Monday 5th Nov: Legs
-WU: 10xBar, 4x40kg, 4x60kg
-WS: 80kg: 4+4 (racked half way through to put catches on, nearly failed)
75kg: 10, 10 - Wrist started to act up here again
-RDL's: 3x10x50kg - Supersetted with calves raises as below
-Calve raises: 50kg: 20, 20, 15+10+10, 50@bw
-BB curl: 3 sets of 21's with the bar. BW calve raises in between sets (30)
Not bad, considering my week off, squats went well, should be good to do 80kg next week properly.
Tuesday 6th Nov: Chest
-DB flat bench:
-WU: 10x10's, 10x15's.
-WS: 3x12x20's
-Inc. BB bench: 50kg: 8, 8, 10! - Excellent, failed this last time. Watch the right shoulder.
-CGBP: Barx10, 30kgx10, 35kgx10, 40kgx10, 42.5kgx5, 40kgx7, 35kgx8, 30kgx10, Barx12.
Loved today, things seemed to work, the 20's went well on the DB bench (3x12!) and the incline worked surprisingly well, I'm sure there was a couple of odd reps, but I have to watch my shoulder at the end of the day and I'll only take the bar to a comfortable level.
The DB bench was good, got 12 reps as I said, become a struggle after 8 reps on the 2nd set onwards, but pushed through.
Rest day tomorrow, then core on Thursday.