Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

It looks like you're in one of "The Gym" gyms with the MATRIX stuff? Those racks are beyond poor, especially with the BAD. benches they have as well which make for a poor combination, you can't even do seated press because the rack and bench just aren't compatible together. Then you've got the poor increments that the bar spacings go up in as well, I often found one was too high and the other too low to be comfortable.
Wednesday 16th Jan: Back
  • Deads: rdl x 10 x bar, 70 x 5, 90 x 3, 110 x 3
  • Deads: 130 x 1, 140 x 1, 160 x 1, 140 x 3
  • BOR: 3 x 10 x 60kg
  • Cable row: 3 x 52kg x 12
  • Lat pull down: 3 x 12 x 45kg

Not a full session, felt a tad odd this morning back wise, putting it down to fatigue. Worked up to 160kg, which in all honesty didn't feel that amazing.

After the above the left of my back felt odd so concentrated on just getting a decent movement with BORs, worked nicely.

Back felt lovely and pumped afterwards anyway.
Deads from Wednesday:

The 160 doesn't look terrible, it felt horrible though, afterwards my back felt a bit 'twanged' on one side, could have been rushed week or a dodgey sleep as my backs been feeling weird again lately.

We shall see how Saturday goes, would love to get 180 however due to the change in training recently I don't know how that is going to go. Got to try these things to succeed.
...however due to the change in training recently I don't know how that is going to go. Got to try these things to succeed.


Saw this and was suitably perturbed. :cool:
Depending on what is hurting/sore/whatever, have a look at Quadratus Lumborum or whatever it's called.

My physio broke me with elbows when he was investigating some back pain I had a couple of months ago...
You could do the stretch where you lie on you back with your arms out like a crucifix, and alternately raise each leg across your body to the opposite hand. Is that called the crucifix?

A little bit of band distracted anterior hip stretching will help too.
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