Description of Afterlife?


Please do provide me some evidence to prove otherwise?

Actually this is really easy.

My evidence that "your beliefs have little in the way of evidence to argue against":

You have provided me with no evidence of your beliefs being true.
You continue to provide me with no evidence of your beliefs being true.
You will refuse to provide me with no evidence of your beliefs being true.
No, I just cant stand arrogant little internet knights like yourself who are unwilling to accept that others may have a different viewpoint on things.

I accept that you hold a different viewpoint, I was trying to understand why you hold such a viewpoint. You seem to be unable to explain why without getting all angry and defensive.
Actually this is really easy.

My evidence that "your beliefs have little in the way of evidence to argue against":

You have provided me with no evidence of your beliefs being true.
You continue to provide me with no evidence of your beliefs being true.
You will refuse to provide me with no evidence of your beliefs being true.

So how exactly can you provide evidence on a matter such as this? Its impossible. As there is neither proof for or against it.
But "you" wouldn't experience life. This new person would experience life. Not that it matters as Sleeve88 has now clarified his "beliefs" to say that neurologically he is the same person which, to my mind at least, makes them even more spurious and unbelievable.

Essentially 'you' would be akin to experiencing life as a Baby, or for someone suffering from abject personality change/ would still objectively experience being alive and all the things that go with that, you simply would not be able to reconcile that with any former existence.

You would still exist however.

I would also wonder if your 'soul' has a recollection of all its previous experience in that transitionary non-corporeal existence that presumably would be the interlude between corporeal incarnations....maybe it is the corporeal human form that limits the 'soul' or 'you' if you will from experiencing each incarnation as a fully integrated continuance of existence?

I guess it would depend on the definition of "you". What is described seems to be no version of "you" I could ever identify with. For all intents and purposes, I would be dead.

I think the difference is in the way you define your experience, you would still exist, simply without your acquired experience in this incarnation....this is somewhat different from what someone who doesn't believe in any form of continuance would accept.

To be honest, the only person that seems to be getting offended at the moment is Sleeve88, but having seen some of his posts in other threads I don't think he likes having his views challenged at all.

I haven't come across him tbh, but I can understand why he might be defensive.
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Commendable effort, but it'll end in tears.

Locked before the end of the day?

You see this is what I don't understand. There is a section called Speakers Corner designed specifically for serious discussions. Threads are watched closely by the Dons and protected by the strict rules in there, meaning posts generally have ot be sensible... yet people seem to make the same mistake time and time again of posting serious threads in GD and then acting surprised when they turn into a bloodbath. :confused:

If you want a thread to be taken seriously then post it in Speakers Corner, that's what it's there for!
When you die its over.
A human is a biological computer... When power is cut it degrades and is gone.
So all you pansy religious peeps can go suck on a rock because there is proof that the human brain simply degrades.
Ultimately only one thing happens when you die, your body slowly breaks down and returns to its maker, Our Sun.
Ultimately only one thing happens when you die, your body slowly breaks down and returns to its maker, Our Sun.

Throw another virgin on the bonfire of the mighty sun god. If I've taken that the wrong way let me know before I do something I may regret. (I do like to get in on the ground-floor of a new religion.)
I don't rule out the possibility of something like reincarnation, but I suspect it's an unfalsifiable concept. I am conscious now but am not aware of any previous incarnations of me, which leaves two options. Either reincarnation doesn't take place or any reincarnation is like a hard reset, i.e. returning my consciousness to the "factory defaults". Either way, death is effectively the end as you'd only be aware of the life that you were living at the time.

Now, if we accept the concept of reincarnation for the sake of argument, here's some speculative rambling. If two human beings have been inhabited by the same consciousness, then how many consciousnesses are there? Clearly it's not the amount of human beings that have existed in this case. Could there just be a single one? We can only ever be certain of one consciousness existing - our own. Anyway, this is all meaningless drivel as it depends on something being true that I suspect isn't.
Throw another virgin on the bonfire of the mighty sun god. If I've taken that the wrong way let me know before I do something I may regret. (I do like to get in on the ground-floor of a new religion.)

not sure if joke, or didn't get my fusion reaction reference :p
I personally believe that the moment you die you are reborn into another body. With no memory or recollection of your life previous.

I know this has had some opposition, but the above is what I believe too and I'm not religious. Everything on Earth recycles, including consciousness. The new body by the way could be human or animal. The number of chromosomes that you get is pot luck.
When you die, you die. That's the end, there is no conciousness that continues, your body decays(or is burnt away) and that is it. As much as I like the idea of things continuing on, for example my mate who was killed in Afghanistan, I simply do not believe it happens.
Everything on Earth recycles, including consciousness.

I agree everything physical recycles and I find that to be a highly compelling, even beautiful notion. I see no reason why our conciousness would though, without a functioning brain surely our conciousness ceases to exist, while our constituent parts get recycled. Pretty much why I would prefer to be buried as I think I would be more useful to the worms than as heat and smoke. Better yet feed me to some hungry animals or a German sex pest.
I know this has had some opposition, but the above is what I believe too and I'm not religious. Everything on Earth recycles, including consciousness. The new body by the way could be human or animal. The number of chromosomes that you get is pot luck.

Consciousness is unique to you, your body and your genetic makeup, the neurons in your brain and everything else, it all makes you who you are. That consciousness will not transfer to something or someone else when you die. Those neurons rot away and that’s it.
The atoms that make us up fade into the Universe just as they emerged and somewhere else on the planet new life is born with new neurons and new genetics, a new person, not the remnants of someone else.

Logically, that’s the only way it can be and you don’t need to be agnostic, atheist or religious to see that.
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