
Originally posted by Otacon
Happy New Year Dru!

Forgive me bugging you for your inevitably brilliant wallpapers and themes throughout 2005 :D

lol i feel almost pressured to impress!!! I think i'll be modding my windows a little less now that i have my ibook but rest assured there'll be lots of wallpapers still and maybe i'll take a leap and start making my own VS's for windows....

I look forward to an eventful year!

oh and you don't have to buy Konfabulator but if you don't you get an annoying pop up box nearly all the time :(

I'm gonna buy it along with shapeshifter (haven't bought this much software in ages!!)
Several software purchases and some head scratching later.......

I'm loving the fact I can now turn Mac icons into Windows ones much more easily. :) expect some windows shots soon!
dru, what program is that for you messenger contacts in the top left corner?

looks pretty good, and could i have a link for that wallpaper please?

Hey guys, glad you like it.

Firstly I'll remind you it's a mac so the chat program I'm using is adium, The same thing can however be recreated on Windows using miranda and a few plugins.

The dock obviously is just the mac dock (although I've changed it a bit using transparentdock) once again a similar effect can be achieved using object dock or yzdock although you'd need to find a skin to give the white outline to the dock (i can perhaps make/find one for you)

The wallpaper is available for download Here

Hope thats helpful :)
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Originally posted by P_A_N_I_C

still working on samurize, but enough for one nights work

Very nice mate, wallpaper :cool: + what skin is that media player/winamp?
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Originally posted by $ilent\\'@rrior
Here's my latest of 2005


how do you get your icons to do that???
In whichever dock program you're using just set it to magnify (you can normally choose wide or narrow magnification).
Originally posted by ace2109
not using any m8 can you recommend any

yzdock is excellent (and free) although it does have to be closed down if you like to game on your computer.

Object Dock is also good and if i recall is also free (although parts of it are limited unless you purchase ObjectDock Plus!) its a tad more customizable I find but it uses up more RAM.

Ultimatly it's your choice but if you want yzdock you'll have to let me know so i can email it to you since it's no longer available for download on the net.
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