Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

So, a new cycle, going to follow the usual set scheme I've been following for Chest/Legs/Shoulders, however I'm changing back days to the Ed Coan deadlift routine.

Max is set to 175kg, finishing max is 190kg - 10 Week cycle.

Monday 8th September: Chest
Bench: 60kg x 8,8, 57.5kg x 8
Flat DB bench: 24's x 8,8,8
Inc. DB Bench: 20's x 8,8,8
Straight bar push down: N6 x 15, N7 x 15, N6 x 15
Rope pull down (single): N2 x 15, N1 x 15, 15

Onwards and upwards, hopefully reach 70kg for reps in this cycle.

Finished with CORE stuff

Tuesday 9th September: Legs
Squats: 65kg x 5, 67.5kg x 5,5,5,5
Front squats: 62.5kg x 5,5,5,5,5
Snatch RDL: 70kg x 8,8,8
GHR thing: BW x 8,8,8
Ham curl: 15kg x 10, 12.5kg x 12, 10kg x 12 (performed one after the other)

Not bad, squats are, yet again, annoying me. Tried leading with the knees to remove stalling at the bottom, yet this aggravates me knees (right one more specifically)...Potentially just need to get my butt down to my ankles but keep upright at the right points...No idea, I hate squats :)

Finished with CORE stuff


Thursday 9th September: Shoulders and snatch work
PP: 40kg x 8,8, 37.5kg x 8
OHP: 25kg x 8,8,8
OHSquat: Bar x 4,5, 30kg x 3,3, 35kg x 1
Snatch (No hang): 40kg x 2(F3), 2(F3), 30kg x 3, (F1)4, 5
Face pull seated: N6 x 15,15,15
Rear DB flyes: 6kg x 15,15,15
-S/S with-
Side raises: 4kg x 15,15,15

Not bad, need to work on technique on snatch a lot more. PP clicked a lot nicer this week, just need to keep this consistency for this cycle.

Friday 12th September: Back - Ed Coan week 1
142.5kg x 2
Speed Deads: 60%
8 x 3 x 115kg

Circuit 1: 3 sets
RDL: 70kg x 8
BOR: 60kg x 8

Circuit 2: 3 sets
Reverse grip lat pull down: N6 x 8
Good morning: 30kg x 8 (set1) 40kg x 8,8 (set2,3)

Core circuit: 3 sets
Hanging leg raise x 6
Plank: 30s
Side plank: 30s per side

So, not bad, need to play around with the weights on the circuits and the rest times, although you shouldn't superset the exercises in the circuits.

I split it in to two circuits as its a bit difficult to hog that much equipment all at once, as said I'll adjust the intensity of the circuits.

Come at me

Monday 15th Sept: chest
Bench: 62.5kg x 8,8,8 - better than last week
Flat dB bench: 26's x 8,8, 24's x 8
Inc. DB bench: 22's x 8, 20's x 8,8
Straight bar push down: 20kg x 15, 15kg x 15,15
Single rope pull: n2 x 15,15 n1 x 15
Core circuit

Much better, bench worked this week, hoping to reach 70kg for reps this cycle :X

Tuesday 16th Sept: legs
Squat: 5x5x70kg
Front squat: 5x5x65kg
Snatch RDLs: 3x8x60kg
Ghr thing: 3x8@bw
Ham curl: 3x12x10kg
Core circuit + bennyc walk out thing.

Right knee hurting during back squats again, no idea what's going on, absoloutely fine during front squats - I'd go as far to say my front squats move and feel a hell of a lot better than my back squats, minus the neck chaffing.

Then just do fronties and RDLs? ;)

In all seriousness, you are probably having problems witj your hip torque around your knee: given your ankle collapse in the hole and during yiur concentric phase, I would be mean and suggest fixing your adductors.
Believe me I'm trying. Along with my shoulder. And back. I need to reevaluate Mondays as I do RDLs on Fridays now and GMs so my hammies are getting extra tight.

In other news, this scares the bajessus out of me:
Week 2

Deadlift (80%): 1x2 @ 152.5 kg
Speed deadlift (65%): 8x3 @ 122.5 kg (90 sec rest b/w sets)
3 circuits (rest 90sec between exercises, 2-3 minutes between circuits):
Stiff-leg deadlift: 8 reps
Bent over row: 8 reps
Underhand (reverse) grip lat pulldown: 8 reps
Arched back good morning: 8 reps

Week 3

Deadlift (85%): 1x2 @ 162.5 kg
Speed deadlift (70%): 6x3 @ 132.5 kg (90-120 sec rest b/w sets)
3 circuits (rest 90sec between exercises, 2-3 minutes between circuits):
Stiff-leg deadlift: 8 reps
Bent over row: 8 reps
Underhand (reverse) grip lat pulldown: 8 reps
Arched back good morning: 8 reps

Week 4

Deadlift (90%): 1x2 @ 170 kg
Speed deadlift (75%): 5x3 @ 142.5 kg (90-120 sec rest b/w sets)
3 circuits (rest 90sec between exercises, 2-3 minutes between circuits):
Stiff-leg deadlift: 8 reps
Bent over row: 8 reps
Underhand (reverse) grip lat pulldown: 8 reps
Arched back good morning: 8 reps

Week 5

Deadlift (80%): 3x3 @ 152.5 kg
Speed deadlift (65%): 3x3 @ 122.5 kg (120 sec rest b/w sets)
Power shrugs (60% of current): 3x5 @ 105 kg
Stiff-leg deadlift: 3x5
Bent over row: 3x5
Underhand (reverse) grip lat pulldown: 3x5
Arched back good morning: 3x5

Week 6

Deadlift (85%): 1x2 @ 162.5 kg
Speed deadlift (70%): 3x3 @ 132.5 kg (120 sec rest b/w sets)
Power shrugs (65% of current): 3x5 @ 115 kg
Stiff-leg deadlift: 3x5
Bent over row: 3x5
Underhand (reverse) grip lat pulldown: 3x5
Arched back good morning: 3x5

Week 7

Deadlift (90%): 1x2 @ 170 kg
Speed deadlift (75%): 3x3 @ 142.5 kg (120 sec rest b/w sets)
Power shrugs (70% of current): 2x5 @ 122.5 kg
Stiff-leg deadlift: 2x5
Bent over row: 2x5
Underhand (reverse) grip lat pulldown: 2x5
Arched back good morning: 2x5

Week 8

Deadlift (95%): 1x2 @ 180 kg
Speed deadlift (70%): 3x3 @ 132.5 kg (120 sec rest b/w sets)
Power shrugs (75% of current): 2x5 @ 132.5 kg
Stiff-leg deadlift: 2x5
Bent over row: 2x5
Underhand (reverse) grip lat pulldown: 2x5
Arched back good morning: 2x5

Week 9

Deadlift (97.5%): 1x1 @ 185 kg
Speed deadlift (70%): 2x3 @ 132.5 kg (rest as needed b/w sets)
Power shrugs (75% of current): 2x5 @ 132.5 kg
Stiff-leg deadlift: 2x5

Week 10

Deadlift (100%): 1x1 @ 190 kg
Speed deadlift (60%): 2x3 @ 115 kg (rest as needed b/w sets)

Week 11: Meet day/max attempt

By week 8 I'm meant to be repping my non-current 1rm......awesome :D
Thursday 18th Sept: shoulders and snatch
PP: 42.5kg x 7, 40kg x 8, 37.5kg x 10
Ohp: 27.5kg x 8, 25kg x 8,8
Ohsquat: bar x 5,5, 30kg x 3,3, 35kg x 1, 40kg x 1
Snatch pull: 30kg x 6,5,6
Snatch: 30kg x 5
Face pull-seated: n6 x 15, n7 x 15,15
Read dB flyes: 8's x 15, 6's x 15, 4's x 15
Side raises: 6's x 15, 15, some

Not bad, PP I'm happy with. Snatch pulls where terrible,no power, sometimes feels like my shoulders gets impinged/clunks nicely at the top, probably a mobility issue.
Friday 19th September: Back - Ed Coan week 2
Deads: 80%
152.5kg x 2
Speed Deads: 65%
8 x 3 x 122.5kg

Circuit 1:
RDL: 75kg x 8,8,8
BOR: 65kg x 8, 67.5kg x 8,8

Circuit 2:
Reverse grip lat pull down: N7 x 8, N8 x 8,8
Good morning: 40kg x 8,8,8

Core circuit: 3 sets

Good session, deadlifts felt good, annoyingly I was on the back platform which is uneven but I managed to find a decent spot.

The circuits went well, there's a video of the rdl, gm and bor, just one set. Bring on week 3.

Monday 22nd Sept: Chest
Bench: 65kg x 8, 62.5kg x 8(last guided in to rack), 6*1 assist
Flat dB bench: 28's x 7, 26's x 8,7 - grinded the 8th on set two for ages but failed
Inc. DB bench: 24's x 6+1 spot, 22's x 7+1 spot, 20's x 8
Straight bar push down: 20kg x 14, 15kg x 15, 10kg x 15
Core circuit x 2

Lawd, incline destroys me, starting to struggle to get the weights in to position and Benny's having to help me <3

All in all, a good session, bench is progressing :)

Tuesday 23rd Sept: legs
Hip opener
Squats: 60kg @ 5x5
Front squat: 65kg @ 5x5
Standing calve raise s/s (seated calve raise): 20kg x 15,15,15 (20kg x 15,15,15)
More mob work

Nothing special, working on my hips for a bit to see if it helps with my numerous problems, along with adductors


Thursday 25th Sept: shoulders and snatch work
PP: 42.5kg x 8, 40kg x 8,8
Ohp: 30kg x 8,8, 27.5kg x 8
OH.Squat: bar x 5,5, 30kg x 3,3, 35kg x 1, 40kg x ff, 3 (hnnnng)
Snatch pull (with apparent muscle snatches): 30kg x 3(2), 4(1), (5)
Snatch pull (to overhead): 30kg x 5,5,5
Face pull: 3 x 15 x n7
Some mob stuff

Not bad, PP going up, its just strength and technique failing me now. Snatch IVE dialed back to work on some technicalities for a bit.

Deadlifts tonight, had a weird pull on my left side all week so been trying to work that out but it still present, I'll have to see how things feel tonight.
Friday 26th September: Back - Ed Coan week 3
Deads(80%): 1 x 2 x 162.5kg
Speed deads(70%): 8 x 3 x 132.5kg

Circuit 1:
Snatch grip RDL: 3 x 8 x 80kg
BOR: 3 x 8 x 70kg

Circuit 2:
Underhand lat pull down: 3 x 8 x N8
Good morning: 3 x 8 x 45kg

Core circuit x 3

Well, my back didn't explode so that's a bonus. The 162.5kg reps didn't feel amazing so next week will be interesting. BORs I'll keep a eye on so I don't start using my arms too much over my back, good mornings seem okay currently, just need to be mindful about them.

Next week's line up...
Deadlift (90%): 1x2 @ 170 kg
Speed deadlift (75%): 5x3 @ 142.5 kg

Monday 29th September: Chest The day of peebs
Bench: 65kg x 8,8, 62.5kg x 7+1 assist
Flat dB bench: 28's x 8,8, 26's x 8
Inc. DB bench: 24's x 8, 22's x 8,8
Straight bar push down: n8 x 15,15,15
S/s with
Single rope pull: n2 x 15,15, n1 x 15

Hnnnng,dead happy with that compared to last weeks performance! Peebs errrrrywhere.

Flat bench: awesome, 65kg on all sets, didn't get the last rep on the final but Meh not bothered!
DB bench: this went well, 28's I struggled with last week and this week they flew
Incline dB: much better than last week and I didn't need a hand up either this week, although the final rep on the 24's for my left arm was flagging....I just need to get the technique down for getting them in to position.
Deads and in particular your squats are looking great!

Thanks bud :)

I've been having issues with my squat lately though, knee pains and all sorts, not to mention once the weight goes up towards 100kg I just lose all power and form goes to I've have to remove some weight and work on it. Good to hear it looks good though :)
Only thing missing is what looks like a bit of a loose glute activation and going "soft" at the bottom. Otherwise looks okay. High bar too it seems? Do you find it easier with your hands that close together? I quite like a bit more of a wide grip when squatting.
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