Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

I wonder if you have a hypermobile lumbar/thoracic spine, which has lead to duff mobility in your shoulders/chest/etc.

In other words, you have been used to lifting and extending through your back rather than your shoulders, meaning your shoulders have spent [however long you have been alive] years not doing anything... and now you're reaping the nasty rewards from this. Either way, keep your shoulder mobility going. Stick balls all over your shoulders, etc.

I dunno. Just ruminating.
I wonder if you have a hypermobile lumbar/thoracic spine, which has lead to duff mobility in your shoulders/chest/etc.

In other words, you have been used to lifting and extending through your back rather than your shoulders, meaning your shoulders have spent [however long you have been alive] years not doing anything... and now you're reaping the nasty rewards from this. Either way, keep your shoulder mobility going. Stick balls all over your shoulders, etc.

I dunno. Just ruminating.

Can you elaborate on the hypermobile part of my lumbar etc? I figured my thoracic mobility wasn't great but I dunno what 'good' is.

Either way, I went from sitting down playing computer games and skate boarding, then in to lifting, so I guess that makes sense.

I know Pat was trying to hit my teres minor area etc, however it was like a plank of wood, no smashing and destroying seemed to hit it that much :(
Can you elaborate on the hypermobile part of my lumbar etc? I figured my thoracic mobility wasn't great but I dunno what 'good' is.

Either way, I went from sitting down playing computer games and skate boarding, then in to lifting, so I guess that makes sense.

I know Pat was trying to hit my teres minor area etc, however it was like a plank of wood, no smashing and destroying seemed to hit it that much :(

I just think that years of being a teenager meant you didn't learn how to use your shoulders properly and instead lifted with your back. Fixing it? Hockey balls. Lots of pain. No other choice.

My catalogue of back, shoulder and hip problems for somebody who thought they were pretty athletic was quite amusing.
Indeed. I find it annoying how stuff like this isn't re-enforced somewhat during school and things, instead you're forced to jog around a wet field and perform clap push-ups with crunches for PE lessons.

I'll have to just attack it, I'd rather someone else did it really as I'll no doubt just make it worse.
The problem definitely doesn't come from hypermobility in your thoracic spine, and although you get too much movement in your lumbar this won't be directly influencing your shoulders either.

Posture, tight pecs, and poor activation in your upper back.
The problem definitely doesn't come from hypermobility in your thoracic spine, and although you get too much movement in your lumbar this won't be directly influencing your shoulders either.

Posture, tight pecs, and poor activation in your upper back.

Yuzz, because that would be counterintuitive.

*derrrrrrrp* :D
The problem definitely doesn't come from hypermobility in your thoracic spine, and although you get too much movement in your lumbar this won't be directly influencing your shoulders either.

Posture, tight pecs, and poor activation in your upper back.

This is purely for my pec issue? How about the Terest minor/major and or Infraspinatus area? Toight and sin at the moment, ie painfully toight.
Yuzz, because that would be counterintuitive.

*derrrrrrrp* :D
This is purely for my pec issue? How about the Terest minor/major and or Infraspinatus area? Toight and sin at the moment, ie painfully toight.
All of that stuff comes from posture and pec tightness. Those little muscles are trying to crank your shoulder back into a non-explodable position, fighting a tug of war with your pecs. Pecs are bigger so they win.

You then end up with a bit of a catch 22, as the muscles that are supposed to be in balance with your pecs (including lower trap) do not fire properly due to the positional faults.
So basically my pec has had a fit when stretching it and doing soft tissue and has pulled my shoulder stuffs.

I'm just going to become a bro, apparently if you try and lift properly without doing bicep curls every session you just break.
Doctors today, they don't believe my chest is anything too bad, basically said ibuprofen for 1-2 weeks then re-asses :p

The workout felt horrible today, everything was off however it wasn't terrible. Chest was annoying me as every time I brace it just twangs. Ah well, hopefully the rest over Christmas will help.
It's body orientated, besides I booked it on Monday, worth getting other views, despite them being naff.

If anything it's put me one step closer to getting X-rayd :p

Tell them to shove the ibuprofen, you dont want to hinder the body doing what its good at diong.....and demand a physio referral as this is just one of many issues you need sorting.
**** Delvis, you'll break that x-ray machine with how broken you are! ;)

That would be awesome though.

Tell them to shove the ibuprofen, you dont want to hinder the body doing what its good at diong.....and demand a physio referral as this is just one of many issues you need sorting.

True, I'll see what happens next week and go from there, although I'm hoping Pat is a bit more free in the new year. Probably be fine then! :mad:
Tell them to shove the ibuprofen, you dont want to hinder the body doing what its good at diong.....and demand a physio referral as this is just one of many issues you need sorting.

I'm currently chugging 800mg of ibuprofen in one go, every four hours. Strangely enough, the area of my thigh onto which I dropped a 70kg bar yesterday doesn't hurt as much.

Sometimes it is just worth accepting that being pain-free (or having a smaller volume of pain) is actually worth the potentially slightly increased healing time.

Considering I had a coaching session this morning, being pain-free was actually quite nice. ;)
Back on it session: not going to be free much this week so did a random concoction of stuff.

Squats: bar x 10, 10, 40 x 10, 60 x 8, 80 x 3, 90 x 1, 100 x 1, 110 x 1.
Bench: bar x 10, 10, 30 x 8, 40 x 8, 50 x 1, 60 x 1, 70 x 1 (match pb), 75 x F
Seated cable row: 39 x 10, 10, 52 x 10, 59 x 10, 10.
Seated db press: 10s x 12, 14s x 12, 16s x 12, 12.
Deads: rdl x 10, 70 x 5, 90 x 3, 110 x 5, 130 x 1, 150 x 1, 160 x 1, 170 x F, 130 x 3.

Fin. Squats felt good after doing some ankle work. Bench felt nice, matched current pb and it felt nicer. Rows felt glorious. DB press felt tasty. Deads, those deads, felt amazing, so fluid and nomtastic, was being mired.

Cannot wait for the new year :)
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Last update for this year no doubt, ending it with some pics from today.

Currently sitting at 93.4kg, feeling exceedingly bloated and fat, although I'm not in reality, just my clothes are tight.

Anyway, here are the pics in spoiler tags:

Dat face. Not bad, now my shoulder is probably the healthiest it's been since snap number 3, I should be able to attack for that der shoulder and chest time.

And the 110kg squat test on high bar, which wasn't terrible considering the time off:

Plan for next year is to stay healthy and hit some size, PB's and go from there :)
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