Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Errrrrrrmageeeerrsh. Welcome back!

<3 Cheers bro

There is also a platform at the gym.... And while they are rubber plates, they aren't bumper plates, so I'm a tad scared to go throwing them around yet :D I'll play with the bar for snatches etc.

Anyway, primarily goal is to lose some weight atm, so any advice there would be awesome
Welcome back ;)

Welcome back ;)


Cheeky! Thank you though

Welcome back, so to speak chap. I hope your injuries remain un-jaffed.

Cheers! Currently a blobbery mess.

Hopefully bro, shoulder needs some loving...Back isn't great but that because I deceided to snap myself in half on the honey moon, that was fun.

Off to the gym in a bit, just generally trying to move and limber up this week.
Still attempting to lift. No where near as strong as I was, but I don't really care.

Back is still jaffed, probably more than it ever has been...Taken two weeks to see a doc at the moment, that's just the GP.
It's okay guys, still alive.

Deadlifts Friday: Always start with some chins/pulls (can never remember which is which)

Worked up to a few singles, 130kg, 140kg, 150kg. The 150kg was lovely.

130kg x 6
120kg x 6

Obviously nothing like I was doing, onwards and upwards though, trying to train a little smarter so I don't break instantly.

Finished after that with single arm cable rows superset with cable rows (narrow grip) - pretty much doing the stack on the narrow grip so will play with some slower negatives.

Squats tomorrow, I hate squats, they're just naff. Need to find something that helps me but alas, everyone cycles on their bikes now
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Yep, still hate squats. Need to think about where I want to take things, I love strength training but simply don't have the time for rest periods as I train at lunchtime, so may stock to MOARRRRR reps or just lower wait times... :X

Ended up doing 5x5 @ 70kg, moved quite well, just need to watch it as I'm keeping my back in check.
Chin-ups = palms facing you (supinated grip)
Pull-ups = palms facing away (pronated grip)


I still love squatting!

Ultimately I'd say if you're not competing in powerlifting does it really matter if you're not chasing specificity and working closer to your 1RM, instead doing sets of 6-8 or 8-10 or whatever, where rest times can be usually be like 2-3 minutes and you can do more work overall? As long as there's progressive tension overload over time you'll get bigger/stronger, and the literature is pretty conclusive at this point that if volume is matched you can expect similar results (the only difference being that doing most of your work in a particular rep range makes you better at doing work in that particular rep range). You can always work up to a heavy single/double/triple beforehand if you MUST do some lower rep stuff.

There's no getting around the fact that something like 5x5 takes forever once it gets hard, and reducing your rest times you'll end up lowering training volume either because you get gassed and can't do all the work you wanted, or from having to lower the weight to complete the reps. Both of which will impede progress. Higher reps are just much more time-efficient and practical if workout time is at a premium.
Haha! Good, so pull ups then. Which I'm pleased about as I'm pretty terrible, and can now actually do them somewhat!

Yeah I see what you mean, I've found a happy medium with deadlifts doing 6 reps, which is working.

Squats however I either need to do the same or goto 8 I think, or just suck it up and do 10-12 like I do on chest days.
My n=1 experience is that high rep squats can be problematic because it's quite a technical movement, and I prefer moderate reps (e.g. 6-8's) and throw in more higher rep volume from something that's easy to keep quad dominant like my gyms hack squat machine, belt squats etc.
My n=1 experience is that high rep squats can be problematic because it's quite a technical movement, and I prefer moderate reps (e.g. 6-8's) and throw in more higher rep volume from something that's easy to keep quad dominant like my gyms hack squat machine, belt squats etc.

Aye, they have a sled thing for quads, but I hate them. May incorporate it, it's all time really as I get sub 30 mins.
We are rolling a 4 x 7 sets on a Sunday, then 2 x 7 plus some heavy 2 rep sets on a Wednesday for Squats at the moment on our "squat program" - Gets decent volume in but also push some weight on the 2 reps
Haha! Good, so pull ups then. Which I'm pleased about as I'm pretty terrible, and can now actually do them somewhat!

One of the best advantages of a cut is pull up progression IMO. It's so good when you've lost a couple of pounds then you almost hit the ceiling on the first one :D
Aye, they have a sled thing for quads, but I hate them. May incorporate it, it's all time really as I get sub 30 mins.

The most time-efficient gain train I've found is 3 sets of 8 with 60 seconds rest, then matched off with Bulgarian split squats (similar intervals and for 10/12 reps)... If you want to further time vs. gain optimisations, do a quad day AND a hamstring day. :D
The most time-efficient gain train I've found is 3 sets of 8 with 60 seconds rest, then matched off with Bulgarian split squats (similar intervals and for 10/12 reps)... If you want to further time vs. gain optimisations, do a quad day AND a hamstring day. :D


Think it's just a leg press, the movement doesn't really work with me
This will look like bottom because it was typed on my phone, oh well!

-Friday 18 may: Deads- Upto 150 single
130 x 6,120 x 6

-Monday 21st may: squats- 5x5x70kg

-Weds 23 may: dB benc-24kgx10,8, 22kgx8?, Inc-18kgx10?, 16x10, 14x12. Hammer curls n leg raises

-Fri 25 may: Deads- 120x2 feeling heavy/back, 130x3,3,3(best set), 120x3,3 - better.

-Weds 30 may: dbbench-24kgx12,12?, 22kgx12. Inc-18kgx12, 16kgx12,12. Tris n bis

-Thurs 31 may: squats-60kgx6, 70kgx6, 75kgx6,6. Claves+reverse lunges

-Fri 1 June: deads-140x1,150x1,160x1(a bit much), 140x3,3,3,3,3. -

-Mon 4 June: squats-75kgx6,6,6,6. Leg press+calve raise-50kgx12/12,12/12,12/12 + 20

-Weds 6 June: dbbench-26sx12,8, 24sx8(+1spot), incdb:18sx10,16sx10, 14sx12. Cable flyers+trisnbis

-Fri 8 June: deads-120x1,140x1,150x1(good),145x3,3,142.5x3,3,3 - felt weak on warm ups, sets good. -rows with rows

In summary, I hate squatting, it's my weakest lift and feels horrible (in a mechanical way). dB bench is coming along, I do need someone to help get the DBs to the top of the liftprior to me doing them now, but that's just my naff shoulder and weak shoulder strength. Deadlifts, loving them again, weaker than I was obviously (previous PB is 190kg) but hey ho.

My back has been abysmal for ages now, doctors told me to go away assistant the physios. Got told to take these stronger nsaids but I think they're doing other things to be body which I need to keep an eye on...
I got put on some nsaids from the docs at the end of last week,theyve basically knocked me out and done all kinds of guffness to my body, so this week is sacked off basically.
Stopped the tabs, they was rotting my insides.

Some updates:

13 june- squats:77.5*6,6,6,6. Leg press+calve:70x8/8,8/8,8/8. RV.lunge: bw*6/6,6/6,

14 june-dbbench:26sx12,8(harder),24sx9+1spot. Incdb: 18sx10,16sx10,10(better leg drive.

15 june-deadlift: 140kgx1, 145*3,3,3,3,3. 100kgx5,5. Rows with rows

M 18 June(deload) squats-(flat shoes)40x6,50x6,60x6,6,6,6,6. Leg press with calve

Th 21 june(deload) : some squats, 20sx12,12,12. Incdb-14sx12,12,12

Quite pleased with the week before, however last week I've gone down hill, back basically aching and in pain most of the day. Even purchased a cushion to help alleviate any lumbar pain I may be getting from my car as driving to work I just want to scream at the moment.

Going to try see a osteopath again but it'll be private, so somehow need to find money :(
Hiiiii everybody :D

Copy pasta from the phone I'm afraid:

1/10/18-squats: 40x5, 50x,5,5,5. GMs: bar x5,5,5 (ss with) 20kg plate holds:10sx3,

3/10/18: dB bench 20*8, 24"8, 22*8.
Inc dB: 16sx.8 / Pallof X. 3 / KB hold X 3

5/10/18: deads: 60*5,80*5,100*3,3,3,3,3.
Cable row: 35*12, 40*12,12,12

8/10/18: squats: barx8,40*5, 60*5,5,5.
GM's: bar* 5,5,5 /.hang Power cleans: bar*5, 30kg*5,5. 35kgx5

10/10/18: dB bench: 24*8,8, 22*8.
Inc dB: 16*10,10, 10 / dbhold 20gx. 10s * 3/ Pallof(4plate) X 10s X 3

12/10/18: deads: 60*3, 80*3, 100*1, 105*3,3,3,3,3.
Cable row: 40*12,12,

This probably makes no sense to anyone but me so if you need to know just ask haha

All in all, I'm feeling better. I saw a new physio type guy a while ago, did a body realignment, stuck pins in me, some other stuff. Essentially he believes what others have though and a lot of my troubles are glute based due to sitting down all day, then there's some guffness in my shins which affects everything else.

So, I'm doing some more stuff to keep my butt moving, I'm also actively trying to engage my core in pretty much everything, sitting, driving, wherever I remember along with more core work in the workout and, touch wood, I'm feeling better, not perfect but definitely better.

Obviously weights have knocked back again but I'm going for small increments so I can work on weaknesses again.

Videos are on my insta if anyone wishes, but it's mainly deadlifts tbh...oh, I'm also planning to do more active deloads, so we'll see how that goes
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