Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Coldheart doesn't have the same problem as the Lens, so that would be pretty one-sided.

No but they could've made a special mode. You just have either the coldheart or lens depending on team so it's blue and red lasers going everywhere. And give everyone the movement buff so everyone is running and jumping even higher!

It will never happen.
christ bungie is starting to get on my nerves..maintenance from 4 to 11pm can this not be done during the bloody night no. rant over lol.
yeah, looks like fifa will be getting hammered tonight instead.

If only the Americas and Europe servers were separate...

I'm a Bungie fan and a Destiny(1) fanboy but I'm quickly running out of patience with them. They're quite lucky I was stupid enough to buy the legendary edition as if I didn't, I don't think I would've been buying this current DLC.
christ bungie is starting to get on my nerves..maintenance from 4 to 11pm can this not be done during the bloody night no. rant over lol.

Darnit, I had a bit of a gaming sesh lined up for when the wife was at work. Looks like that is out the window now.

yeah another is scheduled for thursday from 3 to 4 am at least its during the night

Give it time, they will realise their mistake and reschedule for peak evening time.
Oh sweet days, they have introduced selectable vanguard rewards and I have FINALLY got Origin Story. I'm so happy I could wee in my Phoenix Strife leggings
This is a long shot. Anyone find their computers crashing completely whilst fighting Calus? Especially in the void room. Well seems explicitly in the void room.

Had this happen to me, across 2 different PCs so can't be hardware. Recently built myself a new PC. Re-installed drivers. Tried everything. Doesn't happen all the time mind you.
I had a crash yesterday randomly but wasn't anywhere noteworthy.

It's weird, use to happen fairly regularly on my old PC.... upgraded to a new PC (not because of that issue mind you :P)... then boom. Same place. No where else this happens. Thought ok, maybe it was just a massive coincidence first time it happened on the new PC.... last night it happened again.

Haven't had a crash anywhere else.

None of my mates have ever had this issue.... none of them run AMD cards though :(
Realbench quite good for catching instability in this case. I found if I could pass an hour of Realbench stress test then I didn't get any D2 crashes. (Until I messed around with my clocks again/changed bioses :p)

Your mileage may vary. :)
Fwiw I still get random crashes in the game but they can occur anywhere really, this is on a non overclocked pc, updated driver, fresh windows install etc.
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