, liking these again

Cable rows and lat pull downs: stupidly used the wrong weight on the first set of rows hurrrrrrrrrrr. Lat pulls downs i suddenly fatigue but tried to keep tight and not yank the weight down.

Monday 5th May: Chest
  • Bench: 50 x 1, 60 x 1, 70 x 1, 80 x F, 75 x 1 (hnnnng 1rm), then failed 80 again
  • Bench ws: 55kg x 8, 8, 8.
  • Flat DB: 20's x 8, 8, 8 - Nope, shoulder.
  • Inc. DB: 18's x 8, 8, 10 - Felt much better
  • V-Push down - 12's: 23kg, 27kg, 27kg, 23kg, 18kg, 18kg.

So, bench. New 1RM (!) so that's cool. Failed 80kg, took a terrible line and power was just not there off of my chest, also felt it on my shoulder a bit so there's still some awesome shoulder gumpf there :(

70kg felt so much easier than my last attempt, so things are improving. 75kg also felt nice, 80kg just felt like lead.

Everything else, not bad, felt it on my shoulder on flat FB for some reason, sad times.


Tuesday 6th May: Legs
  • Squats: 75kg x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.
  • Front squats: 50kg x 5, 5. 55kg x 5, 5, 5.
  • Snatch RDL: 60kg x 8, 8, 8. - Grip lolz again

Woke up and my back didn't feel good at all, no idea why, possibly did something yesterday benching.

Back squats in general felt good, second set felt glorious for some reason.

Front squats, these aggravated my back a bit.

Snatch RDL's: fine, just the usual grip issue.

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Thursday 8th May: Shoulders, OHSquat and snatch
  • PP: 35kg x 6, 40kg x 8, 6, 35kg x 8.
  • OHP: 25kg x 8, 8, 8.
  • O.H.Squat: Bar x 5, 22.5kg x 5, 5.
  • Snatch work: 3 x some sets, 25kg x some, some.
  • SOTS presss test: Bar x 1, 2 - lool, better than a bail at least.

PP: lawd, 8 reps took it's toll.
O.H.Squat, not bad, still not getting tight enough.
Snatch work, okay I guess, hard to tell.
SOTS: lol, well, I managed three total reps, and several cracks on the back of the head/neck *thumbsup.jpeg*

Same with the squats and bench (and deads), this is a new block, by the end of it I should improve on everything.

Friday 9th May: Back
  • Deadlifts:
    -70 x 5, 90 x 5, 110 x 5
    -125kg x 5, 5, 5
    -110kg x 5
  • Chins:
    -5, 5, 4 1/2 +1neg (:p)
  • BORs:
    -55kg x 12, 12, 12.
  • Cable row:
    -45kg x 12 - too light
    -47.3kg x 12, 12.
    -S/S with-
  • Lat pull down:
    -39kg x 12, 12, 12.

    Not bad. Deadlifts felt okay. My back was a bit iffy today however it has been all week....Think I need to find a decent way of attacking my psoas :(

Woke up, shoulder felt okay hnnnnnnnng. Got in the car shoulder felt snapped :(

Warmed up a bit and it felt a bit better, still not 100%

Monday 12th May: Chest
  • Bench: 57.5kg x 8, 8, 8.
  • Flat DB Bench: 20's x 8. 22's x 8, 8.
  • Inc. DB Bench: 18's x 8, 20's x 8, 8.
  • V-push down (12 reps): 23kg, 27kg, 27kg, 23kg, 23kg, 18kg.

Will need to play bench by the ear and work on my shoulder and chest more.
Tuesday 13th May: Legs
  • Squats: 75kg x 5, 77.5kg x 5, 5, 5, 5.
  • Front Squats (singles) 40, 60, 70, 80 - new Pb/1RM!
  • Front Squats: 60kg x 5, 5, 5.
  • Snatch grip RDL: 60kg x 8, 8, 8.

New front squat PB/1RM, potentially could move a bit more, that last rep did feel heavy though on ye old back.

Everything else, normal. Must have changed the way I squat about five times this session...

Thursday 15th May: Shoulders
  • PP: 40kg x 8, 8, 6.
  • OHP: 27.5kg x 8, 8, 8.
  • O.H.Squat: Bar x 3, 22.5kg x 3, 25kg x 3.
  • Snatch work @ bar, 25kg.
  • SOTS press test: 1, 1. - Tried some more but failed after the first rep.

Not bad, these 8 rep push presses though, lawd.

Everything else was okay, need to come up with a proper plan for the Snatch work really. SOTS press, not even.


Friday 16th May: Back
  • Deads: 125kg x 5, 127.5kg x 5, 5. 110kg x 5.
  • Chins: 5, 5, 4 1/2 +1neg
  • BORS: @ 55kg x 12, 57.5kg x 12, 12.
  • Cable Row: 47.3kg x 12, 52kg x 12, 54.3kg x 12
    -S/S with-
  • Lat pull down: 39kg x 12, 41.3kg x 12, 12.

Meh. Deadlifts felt odd, first set my lumbar wanted to move (and it did), it eventually got better, its not perfect though and it's annoying me a bit.

My right hamstring seems to be getting tight and it felt horrible after the deadlifts, need to smash that tonight.
Potentially, not tried. Usually do a bit of a push press style hop before I do.

If you look, I only lockout when I get my head through, otherwise the whole movement is a great big jessy
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