Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Finally managed to complete the raid. Took us about 7hrs start to finish with breaks for food here and there.

Currently sitting at 301, so hoping to get to 305 next week
Well against my better judgement I am not installing a freshly purchased copy of D2 for PC (I have it for PS4 w/ characters at 305 already).

Should give my new 8700k a work out! :D
I had this free with my recently purchased 1080 from OC. I have no idea what to think of it! It looks gorgeous and the gunplay is excellent. However I have no idea what's going on, where to go, nor who anybody is! The loot drops seem to be very infrequent for my liking, but that is coming from somebody who adores Borderlands and to be fair I didn't really know what to expect. Am I missing something in regards to getting better/nicer looking items? Is there a vendor i'm supposed to be visiting?

Just played a few rounds in the crucible and that is surprisingly fun. I think I am level 10 or so, just been playing through the story but it hasn't taken that long, which worries me when I believe the level cap is 20? Maybe I'm playing it wrong as I wasn't really expecting a quasi-MMO. Maybe I should team up with a few of you!
Okay.. I may have answered my own question; I jsut jumped back in and one of those random orange activities where everyone is involved was happening right next to where I spawned, so I joined in and completed killing one of those giant metal eyeballs. The reward was my first blue item I've seen! A pretty awesome rifle. HOWEVER, as a result of new found wisdom due to too much Highland Park I right clicked on something in the customisation section (something I didn't know existed until earlier this evening) and it's removed what was a quite exotic skin for my gun. Can I get this back? Also, where can I find more of these skins?

Thank you everyone.
Okay.. I may have answered my own question; I jsut jumped back in and one of those random orange activities where everyone is involved was happening right next to where I spawned, so I joined in and completed killing one of those giant metal eyeballs. The reward was my first blue item I've seen! A pretty awesome rifle. HOWEVER, as a result of new found wisdom due to too much Highland Park I right clicked on something in the customisation section (something I didn't know existed until earlier this evening) and it's removed what was a quite exotic skin for my gun. Can I get this back? Also, where can I find more of these skins?

Thank you everyone.

Hey there! After level 20 you just level up what's called "light". Its essentially just a number or level of what your gear is. So when you get a more powerful weapon say 220 but your old weapon was 200 then you will gain light based on this as well as your overall gear. You may see some activities require you to be a certain light level.

At level 20 you will get a golden/yellow bar which when you level you gain a rare or purple item. Not sure if you can get exotic from leveling up as i never have.

Exotics are golden yellow items and you can only have 1 weapon and 1 armor equipped at a time. Purple are the ones down from this and blues then greens then grey.

You can mod your weapons and armor but need to be a certain light to do it. Youll need glimmer and shards. You get glimmer from just about everything and youll have an abundance of it after a while. Shards is the next currency which you only get from breaking down purple or items or better.

Sorry this was just quick explanation on things as there is a lot to take in at first but it comes very easily once you start playing the game. Just play campaign and complete it. It will level you up quick enough.

I've been playing a lot more tonight. I have a yellow pair of trousers but they're a lower "power level" than other trousers so I don't use them, although I see that they can be upgraded with I think those shards you mentioned so I've kept them for now. Funnily enough, I've just transported back to The Farm and Eversense (I think) has a reward that I can choose; either weapon/armour skins or mods. That's cool but undecided as what to pick! I'm guessing that there's also a system that you can pay for these, but I've not seen them. I've got a plethora of glimmer that I've collected from discarding unwanted items, and loads of blacksmith materials recently.

How do you gain these exotic items? As I've no idea how I acquired these trousers, I think it was just a reward from the campaign.

Something has clicked tonight and I'm really enjoying it. I think the main issue to begin with was that it really wasn't what I was expecting regarding the overall setup and MMO aspect, but now i'm over that i'm well into it.
Up to level 18 but calling it for the night as I feel rough as ****.

Despite playing the beta / demo I am genuinely surprised how different the game feels on PC. Partly frame rate and partly "tighter" controls leads to a much quicker and smoother experience. It is hard to describe but it feels closer to D1 than D2 does on console (something changed and not for the better).

My 8700k (stock) and GTX1070 are holding up very nicely with my G-sync display. Very well optimised game all around.
I gained my only exotic item by going through the main campaign. About 3/4 of the way through you get to pick one. I have been told that the yellow and purple items can be upgraded by consuming the power of the similar weapons in your inventory, that way you can upgrade them :

That is true and any exotic you get can be "bought back" via your collections in the stash for 10 legendary engrams and infused with purples. Pretty epic tbh.

Prestige raid planned for Tuesday! Going to be fun :)
I can't stop playing this at the moment. I'm up to level 16 and I've just unlocked strikes etc. There seems to be a plethora of activities to do... I'm not sure why I keep reading about the poor "end game". Although maybe the novelty wears off quickly when you finish the campaign.
Up to level 18 but calling it for the night as I feel rough as ****.

Despite playing the beta / demo I am genuinely surprised how different the game feels on PC. Partly frame rate and partly "tighter" controls leads to a much quicker and smoother experience. It is hard to describe but it feels closer to D1 than D2 does on console (something changed and not for the better).

My 8700k (stock) and GTX1070 are holding up very nicely with my G-sync display. Very well optimised game all around.

Make sure you're on 388.31 if 1440p+ gsync. Big gains in fps. In fact, coming from an older driver, it's probably the biggest gain I can remember for a long time.
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