Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Knees out doesn't appear to help pushing off my heals. Also if I attempt to keep my chest up I seem to just stick the middle of my spine in to extension.

Knees out gives you pelvis more room to sit between your heels... which in turn allows you to keep the weight further back. This is one of the amusing issues I encountered when switching to lifting shoes... you can't just squat the way you used to...

If you're slipping into extension, get your groin more mobile, or feet slightly further apart (depend on what works, naturally).

When I cue for 'chest up', I think about pushing my pelvis down and forward and levering your chest back. This might rustle jimmies on paper, but the point is to keep the thorax/abdomen rigid along a neutral spine and use the greater range afforded by the wedges in those shoes (i.e. simulated ankle range) to keep your body more upright whilst in the hole.
Knees out gives you pelvis more room to sit between your heels... which in turn allows you to keep the weight further back. This is one of the amusing issues I encountered when switching to lifting shoes... you can't just squat the way you used to...

If you're slipping into extension, get your groin more mobile, or feet slightly further apart (depend on what works, naturally).

When I cue for 'chest up', I think about pushing my pelvis down and forward and levering your chest back. This might rustle jimmies on paper, but the point is to keep the thorax/abdomen rigid along a neutral spine and use the greater range afforded by the wedges in those shoes (i.e. simulated ankle range) to keep your body more upright whilst in the hole.

What I mean is, I push my knees out already so it's probably my tight adductors stopping them going out even further...As it is they like 10+ degrees out from vertical if not more at the bottom.

The shoes aren't really the problem as I do this anyway, whenever I try and keep the weight back I just fall backwards :p :o I shall naturally keep attacking it.

Shall try what you say about chest up, I'm just exceptionally weak at the mid point of the lift.
What I mean is, I push my knees out already so it's probably my tight adductors stopping them going out even further...As it is they like 10+ degrees out from vertical if not more at the bottom.

The shoes aren't really the problem as I do this anyway, whenever I try and keep the weight back I just fall backwards :p :o I shall naturally keep attacking it.

Shall try what you say about chest up, I'm just exceptionally weak at the mid point of the lift.

Will have to see more vids to determine what you're doing. This time, without the catchers in the way obscuring your lumbar. :)
Legs: 10.12.13
Squats: 4 x 3 x 80kg, then 60kg paused for 3 to check things over.
BSS: 4 x 5 x 18's per hand.
RDL: 4 x 6 x 90kg

Squats, not bad, still weak at the middle of the lift, something doesn't work there.
BSS: wobbly as anything, right knee doesn't like being on the bench and feels like it's prying apart at the bottom.
RDLs: Best thing out of today.


Oh and I've managed to do something horrible to what I guess is my top most rib on the right hand side, press it and it's a nice stabbing pain, can also feel it when breathing deeply. Awesome.
Mmmm high bar. I've been doing paused squats too after my working sets, bodyweight-ish on the bar and just sitting for like 10 secs just getting used to being in the hole (herp-a-derp), feeling things that are supposed to be engaged are, CoG is correct etc.
Thursday 12th December: Shoulders (apparently)
PP: 50 x 1, 47.5 x 2, 45 x 3, 40 x 3, 3. (HAH)
Arnolds SS with (Side raises):
Arnolds: 16's x 6, 6, 6, 5+2.
Sides: 8's x 10, 10, 10, 10.
Face Pulls: 5 x 8 x 45kg

Well, OHP did not want to work today, no idea why. My chest pain appears to hurt during OHP, also caught it on the way down at the bottom of the press. Breathing deeply hurts it along with raising my voice.

It appears the right side of my body is failing. Gainz
What have you done to your chest?!

No idea, posted about it the other day. Pressing below the collar bone (not on the bone itself) gives a sharp pain, it's the same on the bone underneath the collar bone as well. Everything below that is fine.

As said, breathing deeply gives the sharp pain as well thumbsup.jpg

if OHP hurts, do other shoulder exercises?

It's not really the movement aggravating it, it's the bar resting on it. Annoying as PP was going well.
December 13th: Back
Deads: 4 x 3 x 145kg
SAR: 4 x 6 x 34's
BOR: 4 x 6 x 60kg
Seated Cable row: 52kg x 8, 59kg x 8, 8, 52kg x 8.

Deads: strangely felt heavy, set 3 I had a couple of ropey reps and felt things in my lower back a bit.
SAR: Bloody right pec giving me jip on this :mad: Low rest times.
BOR: Felt nice, up the weight. Low rest times.
Cable rows: noice, not much rest between sets.

So my pec wants to apparently affect every workout I do in some manner. Sweet.
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