Description of Afterlife?

27 Nov 2011
Of the most curious and perplexing questions in most peoples mind at some stage in life will be to contemplate on the purpose of their life and being here and what ultimately transpires after death.

Focusing on the events leading up to the Day of Judgement and destinations Paradise and Hell the Islamic version of events are expounded upon in great detail in the English lectures below. I hope the objective person will find them highly interesting and insightful glimpse into the afterlife as elucidated to in Islam.

Aim of this thread is not to ascertain whether you believe in God and afterlife or otherwise; rather if you do what do your authentic texts/beliefs state about it?

Lecture series in English language. High quality MP3. Click on ''play'' graphic icon or link when page loads.
As the intended audience is Muslims there is naturally usage of Arabic terminology at times; but hopefully this should not hinder from grasping the essence of what is being described.


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You really know how to poke a stick the hornets nest of GD, on another note I hope death is not the end but it kind of seems so.
I predict that this thread will start off poorly, decrease in what minimal quality it might of had, extremely quickly as everyone who thinks they know more than everybody else decides to tell everybody how much they think they know, people will hurl abuse at each other in the most underhanded way possible so as to avoid getting banned until someone loses it and gets banned where upon there'll be lots of back slapping and "lol we sure showed him" and absolutely nothing of any merit will be achieved whatsoever.

A thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters, et cetera.
I predict that this thread will start off poorly, decrease in what minimal quality it might of had, extremely quickly as everyone who thinks they know more than everybody else decides to tell everybody how much they think they know, people will hurl abuse at each other in the most underhanded way possible so as to avoid getting banned until someone loses it and gets banned where upon there'll be lots of back slapping and "lol we sure showed him" and absolutely nothing of any merit will be achieved whatsoever.

A thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters, et cetera.

if we are energy and energy transfers to another means, then will our energy just move onto something else?

yes, the energy will transfer to some other form of energy. however the consciousness will cease to exist. your energy /= consciousness.
I see your muslim, and this is about Islam.

most of the GD bunch are still asleep, which gives me time to finish making 31 tonnes of chocolate, go home and grab my popcorn.

but I think once we are dead that's it. No afterlife or anything.
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We are supposed to serve a purpose, we live to feed the planets ecosystem, something we are undoing with cremation and pollution. We are compost. :p
Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?
Douglas Adams
Not enough to see here yet. I will be back when it's over 4 pages and arguments have started.
I'll find out when I die, I have no control over what happens so I won't waste my time thinking or worrying about it. Use the time doing something you enjoy instead, there's a whole world and more out there that needs to be seen before the time comes.
Surely Alan knows what the Bible says about creation and how we were vegetarian at first?:rolleyes:

Can't hear the audio at the minute, could the OP list a few well known thoughts/facts of the Judgement/afterlife from a Muslims point of view?

One thing which may surprise some that I heard yesterday, is that Muslims acknowledge the Bible as the word of God aswell as the Koran. Do you know this to be true OP?
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