Delvis: weight lifting log - time to conquer

Tuesday 21st Jan: Legs
  • Squats WU: 2 x 10 x bar, 40 x 8, 60 x 6.
  • Squats WS: 3 x 8 x 70kg - Terrible
  • Squats Paused: 80kg x 2, 2.
  • BSS: 3 x 8 x 14's
  • Lunges: 3 x 8 x 14's
  • RDL: bar x 10, 70 x 10, 3 x 8 x 90kg

Squats: Horrible, pains everywhere. Pain in my right knee if I push it out too far, pains in my mid lumbar I believe, pains in what feels like my sacrum or above it.

Everything else was just horrible for obvious reason but felt generally fine.

EDIT: Video:
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Friday 24th January: Shoulders
  • OHP WU: bar x 10, 30kg x 10
  • PP WU: 35kg x 4.
  • PP: 3 x 8 x 40kg
  • Arnold's S/S (Side Raises): 3 x 12's x 12, (3 x 10's x 15)
  • Face pulls (lat cable): 3 x 15 x 45kg
  • X-Body hammers (all S/S): 16's x 10, 14's x 10, 12's x 10, 10's x 10.

Dead this morning, late night Wednesday night and a late one last night, woke up and felt shattered....Dragged myself in eventually. Surprisingly I did the 40kg PP which I'm happy about and it felt generally fine! :cool:

Everything else was just tasty. Going in tomorrow to do my back workout.
Saturday 25th January: Back
  • Deads WU: Bar x 10, 70 x 5, 90 x 3, 110 x 3, 130 x 1
  • Deads WS: 3 x 5 x 140kg
  • Deads singles: 150 x 1, 160 x 1 - Lawd, that was slow.
  • Chins: 5, 4+1neg, 3+2neg
    -S/S with-
  • BORs: 70kg x 8 (nope), 65kg x 5, 5.
  • Cable Row: 3 x 12 x 47.3kg
  • Lat Pull Down: 47.3kg x 12, 12. 45kg x 12.

Deads felt nice today, some speedy reps on 140. I seem to have lost strength on my top end (160kg) which I guess is to be expected at the moment.

Chins, HAH, getting better I guess. BORs were too heavy at 70kg, too much leg, 65kg wasn't much better but it worked.

Cable rows felt gorgeous, easier than last week weirdly.

Lat Pull down, dropped the weight a touch as I was yanking it down towards the end.
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Monday 27th January: Chest
  • Bench: Bar x some, 30 x 10, 40 x 5, 45 x 2.
  • Bench WS: 3 x 8 x 50kg - DS: 40kg x 12
  • Inc DB Bench: 18's = 12, 12, 10+4
  • Rope Pull down (twist): 20.3kg x 15, 18kg x 15, 16.3kg x 15
    -S/S with-
  • V-Push down: 20.3kg x 15, 18kg x 15, 16.3kg x 15
  • Pallof Press: 3 x 10 x 18kg
    -S/S with-
  • Planks: 3 x 30s
  • Crucifix x 8 (each side)
  • Kneeling Thoracic twist: many each side
  • Pec wall stretch: two positions each side

Awesome, pleased with Bench, felt tasty and I might have found the sweet spot, just need to remember what that is next week.

DB Bench, same weight as last week as it made my shoulder feel gash, not so bad this week.

Triceps where dead this week after bench, so the assistance work was a bit lower, not a problem.
Pattern mate, weight is irrelevant at the moment, although it's getting towards heavy for me. Anyway, Bench is the first exercise so i'll be concentrating on it anyway, just need to remember where to bring the bar down to....

Also, why no congrats on my PP session you bar steward? Wheres the love?
Pattern mate, weight is irrelevant at the moment, although it's getting towards heavy for me. Anyway, Bench is the first exercise so i'll be concentrating on it anyway, just need to remember where to bring the bar down to....

Also, why no congrats on my PP session you bar steward? Wheres the love?

I don't give out certificates for turning up, you big jessy. ;)

In all seriousness, you're pushing what is (in the context of your training history) a fair old weight for some nice volume, which is great, but I', genuinely curious as to what you could push for 3 big reps. :)
I barely moved 50kg at the meet for Push Press.

Try harder. ;) :D

You've got the legs to get it a long way past your sticking point, so... :D

My guess is that you're changing your pattern depending on the load in the same way I change how I snatch when the weight goes over a certain psychological threshold.

Depending on what you're going to try and achieve, change the volume for intensity over a couple of weeks and see how it goes. Simply because it's fun to see how far these things can be pushed. :)
Depending on what you're going to try and achieve, change the volume for intensity over a couple of weeks and see how it goes. Simply because it's fun to see how far these things can be pushed. :)

You'll need to elaborate when it comes to things like 'change the volume' - Do you mean less reps but an extra set?

As said, I'm going for size, so chasing numbers isn't a massive priority at the moment :)
You'll need to elaborate when it comes to things like 'change the volume' - Do you mean less reps but an extra set?

As said, I'm going for size, so chasing numbers isn't a massive priority at the moment :)

Oh, I know you're after the masssssssss, which is awesome. :cool:

I am simply curious to see what you can lift with a push-press, so change from 3*8 to 4*6 to 5*4 to 5*3 or whatever to find what you can actually shift would be a fun physiological experiment.

But just be aware that I am a scientist, so poking things with a stick is a force of habit, I'm afraid. :D
I'll no doubt stall in the next couple of weeks as it's getting closer to my 1RM, so will no doubt need to shift things around :)

If you're recovering enough, then all that will get in the way is your mind.

Same reason my snatch has only moved 5kg in a year. Don't talk your self out of it before you even get there. ;)
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