
Originally posted by AfroLightening

sorry i'm new to this sorta thing...i've got samurize, about to install it, but was wondering, what do you haveto do to get the now playing thing like you have in the corner, with album covers/song names etc as i've seen a few screenshots on here with people using it.
Originally posted by Thomss
Hey Dru,
Nice one. I like the hard drive Icon can & The glass? dock.
Can you get that for Y'Z dock?

I think I've got a skin like that for yzdock yeah. If i haven't then I can easily make one. As for the hard drive icon. You can download the icon set from the iconfactory website if you want it.

If i've got the dock bacground then i'll mail you it probably monday as i might be busy tomorrow and I'm not at home now.
Originally posted by Marcparker
sorry i'm new to this sorta thing...i've got samurize, about to install it, but was wondering, what do you haveto do to get the now playing thing like you have in the corner, with album covers/song names etc as i've seen a few screenshots on here with people using it.

Thats a samurize config i download from the site. its called Moe stat winamp i think. it comes with Ram usage and stuff but i just got rid of it.
help how do i reinstall windows themes?

Hey everyone happy new year,
I hope someone here can help me? I was recently playing around with one of the windows desktop creating progs, (not sure but i think it was style xp or samurize) but after a while I had to uninstall it. When i did i don't think i was paying any attention because it seems to have uninstalled all my windows themes as well so I'm stuck with the classic theme which is very boring indeed. It also seems to be preventing me from installing any new 3rd party themes what have i done?
I would really appreciate any help anyone can offer.
Originally posted by AfroLightening
Dru, how much did your MAC cost? if you don't mind me asking :)

I've got a 14' iBook with a ram upgrade to 512mb, bluetooth and no DVD-RW

Mine came to £1200 (with Apple Care)

i bought other accessories for it as well so it came to just over £1300 (iSight, apple mouse, a carry case and i just recieved my airport extreme base station so i can use it all over the house :) )

You can get it without any upgrades or apple care for £900.

I'm buying an external Hard Drive this week to go with it and then i'm saving up for either a 17' iMac or a 15' Powerbook. I think it'll be the iMac though cuz the powerbooks are so expensive.

They really are beautiful computers to use though. Tiger looks to be amazing when it comes out. What with spotlight and everything...

Originally posted by Otacon
perty :)

i'm sure its been asked before but as search is off... what IM is that Dru?

It's Adium 0.74 (not available for windows) but that setup can easily be achieved with Miranda and a plugin for it. :)
cool looking windows desktop calendar

Hey everyone I'm looking for a nice transparent looking windows desktop calendar anyone know any sexy ones that don't involve me installing samurize or anything else?

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