Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Went in today, I knew it wouldn't be much to write home about. Ended up doing practically no chest work, I did some light bench to see how it all felt.

Chest was a tad painful, although it was more the knot in my back under my scapula causing more issues. On the plus side my shoulder felt fine in comparison.

May go to the docs to be honest.

EDIT: practically spent the session trying to get some movement back in on the chest, then spent about 20-30 mins attacking my back with a ball but I can't seem to get in well enough, may need to see the masseuse as well.
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But there must be a point where you think that your body really isn't made for this. You're injured or have something that prevents you lifting properly 90% of the time, and it will only get worse as you get older. I'd be concerned that you're doing yourself some serious harm with these constant niggles that you're developing
But there must be a point where you think that your body really isn't made for this. You're injured or have something that prevents you lifting properly 90% of the time, and it will only get worse as you get older. I'd be concerned that you're doing yourself some serious harm with these constant niggles that you're developing

I agree but I would rather not stop it all together, going to the gym makes me happy tremendously, it has also brought me together with some awesome people.

Just to put it out there, going to the gym actually sorted my knees out, before that I'd get bad knees from cycling.

The doctors a while back did wonder if there was anything underlying wrong with me but in what context I don't know. Nothing ever came of it.

make errday leg day and be done with it..

Ugh, feels like someones jabbed a stick between my collar bone and rib cage, then a 2 x 4 under my scapula.

Squats today, working on a movement pattern still. As I said, my scapula hindered performance a bit but I cracked out some sets, then did some singles, definitely weak when it goes towards 100kg.

Then did some mobility upstairs to try and get some movement back, doing some thoracic mobility helped a little I think but I'm not certain yet.

Trying to see if I can get a beating by the Wizard but I've been informed he's pretty busy, so not sure how this is going to go, otherwise I have some things to try at home. Pain-Face is going to be sore I think.
So, Shoulders today, something like:

Seated DB press: 3 x 8 x 16's
Arnold's: 3 x 8 x 14's
Side raises: 3 x 15 x 12's
Hammers: 3 x 12 x 16's

Stopped there, did some mobility:

Banded shoulder stretch (3 ways), bodged together Beauty Queen, then some thoracic mobility.

Turns out, what was knackered under my scapula has stopped aching as much now...Now it's what I presume is my infraspinatus (will look up some pics soon) this has always been dodgey, however it's basically on fire 24/7 now, coughing hurts it, breathing hurts it, bending over hurts it, picking up DB's hurts it, oh and the chest thing is still knackered, I THINK that's just muscular and extremely tight, however there does feel like bruising on the bone but who knows.

Maybe 2014 I'll be fixed?


Looking again, might be teres minor or major
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