Destiny 2... It's a coming!

Does this extend to the second clan? I'm never going to be level 25 as I don't own the DLC (on principal as I'd only owned it a week before they changed the endgame) but actively play daily.

I'm not too sure about the second clan, if i'm honest. I don't really know the best way to manage it really as I don't want to boot people out who are still playing but don't have the latest expansions. If I kicked anyone and they feel they should be in the clan just say here and i'll add in again.

Something I just spotted on Reddit that could be useful in lieu of Bungie doing anything - :)

Should I remove anyone who hasn't been active in the last month+ ? should give us plenty of free space for new active members then
OK, so i'm clearing the clan out. If you haven't played in over a month you'll be getting removed.

32 spaces free :)
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As long as you'll be active your current level doesn't matter :) I only was going by level as had no way to check peoples activity until the link posted a few above.
Probably already common knowledge now but when the verse weapons first came out i think we were all unsure what would happen if you infused them for your other items, could you recraft on other 2 chars etc. I just got a leg engram from mercury pub event and it gave me the Sol Pirhai 6 machine gun even tho i already had one at 335 so the answer to the question is NO you cannot re-craft them on other chars as they are shared on your 1 account, but they are unlocked and added to Vance's drop table.
Yeah we raid a lot tbh, and finally got the lair under our belt so will be starting Sherpa once we do it a few more times :)
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