
Thanks, I ran that now I am using the themes without themeXP which I have totaly removed. However when I try and change an icon on Aqus dock it crashes. It never done this when I first installed it. Anything you can think of? :)
must admit, i haven't used aquadock. have you tried another docking proggy like yzdock, object dock or avedesk? out of those i've only tried yzdock and it's not bad. :D
I use Avedesk for my desktop Icons and used to use object dock for the dock but then I tried Aqua and liked it but it looks like its a rip of Y'z dock? Wonder if there are any other docks about :p
I tried that and it's the same as Aqua however I just downloaded CandyXP and restored my icons and both Aqua and y'z seam to work fine now, and are able to now change icons without crashing... Odd but at least it looks like it's working again :D
My latest since the trouble started :o
Originally posted by IRTEZA
Here's mine, still need to change my samurize config.


Any chance of a copy of your config mate?...tiss sweet!! mail in sig if ya want to email it:)
Originally posted by Thomss
Huuuuuuge dock..

I used to have one as long as yours :( now mine is short with only a few bits on it :o

might have to buy the full version as i like everything on bottom tool bar well everything i use at least once a week. So the tabed dock looks quite good. humm decisions decisions.
Hey guys it's been a while!

My first screenshot of 2005 on my new laptop :)

I'm getting konfabulator for it soon too!

Originally posted by Dru
Hey guys it's been a while!

My first screenshot of 2005 on my new laptop :)

I'm getting konfabulator for it soon too!

Do you have to buy konfabulator or is it free?
Here's my latest of 2005
oops sorry guys double post.
must have been getting excited:o
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